Ok, woah. How in f***'s name do you get SIXTEEN FREAKIN PAGES?
I got to 8, reading every single f***ing entry, then gave up and clicked last to see where it ended up.
Funny how everyone is obsessed with frickin pirated Photoshop and Office eh?
And now for my two cents:
In april or may of 1999, i bought My first computer. mum and dad had an LCII but i wanted a new imac. so i bought one with money mum had given me a few months before. i got ripped off wildly. but i thought it was cool then. a little while later, after spending countless hours in chatrooms, and not knowing about many mac-alternatives, i went back asking about how to run windows on their as well. $399 australian later, i was the owner of a legal VPC 3.0 licence.
Not including software that is bundled with Macs today, (OS, AppleWorks with iSeries, iMovie with some, etc) i have never bought a piece of software since.
I have OS X. i didnt pay for it.
i have Office X, 2001, and 98. i didnt pay for any of them.
i have vpc 4. i didnt pay for it.
i have fireworks 3 and 4, dreamweaver 3 and 4, flash 5. a dodgy copy of photoshop...6, and various other adobe apps. i didnt pay for a single one.
the point is, i have no qualms about downloading illegal software. with the bloated prices of ALL software today (wtf is a FREE $20 update?) i must have over $20 000 worth of software, if you include things like reg. codes for QT, codecs, fonts, etc.
I have maybe...4, 5 gig of "pirate" software, now that i have os x. am i bragging? no. do i wish the software was "legal"? sometimes, when i think what a pretty picture all the "aqua" style boxes must look like on a wall together

. would i have the software if i HAD to buy it? Nope. i have Word, etc. because it has more features than appleworks, and i now how to use them, and, it is SO much easier for doing work at TAFE (a bit like uni) without having to keep converting shit.
As a guy who works in web-design said to me last year, specifically about cracks/warez for Adobe/Macromedia apps.
They don't care about home users. if you start to make money, you should buy it.
Hell, the comany doesnt even have 100% legit software. they own the stuff that makes them money, but the tech guy there uses some slightly dodgy stuff every now and then. while i was there, he used a dodgy serial number for an app they owned, because he lost the original.
the point is,
some people say they will pay when they start making money, or can afford to.
i, and many others have said we wouldnt buy the software anyway.
some say that we ae hurting developers, just like stealing a car.
not really.
steal a car, and an actual item is missing, and an actual insurance company has to payout actual money.
COPY software and all you get is a copy. sure we don't buy it, but i don't think anyone would "steal" a copy just because they can, if they were intending to buy it.
you cant lose out on money someone wasnt going to spend.
thats my twenty two cents.