Windows driver cd for my macbook pro doesnt fully work


ok i got this computer yesterday from a friend.

updated the software, updated the firmware.. got bootcamp made a cd and installed xp

the driver cd worked for most of the hardware, but not for either ethernet controller.

anyone know how to get drivers for the nic card and the wireless card? or can anyone send them to me for the macbook pro. Its a core duo version. not a core 2 duo.

its such a pain.. i tried burning new driver discs, and got a couple different firmwares to make sure i was updating to the right one..

nothing worked.

any help? thanks i need it.. ive only been using a mac for 2 days
did you at some point interrupt the process of the driver CD which should install everything automatically? can you simply start the process again?
no i ran the entire drivers disc, and it went all the way through then said error.

and the only drivers that didnt work were the ethernet controllers and maybe one or two other things.

i did realize that i installed a version of windows that only has service pack 1. but would that make any difference? i wouldnt really think so.

i read that the only reason you cant use sp1 or any other os's is because you wouldnt be able to eject the windows disc without first installing the bootcamp drivers.. but i was able to eject the disc fine, i just had to go into my computer and eject from the file menu.

then i ran the driver disc and all worked fine, except the ethernet controllers never finished. im going to try and get a new copy of windows xp with sp2 and install it again but its a long and tedius process.. i dont really want to do it for no reason.
You wouldn't be reinstalling Windows for no reason. BootCamp only supports Windows XP w/SP 2 on the same disk. There are instructions on the internet for 'slipstreaming' SP 2 to an earlier XP install CD, so you could also try that.

And, of course, the drivers install CD likely needs that SP 2
And - from the BootCamp 'read before you install' file
Important: You must use a single-disc, full-install Windows XP CD that includes Service Pack 2. You cannot use an upgrade version of Windows XP, and you cannot install an earlier version of Windows XP and update it later to SP2. Do not use Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
ok yeah you were right.. i reinstalled it before i actually read the post and it did work.

guess i just need to read more carefully next time. but the guide i used didnt say anything about the sp2.. i had to read that on the boot page later on.

thanks for the help...
I am having the same exact problem: installed bootcamp on my macbook pro using Windows XP sp2 and can not access the network cards/drivers. Did you ever get access to the internet from windows in bootcamp, dvyi83??? If so, what was the solution???
When you are booted to Windows, you then should insert your Leopard DVD, and the drivers install will autorun.
If your MacBook Pro shipped with Leopard (OS X 10.5 or higher), then you should use the OS X restore DVD that came with your MacBook Pro, which would be disk #1 of the 2-disk set that you have. Again, put that disk in while you are booted to Windows. After the drivers are installed, restart Windows, and your network drivers should be installed.
Thanks, I want to try this right now, but I only have my original Tiger disks on me (Leopard at home). Will Tiger disk #1 work?

Boot Camp was a limited beta that expired once Leopard came out. There is no was past that.
That post makes it sound like Boot Camp has expired.
Just so no one misunderstands, the Boot Camp beta, released as a future Leopard feature prior to the Leopard's release, did expire when Leopard was released, and the beta is no longer useful. It was replaced by the Boot Camp is Leopard.
It turns out that the solution WAS to boot into bootcamp and then install the disc 1 of 2 of Leopard install pair. This automatically began installing the drivers windows needed to control SO many important pieces of hardware, among which was the network driver. Thank you so very much. I'm up and running!