macosxuser said:
The MacBook Pro gets hot running OSX.
I think the drivers you are talking about are the power management drivers which are different to a hardware sensor that controls the internal fan.
I've got an old Lombard Powerbook and there are a lot of forums with questions about why Lombard users can't hear the internal fan switch on and the Lombards running too hot etc, sort of similar to the MacBook Pro concerns.
Power Management includes both battery and cooling systems, (among others), with both hardware sensors and software controllers (drivers and system configuration) affecting control of the system. I don't have any links for your education, but Apple probably has some good info in their support area. Some basic information about more modern power control in laptops would help you out..
The Lombard does not have access in any way to control the fans, they simply are on all the time (no variable speed, just on. That's why you don't hear them come on. (They don't stop until you shut the Lombard off, or sleep)
On the other hand, the newer PowerBooks, and now the MacBooks, have full control over the fans, detecting over-temp, over-current, and also software control for other situations. The software control over the fans is independent of the hardware control. (For example, the fans will turn on when the system detects a locked-up condition, which has nothing to do with temperature. A Lombard has no way to do this, but the Lombard's fans are always running, or have only simple temp control)