Search results

  1. Greg_Reez

    Itunes sound suddenly stopped!

    Maybe your iTunes volume got turned down? Check in the upper left of the iTunes window for the small speaker icons.
  2. Greg_Reez

    Broken Links in PDF

    Here's my experience with Preview. It's a little spotty when trying to view complex documents. Preview can view native Photoshop files to a certain degree, but if it's artwork that contains a ton of graphics or layers, then Preview will sometimes only view a few layers of the image. So if you...
  3. Greg_Reez

    Number Pad not working on Aluminum Wired Keyboard

    My number pad hasn't been working lately. It looks like some kind of setting has taken effect and I'm not sure how to fix it. For example, my numbers are now directional movements for my cursor: 2 moves it down, 4 moves it left, 6 moves it right, 8 moves it up, and 1, 3, 7, and 9 move my cursor...
  4. Greg_Reez

    CD label print

    Make sure the CD Tray is positioned perfectly. The brief research I've done show's that the CD/DVD tray positioning can be a little finicky. If it's off by a hair then the option won't show in the print dialogue box. Maybe turn the printer off and on again, or reinstall the CD Print Label software.
  5. Greg_Reez

    Keyboard & mouse icon disappeared

    OH! "Icon in system preferences..." Some how I read it as "system preferences icon"... sorry about that.
  6. Greg_Reez

    Keyboard & mouse icon disappeared

    You can also get into system preferences by clicking on the apple menu icon in the upper left hand corner. When it launches and the icon shows up in your dock, right click it, and choose "keep in dock" in the menu that pops up.
  7. Greg_Reez

    delete info from a picture?

    Right click the image file in finder » Get Info. Should be an area in the Get Info box for "Spotlight Comments". This is the only place I know of that contains data for searching. You should be able to delete or add to whats there for each photo. If you are an Adobe design program user...
  8. Greg_Reez

    Dock not magnifying and Rollovers aren't working.

    OK, one thing I didn't try was unplugging my Logitech Mouse and plugging it back in. It works normally now. :p
  9. Greg_Reez

    Dock not magnifying and Rollovers aren't working.

    Sticky keys are off and I logged in as another user and I still have the same problem. I couldn't find much about it by searching around the internet.
  10. Greg_Reez

    Dock not magnifying and Rollovers aren't working.

    I have an extremely frustrating and sporadic problem. I have no idea what triggers it and I have no idea how to check. Right now, whenever I roll my mouse over anything that should have an "action", it doesn't work. My dock doesn't magnify, menu rollovers on websites don't do anything, and my...
  11. Greg_Reez

    Unusual square attached to cursor

    Try restarting the system?
  12. Greg_Reez

    Word help dumped it??

    What happens when you try to open the program or a file? Does a warning or dialogue box pop up? A for sure fix is to re-install Microsoft Word if you have the CD. Reinstalling would "place" whatever you "threw out" back to where it goes.
  13. Greg_Reez

    Seriously, what causes slow downs in performance?

    Okay. I found this info on Boinc - in terms I can understand: "In essence BOINC is software that can use the unused CPU cycles on a computer to do scientific computing—what you don't use of your computer, it uses. BOINC consists of a server system and client software that communicate...
  14. Greg_Reez

    Seriously, what causes slow downs in performance?

    Hmmm. Photoshop is at the top, and the next item I recognize down the list is Firefox. but that's about 10th down. The items in between seem to be something that has to do with boinc_project (user), whatever that is. The Process Names are minirosetta_1.54 for 5 of the 9 boinc items, and the...
  15. Greg_Reez

    Seriously, what causes slow downs in performance?

    Don't use safari, in fact I installed Firefox the day I got the machine. But anyway, I've been glancing at my CPU usage all day today and it's been floating around 90%... :o
  16. Greg_Reez

    Seriously, what causes slow downs in performance?

    And how can I fix it? I'm getting the spinning lollipop of death more often while the system catches up with my actions, and in general, it's just taking longer for my OS to do normal tasks that were once lightning quick. In theory, if you keep your software up-to-date, run routine...
  17. Greg_Reez

    Convert Powerpoint to Movie

    I painfully saw how saving as a movie isn't 100% reliable. I tried PPT2Video and it worked beautifully. The Trial version watermarks the entire video though. Guess I'll have to purchase the full version. It'll be worth it.
  18. Greg_Reez

    Convert Powerpoint to Movie

    Anyone have any tips for me to be able to convert my PP2008 presentation into a movie file of some kind that I can ultimately play through internet download or in a browser? I've tried "Save as Movie" through PP but certain animation effects and even my background music doesn't come with it in...
  19. Greg_Reez

    Performance slowing, frustating, and more spinning lollipop of death

    Thanks G, I installed Onyx, and before I could start doing maintenance I noticed the problems with the menu bars started to happen again --> cursor doesn't highlight items it rolls over, including sub menus, I have to click and hold them, rollovers don't act normally on websites as well. I...