You are an OS X geek when ...

... when you make some people enjoy Unix using just commands ... wait what were you saying Jason? :D :p

no wait, i was going to write something else. hmm? when you saying "he is a PEECEE USER" mean "he is a moron" or try desperatelly to figure out how to open a new tab on IE in windows (that you have to use at your friends place or something similar) ... when you are ready to vomit after hearing the Win startup noise ... when you stare high-looking on the screen (trying to figure out that tab thing) thinking "WOW! I just saw a POP-UP!!!" ...
...when you can operate your mac just as well (if not better) drunk/high than sober.

...and when you need to be drunk/high to use a PeeCee to begin with...
... when you while you are trying to post to this thread being forced to use a peecee figure "wow, i really NEED to drink more" ... *hic* (hey how did i open again the new tab on IE on Windoze?) :D
When your (few) windoze friends complain about Dr Watson always visiting and the Blue Screen of Death and you have to ask if he's their GP and if that's the new album from nin... ::ha::
(If you use an iBook or PowerBook) you find yourself scratching your finger on any given surface in an attempt to move objects around...
When you can't wait for getting home at your mac after being forced to use a peecee for the last 24 hours in some party somewere else...
Found this on []:

"Do not believe the lies of the PC infidels. The PC chips have not reached 3GHz. It is Apple that is at 3GHz. Our initial assessment is that the PC is still at 250MHz, and we will slaughter Microsoft in the server market and in the home. Our market share is at 90%."

We are in control. The PC users are in a state of hysteria. They do not even have control over themselves! Do not believe them! Losers, they think that by building fabs and plants and chips and trying to distort the feelings of the people they will win. I think they will not win, those bastards."

"NO! We have retaken the education market! The infidels attacked the education market but we have killed them all with bullets and shoes. There are NO PCs there. I will take you there to the public schools and show you. IN ONE HOUR!"

You know you're an OS X geek if you believe this or wished it was true.

For those of you not in the know, this is a mockery of Baghdad Bob [].
Originally posted by Randman
...when you see a movie with an Apple in it and remember it to post on the board in the Mac sightings thread later on (which is just what I'm going to do).
...When you started the "Apple sightings on TV and movies?" thread. ::love::
Your browser home page is

The Macintosh section is the only place you've been on eBay.

Your "real friends" know who "Toast, Fryke etc" are.

Your girlfiend rings you when she sees an article on Steve Jobs in the paper (so that she can feel like part of your world).

Your works PC is just running SETI cos you prefer to use your own Mac to develop on.

You buy a new CD and you rip it in iTunes before it gets anywhere near your hi-hi.

You can't remember the last time you said the phrase "It just locked up and I had to reboot".
When you see a picture of Bill Gates and sniper cross hairs mentally form in your mind in front of his head.


Disclaimer: that was a joke and in no way is intended as a threat on Mr. Gates' life.
When the majority of your friends can't see why you find it ironic that in order for them to "Shut Down" they have to go to the "Start" menu.
when even your windows using friends (that you knew probably since you was born) ask you if XGates / XBill / Deimos Rising exist for Windows / Linux etc ... :p