Search results

  1. I

    iPhone, SMS, & sending photos

    cool, thanks man... i'll just call T-Mobile and ask them! ;-) i'll post what i find here so others might be able to benefit from this as well.
  2. I

    iPhone, SMS, & sending photos

    thanks for all the info! a couple more questions for ya: 1. in the "Carrier-provided SMS to email gateways" section, i don't understand exactly what to tell my friend to actually do to get her T-Mobile phone service to send an email to me from her SMS: a. there is a "SMS to Email Gateway...
  3. I

    iPhone, SMS, & sending photos

    thanks for the info, i'll share it with my friend who have an iPhone who use SMS. i have to wonder why Apple has chosen to not support photo messaging. but what about getting around SMS entirely? i know i can already send a photo or message to a friend, regardless of their phone, by using the...
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    iPhone, SMS, & sending photos

    i'm one of those guys who refuses to pay extra for SMS when AT&T advertises their "unlimited data" plan and then charges extra for texting. so i had AT&T cut my SMS services OFF. i've discovered the email-to-phone workaround for sending to another phone's SMS which even works for photos, but...
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    Leopard & Application crashes

    i don't know if anyone else is experiencing these issues, but since i have installed Leopard (and BTW, i finally formatted my drive after installing it and having huge problems with Mail), i've noticed that i've never had a Mac OS which had such a problem with often crashing applications...
  6. I

    MacBook Pro Post-Leopard Battery Life Issue

    OK, well i guess it's a defective battery. i'm still under warranty, and plan on purchasing AppleCare before my 1 year is out. 3 hours on "full power"? does that mean watching a DVD movie or something? in typical use (monitor at half brightness and not accessing the DVD drive much), i...
  7. I

    MacBook Pro Post-Leopard Battery Life Issue

    i upgraded to Leopard recently, and i'm not certain, but since then i've noticed my Powerbook Pro battery is not lasting long at all compared to its normal capabilities -- probably about half a long as normal. now, perhaps it has nothing whatsoever to do with Leopard, and it's just a...
  8. I

    UT 2k4 and multiple OSX accounts

    thanks, but i have the lates patches (3355), so i never need the DVD mounted any more. UT2k4 launches fine from my own account, but not from the "visitor" account. if you have any other ideas, please let me know. have you tried doing this on your Mac? if you wouldn't mind trying and...
  9. I

    UT 2k4 and multiple OSX accounts

    i was about to set up my "visitor" acount on my G5 so that others can play UT 2k4 when i am not around. when i slicked to launch UT, it bounced in the Dock a couple times and then stopped and it never launched. i repaired permissions, still nothing. i set the individual permisisons for the...
  10. I

    Junk Mail stopped working AGAIN!

    i never did post the end of it all. after messing with it a bit, the junk mail feature began working again and has continued to work. i don't believe there is ANY software manufacturer that releases applications perfectly - without bugs. even though Mail has had this problem since Panther...
  11. I

    Text Edit formatting

    it looks like Apple has a little bug to fix. if this is the method that Apple has chosen to use to reset margins in the "wrap to page" feature of TextEdit, someone there needs some help! it would be much easier to simply set the margins within some kind of pref's for the document. of course...
  12. I

    Text Edit formatting

    thanks, but i just tried that and it didn't work. i created a NEW paper size of 8.5 x 11 in the custom paper size area. i assigned the margins to be .5" all the way around. i saved it. then, selected "any printer" in order to get this new custom paper size to be displayed in the paper size...
  13. I

    Text Edit formatting

    anyone here have any idea how to adjust the margins when using the "Wrap to Page" option in TextEdit? the default is set to a 1" margin all the way around, when i'd like to decrease that to about .5". thanks in advance for any suggestions. 8-)
  14. I

    Junk Mail stopped working AGAIN!

    yes, that's it: "" i found it, removed it, ran Mail and i was immediately prompted with a window to input all of my ISP data. this file apparently keeps all of the ISP data, along with the preferences. i suppose, i will have to take the time to re-enter it all, as my...
  15. I

    Junk Mail stopped working AGAIN!

    you sure about that? because i removed it from the folder and when i launched Mail, it prompted me with re-entering my account data. i quit Mail, put the file back, relaunched Mail and all was normal. let me know what you think regarding this... i'm curious. it seemed to me that what...
  16. I

    Junk Mail stopped working AGAIN!

    yes, that is the correct title, thanks. i wound up not trashing it, however. i didn't feel like redoing all of my isp data last night. however, i did a "Reset" (in the Junk Mail pref's options) and that seemed to actually work!!! my Junk Mail feature seems to be working again! thanks...
  17. I

    Junk Mail stopped working AGAIN!

    thanks for the suggestions, but it still doesn't work. there is no "com.mail.plist" anywhere on the computer - perhaps 10.3.2 doesn't use this file? is there another similar such preference file to delete? i have repaired permissions. i'm really hoping to figure this out, because it's...
  18. I

    Junk Mail stopped working AGAIN!

    well, it's happened again. all of a sudden, with no warning, the Junk Mail feature stopped working. it is just not recognizing anything! the last time this happened, i searched the forum, found a couple messages saying to: 1. disable the Junk Mail filtering 2. quit Mail 3. delete the...
  19. I

    Mail outgoing list

    yes - the list of servers is what i was refering to. i appreciate the info, but after reading it, i think i'll just wait until i upgrade to Panther! i'm glad to hear that Apple addresssed this issue!
  20. I

    Mail outgoing list

    does anyone know how to edit the outgoing email list in Mail? i wish Apple had put a "remove" option in the GUI! i'm assuming there is some text file which hold this info that can be edited, but it's not easy for me to find... nothing seems apparent in the Mail Pref's folder of my home...