Search results

  1. Scotty

    Macworld San Fransisco Rumor Roundup

    Yep, and I just ordered one, $229 academic price, ingraving and shipping free, estimated ship date 2/16...
  2. Scotty

    Magnesium iMac for 2004?

    I saw a demo at CES some years back by Panasonic I think it was...they had a magnesium laptop and they dropped if off a 15 foot ladder....thing was fine...took a lickin' kept on tickin'. Mg is the way to go....
  3. Scotty

    Nano iPods! (comic)

    Sea Monkeys! I fell for that trick on the back page of my old comics, back in the day...Damn sea monkeys....good comic though...
  4. Scotty Chat client 1.0.4 released

    Looks cool, I'll give it a try for the SteveNote...
  5. Scotty

    Ichatav - User Names
  6. Scotty

    Macworld San Fransisco Rumor Roundup

    Frankly, I'd be happy with just a $150-$200 iPod announcement...
  7. Scotty

    How many Macs do you have?

    16-20 Macs? That's a category I'd love to be in....
  8. Scotty

    Register Here

    Please Santa Mac, bring me a Mac Plus!
  9. Scotty

    Forget the iWalk, this is what Apple is releasing (with proof)

    Ok, I've watched all the videos and scrutinized the photos. It's the real deal Holyfield, and I'm willing to put up the cold hard cash. Who wants to bet me? Proceeds going to Press3...??? Any takers?
  10. Scotty

    Evolving Computer Hardware - Darwin Style!

    Wow Herve, sounds like a close encounter of Microsoft kind! But what in the heck does that have to do with Nanotechnology or evolving computers?
  11. Scotty

    What do you do for a living?

    Grad school dropout, turned forensic scientist, turned IT guy in science department (UCLA Chemistry) currently doing sys administration and having a ball. Trying to gather some steam to get an OSX lab going here....
  12. Scotty

    Microsoft to take over edu market.

    Easy Admiral, I'm a computer lab guy in a learning center! But I'm the exception to your rule I guess. I'm the type that can appreciate something about everything, hey I've still got a VAX running VMS still alive!!! I can understand your frustration though, we've got a few people who have...
  13. Scotty

    Microsoft to take over edu market.

    Easy Admiral, I'm a computer lab guy in a learning center! But I'm the exception to your rule I guess. I'm the type that can appreciate something about everything, hey I've still got a VAX running VMS still alive!!! I can understand your frustration though, we've got a few people who have...
  14. Scotty

    Microsoft to take over edu market.

    Ok, let's stick with Higher Ed, and my earlier posts stands...
  15. Scotty

    Microsoft to take over edu market.

    I disagree, Apple does not have a firm hold of the Education market, in fact they've lost the education market. If you want to talk to the man who is currently controlling the Edu market, I suggest you seek out Michael Dell. Unfortunately, Apple has slipped big time when it comes to Edu. They...
  16. Scotty

    who REALLY owns Apple?

    I recall seeing the specs in the papers that Apple had sent me before that shareholder's meeting, but I can't remember that now. I think it was a Leer Jet, but don't quote me on that. As far as the money is concerned, it is an insane amount of money, but he definitely helped turn the company...
  17. Scotty

    who REALLY owns Apple?

    From the y2K Annual Report: "During the first quarter of 2000, the Company's Board of Directors approved a special executive bonus of the Company's Chief Executive Officer for past services in the form of an aircraft with a total cost to the Company of approximately $90 million, the majority of...
  18. Scotty

    who REALLY owns Apple?

    Hey, I own the company too (very minor shareholder), but yes you are correct, Microsoft did buy $250M in stock a while back, but has since sold those shares under the original agreement when they bought them. Not sure of the actual break down in shareholder status, but I'm sure we could find...
  19. Scotty

    iTunes Spectrum Analyzer for OSX?

    Hi all, I swear that I have seen a screen shot of iTunes with a visual spectrum analyzer, where there's like a bar graph output of the different sound levels and it dances up and down as the different sound levels change throughout the song. I can't seem to find it in iTunes 2.02. Can...
  20. Scotty

    where can I get a mac cube?

    I've seen people selling them on Ebay who are willing to escrow them, so that you get your cube and they get they're money safely... I'd love to try to get one some time next year too...If for nothing else as a collector's item to put next to my Mac Plus...