You are an OS X geek when ...

No wait chevy I didn't sell the 12" bf but 12" ibook ... so I will have 12" bf and 12" pb! Together it's more than a 23" (cinema screeen etc...) ... :p

... when you wonder if your mac's birthday should be the day you ordered him or the day he will arrive :)

... when you think your mac will be anyway a libra and that's good as libras are very compatible to your birthday ;)

... when you ask your cousin in europe to send you a kilo of Panther candy so that you can give it away on the Panther unleash in the Apple Store on friday (N Mich Ave, cough...) :p
... when someone (working) at Apple Store asks why you want Panther ("What, aren't you happy with Jauar..?") you answer "I want it so I can have a bakground picture in terminal" and not the usual things about fast user switching etc (which will be handy too) :p
Originally posted by Giaguara
... when someone (working) at Apple Store asks why you want Panther ("What, aren't you happy with Jauar..?") you answer "I want it so I can have a bakground picture in terminal" and not the usual things about fast user switching etc (which will be handy too) :p
LOL, that's hella funny!!! ::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha::

Is this the real reason? Is the truth only now coming out? :eek: ;)
The background image in terminal is pretty neat. I put a satellite picture in it, the world by night, with tiny lights all over the place (the Netherlands being the brightest AFAICT :D). Looks very nice!
Fammelo vedere Cat!!! :)

That's one of the reasons. But the fast user switch is an otehr good reason .. and the curiosity (I hope it won't kill any cats this time).

Anyway ...

Your friends may be geeks when the question that they ask you "When are you guys going to get..." does not end with "married?" or "a baby?" but "a G5?" or "a new Mac?" :p
... when your nail polish matches your alubook and you want a car that matches that (or at least your ipod) too.
Fammelo vedere Cat!!! :)
Mai al primo appuntamento! ;)
That's one of the reasons. But the fast user switch is an otehr good reason .. and the curiosity (I hope it won't kill any cats this time).
We have nine lives, don't worry! :D

I don't seem able to upload the pic to the gallery ... Safari keeps telling me that it couldn't connect ... :( I'm going to try Camino now.

Edit: I'm getting all kinds of weirdness when trying to put the pic in the Gallery ...
Unable to move file [/tmp/phpLkggkC] [/home/httpd/vhosts/]
Warning: Unable to create '/home/httpd/vhosts/': Permission denied in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 32

Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpLkggkC' to '/home/httpd/vhosts/' in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 32

Maybe I'll put it up on my site tomorrow... sorry.
I got those same error messages, nun ta' preoccupa' Cat.

And btw, I was talking about the terminal ... :p