I'm sorry I didn't look at this section sooner... Hi there FrgMstr!
Uttered by FrgMstr
why would you diss .net its an amazing all in one Development Enviroment...
In VC++ dont know about the rest you can go to full screen mode...
Okay, so you have experience with Visual C++, and don't seem to know about the rest, so I'm guessing that your statement about how
amazing .NET is must be based on gut feeling and not experience. And the point of .NET was to get people to use Microsoft products and to have people keep all their personal info on Microsoft servers.
Now, the thing about that which is so bad (as if the security holes in Passport wasn't bad enough) is that Microsoft states in their licensing agreement that any information on Microsoft servers can be used by Microsoft without their needing the users permission. That means that if they want to go through people's Hotmail accounts, MSN accounts, and Passport information, they can.
Apple likes to make money too you know they do it by charging over the top prices for under rated hardware didnt you know. You dont moan about them not being giving and sharing
This would be the same Apple that held up Quicktime 6 and MPEG 4 because they don't want people to have to pay huge prices to use the standard like the other members of the MPEG 4 group wanted. The major difference between Apple (or most companies for that matter) and Microsoft is that Microsoft wants to get rid of competition.
And we can go round and round about the hardware, but we don't want you running from the site with your tail between your legs again, now do we.
besides i will have a go at OSX when the port it to the AMD Sledgehammer, which they will do.
No, they won't. Why, for the same reason Microsoft dropped support for Windows NT on PPC and MIPS, no application base to get users to move to those systems while using NT. We could go on with examples, but you wouldn't be able to follow along anyway.
Selling Operating Systems can be quite profitable, ask MicroSoft, but then i wouldnt expect Steve Jobs to think different
Microsoft Windows put MS where it is today
Microsoft is were it is today because of DOS, backwards compatible operating systems, and being pre-installed on almost every PC ever made (which means they earn money weather or not someone wants to use Windows or not). And getting people to use the Office products file formats as a standard. If you believe anything else, then you have a poor grasp of computer history.
And if selling operating systems is so profitable, what happened to Be and NeXT. Once they dropped the hardware, they started to lose profitability. No company is going to use the x86 platform for other operating systems because of all the great operating systems that have left or died on the platform (Solaris being the latest to drop x86 support). But hey, you know Windows, so what do you care what the rest of the computing world is doing.
Side Note:
I use this Forum because im thinking of getting a MAC.
How's that Mac working out for you? Oh and if this is like a few months ago where you said
"well actually i was just saying it was funny(you lot take things to seriously and have no sense of humour)", actually I laugh at every thing you post.