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  1. P

    Mac Themes vs. Apple Lawyers

    I just read on the Slashdot web site that according to Macworld UK, "Macworld UK is reporting that Apple is threatening the Mac Themes Project for creating a theme editor. Apple accuses them of contributing to trademark infringement by enabling people to copy Apple's graphics. They've issued...
  2. P

    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    I have to admit not owning MacOS X (yet), so I'm afraid I can't help you.
  3. P

    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    A person on /. at reports "The XonX project over at Source Forge is finally seeing some cool results. This time we finally have X windows running along side Aqua windows. See for yourself here> and here...
  4. P

    3D Modeler and Renderer

    An Open Source 3D counterpart to GIMP has finally been developed. It's called the OpenFX Open-Source 3D modeling, animation and rendering suite. It has a renderer and raytrace engine, NURBS support, kinematics-based animation, morphing, a plugin API - and it's under the GPL. Currently only...
  5. P

    'fstab' tip

    Thanks for setting me straight on any Linux tips. I don't have a copy of MacOS PB to "play with" as I refuse to pay for Beta software. And the MSRP for MacOS X when it's finally released is rediculously expensive too. I think Apple is structuring its' MacOS prices after the way Mickey-Soft does...
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    'fstab' tip

    The latest edition of the Linux Journal Weekly News <see "Free Newsletter" link featured on the main page of> has the following tip. I don't know if this applies to MacOS X PB or not. Tech Tip of the Week You can spare yourself unnecessary "fscks" by...
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    MacOS X & XFree86 now interoperable

    XonX at has announced interoperability between MacOSX and XFree86. Also XFree86 now supports the Darwin platform. Binaries are now available at Enjoy!
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    Stopping Spam and Trojan Horses with BSD

    A very informative article called "Stopping Spam and Trojan Horses with BSD" was presented at this years BSDCon and can be found at This is a must read no matter what OS you're using.
  9. P

    Port of PostgreSQL to OS X

    Has anyone ported (or tried to) PosgreSQL v7.x to OS X? Tim Perdue has written a very interesting comparison of PostgreSQL 7.1 (CVS pre-beta) versus MySQL 3.23.26 beta, using production data from SourceForge, at http;//
  10. P

    Repository for 3rd Party OS X Software

    Great! Let us know their URLs when you get them online.
  11. P

    Review of BSD part of MacOS X beta

    There's an interesting review of the BSD portion of MacOS X PB over at This is just the first part of a series of articles about BSD & OS X.
  12. P

    Open Source 3-D Windows Manager

    Chalmers Medialab has just released their updated three-dimensional window manager, 3Dwm 0.2.2, at This open-source manager is not yet meant for prime yet and following is the README file for you developers. -----------------------------------------------------------...
  13. P

    Recompuling linux apps

    If anyone is interested, the source code to TripWire, the system integrity checker was released today under the GPL. I found a new version already on this afternoon The following was posted on freashmeat: Tripwire Tripwire is a system integrity checker, a utility...
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    Ahhh...I see! It's listed under MacOS X Server, not as an email client under MacOS X
  15. P


    Just where is the port for PINE?
  16. P

    Repository for 3rd Party OS X Software

    According to a post in another forum on, there's a port of PINE for OS X. But I can't find it anywhere, even on versiontracker.
  17. P

    Repository for 3rd Party OS X Software

    Is there a central repository for 3rd Party OS X software (including ports)? I know Linux has and FreeBSD has for their respective softwares. Shouldn't one be established for OS X?
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    Junkbuster & Adzapper?

    Has anyone gotten either Junkbuster or Adzapper to work on OS X?
  19. P

    Programmers & *NIX Gurus

    Will you Mac developers/programmers who are also *NIX gurus see if you can't adapt a Linux program called SETUP to MacOSX? I THINK it would be a useful program for pd file authors. While browsing 2 days ago, I discovered a program called SETUP. The website has the...
  20. P

    StarOffice, part 2

    According to StarOffice is being ported to both MacOS 9 and MacOS C.