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  1. D

    Sound sticks 2

    Does anyone know if HK is planning on releasing a new version of these great speakers?? Just don't want to buy them and find out a week later that the new versions are out!!!
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    Graphic Converter patch

    I have a hacked version of GC. I finally decided to obtain a legal serial number. After downloading a fresh version of the program I still get the warning that I'm using an illegal version without the possibility of entering the legal serial number. There is obviously a patch deep in the...
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    Mail vs Entourage?

    I have just installed MS Office 10. Had a look at Entourage and can't seem to decide whether to use this or keep using Mail? Just wanted to know how many people prefer Entourage and why :)
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    Uploading files to an ftp server...

    Thanks guys! You always have the answers to everything in this forum!! Much appreciated:)
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    Uploading files to an ftp server... can I do this using OS X?? Are there specific programs to help me do this?? thanks for any help:)
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    Keeping folders organized

    Thanks guys:) I'll give it a go now... BTW...does anyone know if this is fixed in Jaguar? I haven't bough my copy yet...but I hope they fixed these annoying glitches!! Once again thank you
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    Keeping folders organized

    Am I the only one having this problem??:confused: :(
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    Keeping folders organized

    No, folder icons inside my HD
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    Keeping folders organized

    nobody can help?:(
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    Keeping folders organized

    Why is it that every time I turn on my computer the icons in folders that I have previously organized are back to being all muddled up?? I choose to make them a certain size and organize them alphabetically...but they never stay that way after I switch off!! How the hell do you fix this...
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    Downloading through IE5

    Can some one please shed a bit of light on this strange problem I've been having? When I need to download from IE 5 clicking the appropriate link no longer works to launch the download. Most of the times I just use the "save as" function which starts the download, but it can't be used all...
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    Need help with my powerbookG4...

    Hi guys....hope you can help. I have just ordered a G4 titanium powerbook to go along with my Cube. I live in Japan and even though the keybord layout is international I still get a Japanese OS. Can anyone explain how to erase the Japanese OS and install the English system. I want both OS 9...
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    Read this!!

    I totally agree!! I put it there 'cos of the trash too!! What e-mail add. do you complain to at apple???
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    Read this!!

    I was thinking along those lines too, but I always keep the dock hidden when I dont need it so it makes no sense to align the icons one step to the left:confused:
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    Read this!!

    Why is it that after installing the X.1.1 update it takes longer to start up and my "snap to grid" on the desktop is allining all weird??(the HD icon, together with all other icons in the DT, is being placed one step on the left of where it should be!!!):mad: :mad: ...its like the grid has...
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    DVDs not recognized

    It doesn't work in OS9.2 either!! If it is the drive how do I get it fixed?? I mean......other than sending the whole computer away for 3-4 months? I installed 10.1.1 today hoping that it would solve my misterious problem........but obviously nothing still!! CDs still is just very...
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    DVDs not recognized

    Guess everybody is as lost as me on this one hey!!:(
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    DVDs not recognized

    Help:( :( :(
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    DVDs not recognized

    I have been using 10.1 for 3 weeks!!--> "At that point I suspected it was probably due to 10.0.4 and was expecting that after I upgraded to 10.1 all would be OK. Obviously nothing is changed after the 10.1 here I am...begging for help!! " Nothing has changed with 10.1...
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    DVDs not recognized

    Hi there, First of all I just want to say that its a great idea to have this "ask a question" section! I have a 500Mhz G4 Cube with a DVD rom drive. After I installed 10.0.4 all of a sudden my drive stopped recognizing DVDs! I didn't do anything or install any weird programs. One day...