I have searched the database and no topics addressed my problem. I simply want to be able to 'choose" the folder location that my mail downloads to.
In preferences>Accounts>Advanced there is a spot that says ~/library/mail and I want to change that to a secondary HDD partition so that the...
you're not understanding what the problem is. I have no problem at all imaging a machine with my images that I make. It's all the issues after it's done.
I've got my G5 OS X server up to Server V.10.4.7 and I'm building new 10.4.7 images for distribution to the call center floor via netboot. I've done it this way since 10.4.2, before that, I used ASR through command line.
My problem is this. When I create the image with System Image Utility...
I have dual 1.8 G5 v.10.4.6 and all other updates pulled down. My issue is a odd one. I create .nbi images of my machines so that I can reimage comps faster because I've got almost 200 here that I maintain.
The issue is this. I create the image with System Image Utility by having the Mac mini...
No info yet? :( I was really hoping there was a way to secure that. Maybe somone will stumble across this thread.
Thanks for lookin though fellas :)
Ok, I have a callcenter with about 150 computers that all have to be managed and imaged by myself. I've got agents on the floor that think they know how to do this, and when they get an issue with a computer they just hold in the N key and net install and then think they are fine.
I have a supervisor image with Office and VPC installed along with winxp pro. I know where the license key is for the windows install, but what about the office that is installed on the Tiger OS?
It's Tiger 10.4.5 and has Office Pro installed. I want to take out the license key that is there...
Hello all, I currently work where we have about 200 seats and we use ldap domain authentication for keeping everyone on a roaming profile.
I use a generic image with netboot for the agents, but for Supervisors and QA agents, Im building an image with Office for MAC and Virtual PC with Windows...
I have an image made that is Tiger 10.4.2 and it's been put into a .dmg image file for use with ASR. When I install a certain 2 machines on the floor, after the install, the 30gig HDD's read that they are only 6.61gig's large and after the image is done installing, there is only 400k left on the...
bump...really need some input on this guys and gals. Or, if someone know's a site that I can go to that will have information on this type of issue, I will be very grateful for that as well.
Thanks much,
Hello, awesome site I found here, tons of information.
My question is a bit odd, hopefully some of you other ladies and gent's have ran across this one as well.
I work in a call center that has 150 mac's, everything from emac's to mini's. I have a image created that has NFS info and Ldap...