Ah thank you!
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
ksv, are you accusing me of drinking and posting?![]()
you should know i gave the stuff up.![]()
Originally posted by theed
And to wrap up my "intellectual thread" into here. I think that commercial organizations are too powerful, and are overcharging (generally) for software. There should be some sort of governing body looking out for consumers of software, and there isn't. At least not in the US. Just think if some government decided to put $50 million on a word processor application that would then be freely available. A public work like a dam or a bridge. Wouldn't that be worth something?
Originally posted by theed
I actually think that much food is too cheap. Do have any idea how hard it is to be a farmer these days? I also think gas is too cheap here in the U.S. And the rest of the world would seem to agree with me. I think air fares are too cheap. It seems plainly obvious that airlines were not maintaining proper standards, and passing on the costs of potential risks in their business model as cost to the consumer. Airlines destroy the environment and endanger lives every day, but when they charge too little to cover their butts, they ask for government help. Airlines have been government subsidized since day 1.
Originally posted by theed
I think health care is too expensive, and teachers underpaid, and intellectual property overpriced for the common good. That's what capitalism is after all supposed to be about, the common good. Not the business good. Full world economics is going to break a lot of things. This is the world as I see it. ... sorry for double posting. I feel as strongly about these issues as you do on yours. It's rare that I can't see eye to eye on some level with even the the most staunchly opposed debaters.
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Capitalism is about individual competetive potential in the business world -- Socialism is about the common good.
Originally posted by testuser
If the OSes were sold would you buy them (similar to what collectors of other items do)?
For example, say you did not have the Mac OS X Public Beta. Would you then have been interested in purchasing it off me (I have the Mac OS X PB CD, booklet, packaging, etc)?
This does not prove anything one way or the other with regards to piracy (and is not intended to). Maybe we should make another thread: Mac users and the software they collect. We can even give it a snazzy title like "Bizarre Software Fetishes".
Originally posted by ksv
No, I just see a very interesting phenomen on these forums.
Here's a good recipe for a thread with over 100 replies:
-One Ed
-An Admiral or two
-1 PC user
-A couple of 30+ lines posts
-A few other well-known posters
-1-3 strangers
Mix them all together, and... wheee!![]()