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  1. gumse

    mouse stops working

    I have a kvm-switch, sometimes I get the same lockup, always after switching back from using the keyboard/mouse/screen on my SunBlade, happens only in 5% of the cases. When it happens, nothing helps, except plugging the USB cable into the other port on my G4.
  2. gumse

    Network Analyzing Tools

    Ethereal is fantastic, downloaded it via Fink, it's an X11 app, but works great.
  3. gumse

    I just got iWork ;-)

    Is it possible to have buttons in a presentation that play a short sound clip when pressed ? This is a must for me, PowerPoint does it.
  4. gumse

    QuickCam Messenger

    There is a project on Sourceforge to create drivers for USB webcams, check if your one is supported:
  5. gumse

    Os 10.3.7

    Check your free disk space, I had similar problems once when the free space on the boot disk was running low, under 5-10% i think. It started with loosing preferences in random apps.
  6. gumse

    file kind

    You can register new application and file types with Apple. The codes are 4 bytes long and stored in the resource fork of the application/data file. I have not registered any codes for some years now so you have search the Apple developer site for this.
  7. gumse

    Tall or high ?

    Well I'm 207cm so I'm considered "Tall", but i'm not "High" all the time :-)
  8. gumse

    Psycholinguistics research paper: need subjects!

    My GF uses me all the time for her Phonetic research , so im used to be a guinea pig. I'll help you. I think I can persuade her to. We are both Swedish.
  9. gumse

    Programming in Java on Mac

    I use BBEdit for editing Java. Ant for building and deploying Java. Abeille Forms Designer for GUI design.
  10. gumse

    Mac Mini as a server ? in Sweden just ordered a truckload of Minis to mount in racks (9 minis fits in a 4U rack) and put in their web hosting farm as dedicated servers for rent.
  11. gumse

    Mac Mini as a server ?

    As pointed out earlier here you don't need a very powerful machine for small time serving. I ran NetBSD on a MacIIci (!) for 3 years, 8 domains , 200 email users, ca. 4-5000 hits/day, no problems, longest uptime between reboots over 600 days.
  12. gumse

    Print Screen

    If you do like mdkny says above, and holds down CTRL also, you get the picture in the clipboard, then in Preview choose "New from Clipboard" and you have the pic in a PICT format window, then choose "Export" to have the pic saved in your preferred format. In GraphicConverter it's cmd-J to...
  13. gumse

    "Direct" FTP Text Editor

    BBEdit's little brother TextWrangler2 is now Free, and capable of opening and saving directly to an FTP server.
  14. gumse

    typing problem, carriage returns

    Sometimes I get a similar problem, not CR , but normal chars, but my 4 year old keyboard is filed with lint.. :-)
  15. gumse

    "Direct" FTP Text Editor

    BBEdit also edits files on SFTP servers, a real life saver for me
  16. gumse

    PDF Reader 7.0

    I have had an other weird thing with AdobeReader 7.0 When trying to Hide the app I sometimes get the beachball for 1-2 minutes, then it hides ok. But I guess that the ability to (finally) submit xfdf's containing unicode makes up for this. :-)
  17. gumse

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Sprout and the Bean 4.32 Joanna Newsom The Milk-Eyed Mender
  18. gumse

    Will Apple get rid of the OS 9 emulator?

    You probably heard that newer PowerMac's can't boot 9.x , but I think Classic will be supported for a long time into the future.
  19. gumse

    Why isn't this possible?

    In LogicPro you can do audio processing in a distributed way, probably using xgrid technology.
  20. gumse

    If you haven't tried Adobe Reader 7 yet...

    And finally, when submitting a form in xfdf format, fields containing Swedish characters ÅÄÖ are no longer considered empty.