Old Rhapsody User
Originally posted by ulrik
...well, PC trolls are all the same.
This is a sad day, isn't it?

Originally posted by ulrik
...well, PC trolls are all the same.
Originally posted by RacerX
This is a sad day, isn't it?![]()
Originally posted by RacerX
All the good trolls are now gone (at least the ones that come here).
by the panic stricken FrgMstr
and ive never ran away from a thread before, its when it turns too mindless dribble that i leave, i could say actually that on more then one occation it is you that has ran from a thread which i had finished.
I only comment on worth while subjects if you havent noticed which is why i only post here about once every six months ( says something in itself ),
the truth hurts boys, not that i care really.
i mean at the end of the day it wasnt me comparing WebObjects to the most used/followed/respected Development enviroment there is. yet the man himself accuses me of being senseless LMAO
I mean i know when ive lost,
Originally posted by FrgMstr
yes run boys run.
gotta give it too you ulrik atleast you know when youve lost, pity i cant say the same about racer.
I mean i know when ive lost, its just that it doesnt happen often, what can i say.
Originally posted by RacerX
First rounds on me Ulrik.
(maybe if we give him some time he can actually post content again)
Originally posted by FrgMstr
Man you are full of yourself arent you, tell you what you can sit back in your i know all world and laugh at my posts, i dont care Ill just sit back and laught at your Ignorance, LOL.
what you gonna do now, do what you ussually do and call me Ignorant back or something and say my comments apply only to me, please.
you see i forgot i have to spell things out to you there i was assuming i didnt. ok when saying VS is the best out there, you said compared to ???
anything Borland
anything on Linux
so what you go on about Web Objects, ok lets see you write a device driver in WebObjects, LMAO
who cares if its won awards lets see how many people actually use it compared to VS.
Ignorance is bliss eh RacerX, well i dont know but id like too know is it.
why does the fact that i like fast bikes come as typical to you?
Originally posted by FrgMstr
Vic, popularity does not always mean it the best i know, but in the case of VS i have to disagree, in my opinion it is the best.
Originally posted by FrgMstr
yes ulrik, in my opinion, that was not the first time i stated it was my opinion, however i also stated that i feel my opinion is quite an educated one since i have actually used most of the other Environments as also stated earlier.
I therefore feel my opinion in this particular subject carries more weight then just anyones opinion which is what you are trying too make it out as(if you know what i mean).