Search results

  1. S

    can't insert cd

    Holding the mouse button while rebooting will attempt to eject any CD that's in there. That action might clear it. If it doesn't then, I'm afraid, it's a repair job.
  2. S

    MP3 trouble.

    Sounds like you need Boot Camp.
  3. S

    iPod problem

    Try another connecting lead. I've had one fail. If that doesn't help then you may need to replace the Hard Drive. By the way, "iPod problem" wasn't a very meaningful title, since everyone who posts here has an iPod problem. Please be more specific next time. You'll get faster and more helpful...
  4. S

    Can't get rid of audiobook tracks

    OK, I finally found the answer. Somehow these tracks are marked as special. It's not the "audiobook" genre or the .m4b file type but something else. Whatever it is tells the iPod to put them into the "Audiobooks" section - even though they don't appear there in the iTunes window or in the iPod...
  5. S

    Computer storage full, what about having it only on the iPod?

    I didn't follow the question but it sounds as if your music should be on an external drive.
  6. S

    Mac OS 10.4 Updater freezes while verifying

    Probably asking the obvious but you did backup all important files and Repair Permissions before attempting the installation?
  7. S

    how do I change icons from .png files?

    Are you referring to Finder folder icons?
  8. S

    Buying a used iPod from someone...

    It would help to know which Mac and which iPod. The video iPods work only with a USB (pref USB2) connection, which earlier Macs don't have. Earlier iPods work fine via Firewire, but you have to buy the cable separately. Very early iPods came with a Firewire cable (but most PC users would throw...
  9. S

    iTunes crashes immediately after opening

    OK, unfortunately it's not the Panther issue but at least someone else might have a chance of helping you, armed with the full information. If you think of anything else, please DO mention it.
  10. S

    iTunes crashes immediately after opening

    Which operating system are you using? Which version of iTunes? I recall there was an issue with Panther.
  11. S

    Help! My Mac Is Dead!

    Before you can install on a new drive you have to select the menu option to format the drive. (If you already did this, you failed to say so).
  12. S

    Problem opening Quicktime files

    It ought to open them. Maybe they are corrupted. Last time I had this problem I downloaded VLC and played the movies in that.
  13. S

    Can't get rid of audiobook tracks

    I have the iPod which does colour pictures but not movies. I uploaded an Audiobook CD so that all the tracks were converted to AAC in the iTunes library. Then I ran a script that I'd installed called "Make Bookmarkable" which converted the file type to .m4b and moved all the tracks into...
  14. S

    MacBook: Where's the Word Processor?

    I agree with the above comments about OpenOffice and NeoOffice. Slow and clunky on my old G4. Cheapest I can find AppleWorks is here: Worth checking eBay, too. Thankfully, I already have AppleWorks and ClarisWorks. (AppleWorks is...
  15. S

    Sky TV on my Macintosh

    Scart output provides PAL composite video, RGB and stereo audio. RCA outputs are L+R audio.
  16. S

    all Address Book entries gone after "hard quit"

    No no, your English is excellent! :)
  17. S

    all Address Book entries gone after "hard quit"

    That's the answer. In English we would say "I have owned a MacbookPro for 2 days". We don't use "since" in the way that it's used in Europe. (Z.B. "Ich habe das seit zwei Tagen besessen.") "I have owned this since <specify time>" E.G. "I have owned this since Tuesday". Sorry I couldn't help...
  18. S

    Can you recommend good, cheap, simple, accounting software please?

    I don't know but, just for others' benefit, I note that you are in the UK.
  19. S

    No results in Spotlight

    When mine did that I simply rebooted.
  20. S

    Sky TV on my Macintosh

    I refer you back to the beginning of this thread. Read it all again. You'll need an EyeTV 200 or EyeTV250 plus the necessary cables to connect it to your Sky Digibox. Scart to phono or S-Video cable.