(Sorry this post is so long... I'm trying to make sure I've said everything I need to, and I'm looking for different angles to make my point if I haven't done so already.)
rhisiart said:
fryke said:
... yes, bbloke, I've seen the videos, too. I've seen them again and again,
but let's let it rest, please.
I think bbloke thinks you were dismissing him, i.e. looking at Rooney through British (sic) eyes, perhaps implying that he is blind to any opposing opinion.
Thanks, rhisiart.
This is basically it: I feel dismissed quickly and patronized, as I'm effectively told I need to be "put right" by someone who allegedly knows better than me and seems to think they are not also biased.
fryke said:
(Deco, btw., _did_ get a red card, didn't he...)
Well, he didn't, actually. Not in the way that I'm talking about. Deco got a yellow card for a reckless tackle when he was angry. He then got a second yellow card, which leads to a red, for messing about with the ball ("time wasting") at a later stage. That's two yellows, not a single red for an aggressive act. Therefore, Deco and Figo did
not get red cards when they lashed out in anger.
Also, what I was mainly referring to was your phrase "But if he can't stay the heat..." The saying "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" means "Dont take on a job if you are unwilling to face its pressures" (
http://www.bartleby.com/59/3/ifyoucantsta.html). So I'm saying if you think Rooney shouldn't be playing because of his temper, then surely neither should more than one of the Portuguese side. I'm applying your own rules to your own team, basically.
fryke said:
... I think you took my message down the wrong throat
I certainly hope so, but it didn't
seem that way in the light of the rest of the conversation.
The crux of it to me is this: we are
both biased.
Neither of us is truly objective and therefore neither can talk in absolute terms to the other. Life is never that simple.
So that we could move on, I just hoped for an indication that you were not peering down your nose at me, not telling me you know best, not saying that a pro-Portugal bias does not affect you, and not saying that my views are "wrong" and based purely in bias, rather than facts. I feel I didn't get that, alas.
fryke said:
But let's let it rest, please.
I agree with this and genuinely
want to, but I find it very difficult because the following bits of text seem to indicate to me that nothing's changed...
fryke said:
but that kick in the balls was clear
You see? How can I feel like we've moved on when you say this sort of thing? It's not a problem that you disagree with me, that's fine. It's the manner in which you talk down to me. You just tell me I'm flat out wrong and there can be no room for uncertainty. I've tried to talk about what I saw, what people of
other nationalities saw, of me
accepting my own national bias, of me
being open to being wrong, how
you will be biased too, and so on. But I feel the reply I get is basically a very simple and a very absolutist: "......
You're still wrong." I'm surprised and disappointed by this.
Also, with something
so difficult to judge (as you agree), I find it amazing that anyone could say that it
definitely or
clearly was or was not a deliberate stamp...
fryke said:
even the English fans in the pub I was at agreed that for this he got the red card...
Agreed that is what he was sent off for? Well, it was, according to the referee's report!
If you mean that it was a deliberate foul... then... again... some English fans think it was deliberate, some don't. Some non-English viewers think it was deliberate, some don't. I've already stated that opinion is divided, so I don't find this statement achieves anything.
To repeat: I both accept that I have national bias and accept that I may be wrong in my interpretation of events. The issue for me is that is appears as if only one of the two of us accepts these things about themself.
fryke said:
I agree about Italy vs. Germany, btw. Good game
Yup, it was. Some have even said they thought it was the best game of the tournament.
Tonight's match between France and Portugal should be interesting, and there were some comments in the media by Gallas. Here's hoping France are on form and that the match is played fairly by both sides. This is one of the very few occasions that I'll actively cheer on France!