Fraggy, poor sad Fraggy,
The wonderful thing about this is that it
is a public forum. People are seeing this stuff. I just figure that at some point in time you are going to wake up and read what you've been posting and either (1) run from this forum out of complete embarrassment, or (2) reengage me in an actual content filled argument.
I'll admit it though, watching you post is a ton of fun (specially knowing that others
are watching this). As for you laughing this stuff off, your tone seems to be saying something different. The best part of this is seeing your next post because it tells me just how upset you really are. I do have fun getting under your skin Fraggy, but I would rather meet you head on with facts, which you retreated from after only a couple post (that did hurt). I love pounding you with facts, I just never thought that you could be such an emotional wreck after a couple post (you didn't brake down that fast in the past, so I am worried about your mental health, you are currently my favorite plaything).
I truly want to think that your current poor showing is actually because of lack of sleep or some chemical dependance, because then it wouldn't be an actual reflection of you.
And I'm sorry that you don't like my commentary on your quotes, maybe you should be more careful about what you say in public in the future (
Note: I don't actually mean that, I really want you to keep posting the way you have been 
by Fraggy
Please by all means keep the jokes coming, i think im gonna start printing these off and taking em to work so you can brighten up the day of more then one person, i almost feel guilty hogging you all to myself.
Just to let you know, there is an easier way... e-mail a link to the thread! Of course then you wouldn't be able to edit out your most embarrassing moments. Besides, I sure that half the reason you are taking those post with you to work is to ask for help (maybe this will signal the possible beginning of Fraggy posting content again, it could happen

). Hopefully you have taken this time to learn about Web Objects... oh, wait that is right, you don't need to because your
opinion in this particular subject carries more weight then anyones.
And please, please, take some time to post. Your posts have been very hard to read, and you seem to think that you are saying one thing when you are actually posting another. I can only comment on what you are actually posting here Fraggy, not what you are thinking. You should have your computer read your posts back to you, you just might see what other people are laughing at (and if you do it before posting, we may actually get a clear thought out of you).