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  1. P

    Eudora lost everything after reinstall ...

    Hello everyone I was forced to reinstall mac os X after I killed it. So far, no problem. before deleting the HD, I copy my home folder. But after the reinstallation, eudora keep saying me "Sorry, but that doesn't seem to be a mailbox", and launch as if it has no preferences file. I have set my...
  2. P

    What Are Your Favorite Services?

    I personaly don't use services very much ... I think I would use them far more if there were a contextual menu item for those. I don't find it "fast" to have to select a text, then go to the menus to find services. I hope someone (maybe Apple) will make a contextual menu item for that...
  3. P

    can I serve sftp but not ftp?

    Oups, you're right : after a test, an sftp connection launches a dedicated sftp server controled by the allow remote login preference. Sorry for the bad information.
  4. P

    can I serve sftp but not ftp?

    In fact, a sftp connection is an ftp connection that passes over an ssh connection. So, i think the sftp needs the ftp server. But you can use the fireWall to forbid all ftp acces. There is two ports for the FTP : comand port, 21 (maby usefull in sftp) and the data port, 20 (only used in active...
  5. P

    Local network = = no access...

    Do you have a DNS server on your linux box ? If this is the case, you should try to add a mail server in the SOA declaration. I have about the same installation : a dls line, and a web/ftp/ssh server on it. The server is the DNS of the LAN, and it refers to an internet DNS for no-lan adresses...
  6. P

    printing in the lan

    Sorry, but I think you will have to wait for 10.2. I have read somewhere (I won't remember where) that it wasn't possible. Apple have taken a license of a soft that allow this, and will certainly include it in 10.2. Popey
  7. P

    Floppy in OS X

    Hello Me to, I use PC floppies, and it work fine. I run 10.1.3 without any problems, no crashes, no frozen UI ... I think you should install this update. popey
  8. P

    itunes random play not realy random for me !

    Hello everyone ! I use Itunes for a while now. I have a base of more than 1200 MP3s that I listen randomly. A few weeks ago, I added a CD from Nirvana. Since that time, if itunes play a song of Nirvana (and it does quite often), it just play all the CD, and in the track order ... Nirvana...
  9. P

    firewire video camera/webcam?

    I have tried the same thing with a sony camera, it didn't work. In general, I can't find good informations on max os X and webcams ... I hope you will be more lucky. @+
  10. P

    video (or at least audio) conferencing on OS X

    Hello I would like to communicate via internet with friends who runs PCs. I have a DSL connection. Does anyone know what soft I can use, and if there are many possibilities, which one works the best ? For the video conference, I can use de FW video camera. Is it possible to use it as a...
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    mouse wheel in itunes

    Yes, the mouse wheel can work in itunes 1.1.2 : on my computer, I have to open the about panel to get it work. After that, it works fine. Enjoy Jerome Duquennoy
  12. P

    dhcp client name unsend !

    If have made a DHCP/ddns server. When a mac os 9 computer connects to this server, the server receives the MAC adresse AND the name of the client. So it can update the DNS data base. But when a computer running ox X 10.0.4 connects to the server, the server receives only the MAC adresse ! So...
  13. P

    continue a task even afer logout ?

    I would like to launch a programme that will run non-stop for about two days. But I would like to allow other users to log in durring those days ... Is there a way do do that (the nohup command seems unusefull since the soft is not a command line one. Thank you for your help. Popey
  14. P

    forcing a docked app to open a file

    I found recently that if you drag a file on a docked app, you can force this app to try to open it : put a file on the icone of a file that don't want to open it. The icone remain unselected. Now, try to hit the command and option keys at the same time. The icone become selected, and you can...
  15. P

    problem whith a FW drive

    Hello I use a big extern FW drive to store data (essentialy video files). Actualy, I would like to get a big file (2Gb) back. But when I try to copy it, the disc seems to stop responding after a few Mb ... i have to stop the copy, and the finder beomes verry slow if there is a window...
  16. P

    dialogs comming from the window title

    Thank you for all your replys. I've tried the beginSheet and endSheet in my java program, it works fine. But I'd like to focus on the fact that I had to use a NSPanel in IB to create the sheet : whith a NSWindow, the sheet appears in the center of the screen, and don't roll out of anywhere.
  17. P

    dialogs comming from the window title

    Hello Which class should I use to have a dialogue that comes out from the title barre of a window like the save or the open dialogue (sorry, I don't rememeber the name of that kind of dialogue) ? How can I define the items in this dialgue whith Interface Builder ? Thank you for your answers
  18. P

    sharing printers whith mac os x ?

    Hello I'd like to know, before buying a printer, if mac os X is able to share it on a network. If yes, is it necessary to enter the IP adresse of the computer that shares the printer (like you do to mount a share folder) each time you want to print? Thank you for your responces
  19. P

    problem whith custom classes

    I am trying to make a program for mac OS X. I am using Java. I am trying to separate windows in different nib files, containing the window, the delegate and the controller of the window. In all the nib files, I must have only one NSApplication instance (logical). But when I try to apply a custom...