Would we see Mac .NET?

again Ulrik, i think you are serious about a discussion and then you dont seem to understand what is said, i take it youre not english or something.

I explained my opinion to you very nicely, but once again you show your arrogance.

in which case yes i think you should go and leave the discussion too firstly someone who can interpret the english language and secondly someone not so opiniated as yourself who also doesnt tend to see in others what he want to see and not what is actually there.

Bye Bye Ulrik.

1 down 1 to go
I would discuss with you if you wouldn't flame everyone as soon as you he doesn't have the same opinion as you. But for no, 2 down, 0 to go. You must feel great!
by the still dazed and confused FrgMstr
however i also stated that i feel my opinion is quite an educated one since i have actually used most of the other Environments as also stated earlier.

I therefore feel my opinion in this particular subject carries more weight then just anyones opinion which is what you are trying too make it out as(if you know what i mean).


Probably not RacerX cos he knows it all anyway, or atleast he likes to think so.

Okay FlameMstr, which is it? First you are saying that you know everything and than say that I think I know every thing? Have you read your posts? Have you no self-respect? This is so sad, I thought you would have some sense about you a few hours later. Sad.

FlameMstr best arguments of today (remember his opinion carries more weight than anyone)
Man you are full of yourself arent you... i dont care Ill just sit back and laught at your Ignorance, LOL.
Ignorance is bliss eh RacerX, well i dont know but id like too know is it.
Anything ive not hit on yet, is not worthy of my attention due to their complete falseness and i dont have time to educate you otherwise.
ah Racer, you are so stupid,

Come on Fraggy, this is such a poor substitute for content. You really are a poor reflection on the state of Trolls today. I mean even ManicDVN would offer up some supporting information between personal attacks. But I digress.

one of FlameMstr most confusing sets of statements today
i feel my opinion is quite an educated one since i have actually used most of the other Environments as also stated earlier.


Believe me i would like to diss WebObjects but since i have no experience in it i cant

So which is it Fraggy? Wasn't it also your opinion that Apple doesn't have any development suite to match it, only to be shown an example of one you seemed oblivious to.

claimed by FlameMstr
i dont mind arguing all day, it gives me a break from my studies and a bit of fun.

I guess you just didn't want to argue today then. Because later you tell us you don't feel a need to.

Not to rub your nose in it, Fraggy, but have you actually gone back and read what you posted today? It was truly your poorest showing of mental ability to date (and that is not even bringing up the emotional instability that seem very apparent). Maybe a good nights sleep would help you.

This is so sad, so very sad. :(

there you go again taking Quotes and then making a comment about each quote which has absolutely no relevence to the quote youve taken. please try and make some sense if youre gonna come back into this thread.

And its called sleep Racer, a human needs it didnt you know that why ive been gone for a few hours. then again i forgot i have to spell everything out to you and then you still dont understand.

Im still laughing now Racer you really are a joke nothing you say and imean nothing makes sense you contracdict yourself all the time. I mean you call me the FlameMaster but when i make a perfectly polite non bashing post in another thread you try to start an argument again.

Is your life that lacking that you get your kicks by starting arguments online, you know you probably need a woman or something i dont know but i wish youluck in finding it.

your only problem here is that normally you may be able to irritate people etc(you know to fullfil your sad existence ) but i just laugh at you, YOU are a joke.

Please by all means keep the jokes coming, i think im gonna start printing these off and taking em to work so you can brighten up the day of more then one person, i almost feel guilty hogging you all to myself.
wow :eek: ...
6 pages of this stuff !!??!!?!
well I will make my completelly unrelated comments here and let you all flame eachother :p
I was talking on the subject with a friend and classmate of mine that works for a company doing M$ development (mostly drivers I think), and they are working on upgrading drivers to 2k/XP/.net. Somehow he was SO convinced that they would have mac .net framework out as well, but I seriously doubt it. Of course he is one of those people that sees nothing wrong with M$ lol :p

Fraggy, poor sad Fraggy,

The wonderful thing about this is that it is a public forum. People are seeing this stuff. I just figure that at some point in time you are going to wake up and read what you've been posting and either (1) run from this forum out of complete embarrassment, or (2) reengage me in an actual content filled argument.

I'll admit it though, watching you post is a ton of fun (specially knowing that others are watching this). As for you laughing this stuff off, your tone seems to be saying something different. The best part of this is seeing your next post because it tells me just how upset you really are. I do have fun getting under your skin Fraggy, but I would rather meet you head on with facts, which you retreated from after only a couple post (that did hurt). I love pounding you with facts, I just never thought that you could be such an emotional wreck after a couple post (you didn't brake down that fast in the past, so I am worried about your mental health, you are currently my favorite plaything).

I truly want to think that your current poor showing is actually because of lack of sleep or some chemical dependance, because then it wouldn't be an actual reflection of you.

And I'm sorry that you don't like my commentary on your quotes, maybe you should be more careful about what you say in public in the future (Note: I don't actually mean that, I really want you to keep posting the way you have been :D ).

by Fraggy
Please by all means keep the jokes coming, i think im gonna start printing these off and taking em to work so you can brighten up the day of more then one person, i almost feel guilty hogging you all to myself.

Just to let you know, there is an easier way... e-mail a link to the thread! Of course then you wouldn't be able to edit out your most embarrassing moments. Besides, I sure that half the reason you are taking those post with you to work is to ask for help (maybe this will signal the possible beginning of Fraggy posting content again, it could happen :rolleyes: ). Hopefully you have taken this time to learn about Web Objects... oh, wait that is right, you don't need to because your opinion in this particular subject carries more weight then anyones.

And please, please, take some time to post. Your posts have been very hard to read, and you seem to think that you are saying one thing when you are actually posting another. I can only comment on what you are actually posting here Fraggy, not what you are thinking. You should have your computer read your posts back to you, you just might see what other people are laughing at (and if you do it before posting, we may actually get a clear thought out of you).
i must say Racer, i am impresed with the way in which you can repeat the same thing over and over again, each time changing it slightly so as to make it appear like you actually have a come back, which of course you dont.

Go on try and rehash something else youve said before into your next reply.
If you mean my repeated request for you to give up on the personal attacks (which you are not very good at) and return to a content based argument (which you are marginally better at than you are with personal attacks), yes I have been.

Even though you making a fool of yourself is quite entertaining, it takes the sport out of it for me. I would much rather see you embarrassed by pointing out your lack of knowledge on the subject than watch you stammer your way to your next zinger. You have been content less for the last three pages. Is that going to change in the near future (I assume you've been asking others for help because you can't handle this on your own).
Jeesh you dont even try and prove me wrong. The prosecution rests on that one.

I cant beleive you think i would actually ask for help with some forum convo, you really do take this stuff seriously dont you, i mean come on why on earth would i ask someone to help me argue with some bloke on a Mac forum who doesnt know his backside form his elbow.

Give me a break, the reason this thread no longer has content is because you make it so, you could easily reintroduce content by amazing me with your .Net knowledge not to mention all things computing of course.
Fraggy's idea of a content filled responce (from back on page 3)
Man you are full of yourself arent you, tell you what you can sit back in your i know all world and laugh at my posts, i dont care Ill just sit back and laught at your Ignorance, LOL.

what you gonna do now, do what you ussually do and call me Ignorant back or something and say my comments apply only to me, please.

I hadn't said anything at that point for you to get your nickers in a twist over, what was your excuse for dropping the content again?
I think the quote YOU provided from ME on page 3 pretty much explains my response for me.

So why arent you reintroducing content then? come on you want discussion start it then.
Lets try this again then, shall we...
by FrgMstr
you see i forgot i have to spell things out to you there i was assuming i didnt. ok when saying VS is the best out there, you said compared to ???

anything Borland
anything on Linux
so what you go on about Web Objects, ok lets see you write a device driver in WebObjects, LMAO

Seeing as WebObjects uses many of the same development tools as Cocoa (which was Yellow Box before that, and OpenStep before that), something tells me that you just might be able to. But we were talking about development, deployment and accessing .NET. Please address these issues in your next fun filled post.

who cares if its won awards lets see how many people actually use it compared to VS.

But you said Second to NONE, you did say that didn't you? By who's standards? The world is full of lets sees, WebObjects is proven.

I think that is about where you stopped posting content, why not respond to these points first and then we can try something harder (we don't want you to throw another three page temper tantrum again now do we). :D

(And sorry, I wouldn't bring up the spelling thing again... that was to low. Again sorry)
Like i said before my knowledge of webobjects is very limited (i.e. i know nothing about it) however i do feel that since its name is WebObjects i would be very surprised if you could develop device drivers with it. (if i am wrong and WebObjects is used to develop a broad range of software such as the purpose of Visual studio i stand corrected, in which case we can then get on with comparing it with VS)
We are getting back to content, so could the peanut galley please be quite!

Sorry about that FrgMstr.
Okay, here are three apps running in Windows that were developed for WebObjects/Yellow Box. They are TIFFany 3 (a Photoshop like app), NeXplorer (a NEXTSTEP like file browser), and TextEdit (a nice full featured word processor). The point is that these are "Mac only" apps running on Windows. WebObjects was designed to work with a number of platforms.

Think about Java apps developed on Windows, you may not know this, but many look for a Windows registry file in order to run via a browser. That is the type of thing that scares me about .NET. That shouldn't happen with Java because it was designed to be cross-platform, but people don't use it that way. That is what I completely expect from .NET. Just like Visual J++, this is in theory a cross-platform development environment, but in practice... it is Windows only.


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Originally posted by RacerX
We are getting back to content, so could the peanut galley please be quite!

Sorry about that FrgMstr.

what's with you and peanuts?