Search results

  1. 27 houdini's

    create new colors from codes

    i am looking for a simple app to find colors, like the option you have in photoshop or illustrator. Say you have a color. to get a variant, i c&p the code, say #aacb23, in the photoshop color picker window and tweak it a little to get a different version of the color. But it's a bit silly...
  2. 27 houdini's

    Mail sucks generally and rules don't work

    i want to send an autoreply to all new senders who send mail to a specific address. The next time they send a message they should not get an autoreply. So my rule setup is (see screenshot): if all the following conditions are met: to - is equal to - + sender is not in my...
  3. 27 houdini's

    switching 'recommended applications' to 'all applications'

    nope, I know that trick, for some file types it works, for some it doesn't, so... got another trick? Changing the default settings somewhere would be a better solution...
  4. 27 houdini's

    switching 'recommended applications' to 'all applications'

    When opening a file, sometimes you want to use a specific application (say open a .jpg file with BBedit instead of preview). Do do so, i right click/ ctrl-click a file --->(contextual menu) select 'Open with' --->select 'Other...' ---> (window) Choose application and then I always get the...
  5. 27 houdini's

    installing windows gadgets in dashboard and v.v.

    Just curious... those windows guys are developing this thing called Sidebar for Windows Vista, and it works very similar to Dashboard, the widgets (they call them gadgets) are html javascript based just like widgets and konfabulator widgets. So, it would like to try to install windows...
  6. 27 houdini's

    stickies: changing the prefs for spelling

    In stickies the spelling check is switched on by default. I always turn it off only to find it switched on the next time i start up the app. Is there a way to switch it off permanently or to make these apple apps remember this preference??
  7. 27 houdini's

    Cannot Download Widgets

    didya try and download another widget? maybe the widget you tried is not good.
  8. 27 houdini's

    Filevault prevents saving files and folder creation

    I have problem using filevault - switched on, it disallows me to create folders on the desktop, does not allow me te create new bookmarks in safari, locks up Mail etc etc. how can i fix this or create settings so that i can still use filevault without limiting my options?
  9. 27 houdini's

    expanding wireless network range

    besides that, yes airport extend the range
  10. 27 houdini's


    if you're running 10.4.3, you can set airport to keep looking for preferred networks (select: system prefs>network>airport>airport>options)
  11. 27 houdini's

    HOWTO (proposal) WDS setup for wireless networks

    Since i've been ready to throw the whole lot in an incinerator out of blistering frustration, here's my request and a proposal for a HOWTO on (in apple lingo) creating a WDS configuration for those who do not want to read the 82 page manual andor those who are totally sent into the bush by the...
  12. 27 houdini's

    Wireless Connectivity Problem

    "Sorry for the gramatical errors if there are any." there's plenty. check system preferences for your connection settings. WEP only applies to the router or modem you use, so NO WEP settings are made on your computer, only if you log on (airport>"your network" or "other") you can select...
  13. 27 houdini's

    setting up airport express as remote

    i have trouble setting up an airport express as a remote base station. the express is called 'express boy' and gave it a password. i set up the airport extreme base station (called 'home boy') as a MAIN base station, then in the WDS menu I try to add express boy as the remote, but i cannot...
  14. 27 houdini's

    connecting an eMate 300 to my powerbook

    Anyone got any experience with connecting an ancient emate to a (modern) apple computer? i need something that goes from the meate port to usb or ethernet or firewire does anything like that exist? thanx
  15. 27 houdini's

    app connecting to localhost

    maybe a stupid question - i installed little snitch and now when i shutdown an applcation sometimes i get the message for example - "photoshop wants to connect to tcp port 123 on localhost" what's all this stuff about app's wanting to cennect to localhost - why???
  16. 27 houdini's

    service manual for PB 1 ghz 15''

    i am looking for service manuals and specifically for the powerbook 1 GHz 15'' if youre suggesting well, it sucks
  17. 27 houdini's

    address book crash: reinstalling with Pacifist don't work

    my address book app didn't work (perpetual spinning wheel) so i tried reinstalling using pacifist. from the orignal OS X installation DVD I choose the OSInstall.pkg/Essentials.pkg/Applications.pkg/ then i choose install in the applications folder. Installation went fine...
  18. 27 houdini's

    login to airport at startup

    nope doesn't work. it tried that before. i even made a new location using the setup assistant hoping that it would stick, but that also doesn't help.
  19. 27 houdini's

    carbon copy cloner: which files to clone for system and app BU

    hi, just did a major cleanup of my system. now i want clone my system for backup purposes using carbon copy cloner. i figure cloning just the system and necessary files for some apps like photoshop should be fine. since i do not have to much space for making a backup, which file should in...
  20. 27 houdini's

    login to airport at startup

    my computer used to connect to airport automatically at startup, now i have to manually connect. dunno why, it used to work. does anyone have a clue because i cannot see an option to connect at startup in the system prefs (ok, theres automatic in the location menu and automatic in the "by...