Who will/would you vote vor?

Who will/would you vote for?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • Other/Won't/Wouldn't vote

Results are only viewable after voting.
"the feck" = "wtf"? If so, then yeah, she played Palin on SNL, and she's on and behind "30 Rock".
"the feck" = "wtf"? If so, then yeah, she played Palin on SNL, and she's on and behind "30 Rock".
Feck is colloquial Irish, closer to "what the friggin' hell" than the more commonly used, and very coarse, 'F' word. My priest in Cork used it all the time. It's perfectly safe to use with most Irish mother-in-laws, but I don't think the Pope would use it.
Tsk tsk, the feck part of this would need another thread. Should I ask my coworkers (one of them from Blarney, and all the Irish ones claiming they can speak Irish) the full acceptable use policy for the word?

Anyway, back to the prez stuff. I'm glad that the elected one isn't geologically confused. It would be pretty bad if the vice/prez didn't know to list even the counties in North America. Or maybe America is a country, just like Africa...
I was the one who voted McCain (in this forum vote) but really voted for my co-worker out of protest of both parties corruption.
But would one still use a "what" in front of "the feck"? I'm confused. :)
Oh I see now. Well 'who' would probably be best, although 'what' might work. Hopefully Giaguara will provide some appropriate uses for the feck word.

Back to topic (and I apologise for digressing), but the British media has disappointed me somewhat. It is a seismic event to have an African-American as President (just as seismic as Rosie Park's defiance on that bus), but BBC commentators seem to be suggesting Obama got in only because he is African-American, not because of the 'content of his character' (to quote Dr Martin Luther King).

I wonder whether commentators in other countries may have also gilded the lily by over stressing the race factor?
Just to add to the already known results, here in Australia, our surveys showed, 76% for Obama and 10% for McCain.
The other 14% just wanted more air time of Sarah Palin, is she hot or what?