Originally posted by toast
I would like two things from you, MacLuv:
1) Please give EXACT reference of what you're talking about and post here the exact URL of the censored post, with original post and new one.
2) Please leave an option in your poll saying "NO, I want Ed Spruiell to stay THE SAME and to act just as he did in the past". I think this would be more fair.
I hope you understand why I am asking those two things, esp. point #2.
Oh, I should be fair now? Well, considering a post that I spend a half hour typing up was simply deleted becuase somebody felt like it isn't really fair now, is it? As a member of this forum, I contribute my opinions in hopes to improve the quality of our experience here... if I find another members' comments completely out of line I have a tendancy to be sarcastic but never rude or immoral. And I certainly don't need to be moderated, thankyou. And forgive me Ed, if you're reading this, but just because you are the moderator of this forum doesn't neccessarily mean that there isn't room for improvement on your part. I would gladly post the reference to the post that got axed but I can't see--because it got axed.
I'm going to say this once. The goal of the moderator or administrator in any of these forums is really to make sure that nothing EXTREME is going on... to keep the peace... a little sarcasm or debate or foolishness is common and at times healthy... some people in here are allowed to post the most ludacrist things regarding Apple and yet if a rebuttal has a few sarcastic comments within it--snip snip.
Also, you say you never saw so much censorship in your life. I saw more, I can tell you. Ed is a RATIONAL and applies RATIONAL censor to these forums. But again, to debate this point, I'd like to read your original post and its censored version please. You may have heard a lot of rumors, that's the point of this forum , and you should know one thing : rumors are what they are. RUMORS.
You've seen more censorship? Where, in China? Like I said, it's fine if the moderators and admins of a forum reserve the right to edit posts, whatever, but for the sake of the community one must procede with diligence. Surely if someone like Ed was on the bench, we'd all be fined for chewing gum in class. That's how I feel about it, and I have a right to the way I feel. If you don't like the way I express how I feel, I'm sorry, but that's this wonderful human phenomenon called a PERSONALITY. It makes the world an interesting place to live in when we can all express ourselves. Try it sometime, you might like it.
I personnally think your reaction of creating your own Mac forum with no censorship bla bla bla is, in my humble opinion, childish, irrational and very much a tantrum. I think the same of your 'me' signature, but I expect this one of being a stupid joke.
Okay, why wouldn't I start up my own forum? The software is free and I have the server space and the technical know-how... what's the big deal? And what's irratioonal about wanting to have a forum that truly welcomes opinions without censorship? I'm not talking about full-on Usenet flame wars here, but discussion over the internet.
Really, the proper protocol for Ed to delete a post should have been this: Five or so people directly complain about the post, Ed follows up and finds out what the problem is, and then takes the neccessary actions. It's really simple. But just deleting someone's post on the grounds that it's "immoral" to this community is within itself insane.
As I've said before, I'm here to talk things Apple, not moderate the moderator. This is the last post I'm going to post about this post, if you know what I mean. I hope that people realize that I'm human too, I get angry when I'm censored unjustly, and this is my way of expressing that. And once again, don't test my reserve about opening my own site for this stuff... I'm sure the macosx admin wouldn't want to lose all his/her members to a cooler site
now, back to the bitchin'....