You are an OS X geek when ...


:D You guys know you love me.

Damn, only 20.9073%. :)
Because I wanted my favorite UNIX command :D

... When you google for weird terms such as stevejobsism, stevewear, stevejobswear, iclothes etc and find only your old forum posts or blog entries :p
And I think (sorry for my low-cost psychology) that Giaguara doesn't want to belong to any company, even if that company is Apple. A Giaguara is wild...

... when 666 makes you think about Microsoft.

... when your souvenirs while you travel start to be to your friends/people you know at your local apple store (cough)

... when you can be in celibate of sex easily for a long time, but one week without a mac and being online drives you crazy .

... when most of your turist photos start to be "my ipod and..." instead of "me/us and thisandthat monument", and when your vacation photos are in ipodlounge
... you do stuff (take photos, make images, etc.) with the intent of showing them to the people on this forum instea of your real-life friends.

... you decide that you will port a program your computer science teacher wrote to something OS X-compatible.

... you can't imagine why the people at CompUSA would hook a 23" Cinema Display up to a fancy PC.

... you want a date with Giaguara. (Whoa! Did I say that?)
... when you jump to the roof when you find out your favorite game as a kid was called Sky Jaguar after you find again the game (having sold away your mac and not having other computers for a weekend than your old msx from the 1980s ... with a 3,58 mhz processor, and you still spend most of the weekend playing to msx / dos games...) :p

... ssh, arden, Panther may hear! Meet me waiting for Panther in N Mich Ave store next friday, the he... not even another 107 F fever can keep me out of there. :p
...when you lie in bed at night just before you fall asleep and think of good threads to post and questions you should ask to optimise your mac.
... when the main reason for god for having added hip bones to the human body was to allow them to surf comfortably in bed, using the hip bones as practical powerbook / ibook holders

... when you already dream about Panther :p
... you look at a Windows screen and smirk/laugh/cringe/wonder at the lack of stripes/wish for lickable widgets/run away in fear/etc.
... you paint little horizontal stripes on the outside of your snow-colored computer (iMac, iBook, eMac).