Search results

  1. Hypernate

    10.3.4 broke my iBook!

    I got the software update today, and about 89% through the optimization, my screensaver cut in, and it froze to i had to reset. Now, wont work, and niether would stickies. But i downloaded the pdate again and installed again, now stickies works, but mail and the volume keys dont...
  2. Hypernate

    Mail and e-mail notificatiosn

    I set up Mail to automatically finter my e-mails into folders (Friends, family work... etc.), and that's working fine, but now, the Mail icon in the dock doesn't show new messages when a message comes into those folders. ( i also have a filter running to make th eicon bounce for every message...
  3. Hypernate

    Dead iBook G4!!!

    I am distraught. I precious, precious iBook G4... is DEAD! Last night, I was using it, on my bed, and then suddenly, everything just froze... no kernal panic screen, everythign jsut stopped, and my hard drive was making really scary clicking noises.... I lifted the computer up, and the...
  4. Hypernate

    iChat Menu...

    If I'm using the iChat menu to list buddies when I close, is there anyway I can get it to list buddies who are online but listed as busy/unavailable, not just the available ones? A lot of people i know stay AWAY all the time, so would never list even when they are really there?
  5. Hypernate

    DV Camera as WebCam woes

    I've been trying to use my Canon MV530i DV Camera as a WebCam using FireWire with iChat, and it's been working fine, EXCEPT that it turns itself off as a battery saver, even when it's plugged into the power. I can't find any way to turn this off in the menus. Does any one know how to try to fix...
  6. Hypernate

    Little things we love

    As a Mac user, you'll have noticed all the little things that Apple does, that just set it above anything else. Yeah, I'm sure this discussion has happened before, but maybe some comments regarding new products? I'll start with a few. When I bought both my iMac and my iBook, I thought it...
  7. Hypernate

    Panels not flush in iBook

    I just noticed today that on my new G4 12" iBook, if i touch the corners of the main part, at the front (ie. Bettery and hard drive corners) they usually make a tiny squeak and move a little. My mum's 14" doesn't do this? Anyone else got this? it aint a problem, just a little annoying (I can be...
  8. Hypernate

    AirPort signal strength

    Hey, I KNOW there have been SO MANY posts regarding AirPort signal problems, but I'm not sure if mine is the same as those. Firstly, I have an AP Extreme base station, my 12" G4 iBook has an APE card, and my mum's 14" G4 iBook also has APE. Our BS is upstairs, on the ADSL line, and when...
  9. Hypernate

    Windows XP will NOT use my AirPort hardware.

    I recently get my AP Extreme base station, and both mine and my mother's iBooks are working great, but my sister's Windows XP toshiba won't connect to the network. It will detect it, but then, even when I use the equivalent WEP key, it won't connect. Is this a problem with my base station...
  10. Hypernate

    Remote control internet sharing?

    I FINALLY got my iBook today and i've got my AirPort card installed. The iMac withthe ADSL connection has an AirPort card also, but i have no base station. When I'm not using the internet from my iBook, I don't want to leave the internet sharing open on the iMac. Is it possible to control the...
  11. Hypernate

    Remote control internet sharing?

    I FINALLY got my iBook today. When i collect my AirPort cards (for my iBook and my iMac, I want to set up internet sharing with my iMac which is connected to an ADSL connection, however, I dont want to leave sharing enabled while I'm not surfing from my iBook. Can I use Remote Connection or...
  12. Hypernate

    Can I format my Mac iPod to windows?

    SOmeone wants to buy my old 10GB iPod off me, and then I'd buy a new 20gb.. BUT he uses Windows, and I of course have a mac. He has FireWire, so that's not a problem. If he uses iTunes for WIndows, will it automatically see the iPod, or will he have to reformat it?
  13. Hypernate

    Bad news & CRT evils?

    Well th ebad news (for anyone who cares, so I'm guessing very few ;) ) is that it looks like I won't be getting a replacemtn mac for a very long time, as my parental units won't give me permission to FlexiRent a new one, because "You have a perfectly good iMac upstairs" (which is not useful...
  14. Hypernate

    Deafening roar - DP 1.25 G4?

    I was reading and I was wondering if the reviewer was exaggerating the amount of noise produced. I'm not sure I want to buy this computer if it truely is this load, because one of the things that annoys me is the noice from my old Rev. B iMac...
  15. Hypernate

    1.6 G5 or dual 1.25 G4?

    My little ole 333mHz iMac has finally dsecided to die. Almost. I think me runing Mac OS X.2 with 96mb of RAM probably didnt' help it, but hey ;) To replace it, I can afford either a 1.6gHz G5 with the 17" screen, or a new dual 1.25gHz with a 17". I'd have them both specced the same, with 1GB...
  16. Hypernate

    An iBook on a Novell Netware network *shudder*

    When I get my iBook, I would find it REALLY useful to connect it to my school network, which is a Windows 2000/XP network, runing with Novell. I don' t so much need the file sharing access, as just printers and internet. I am pretty sure I can get the printer access by just connecting to the...
  17. Hypernate

    Spend up on a Airport Extreme Base Station, or try to find a second hand older one?

    Firstly, I'll start by saying I'm buying an iBook, so I don't need Airport Extreme as such. What are the differences between the snow base stations and the extreme ones, apart from the speed? Also, what are the main problems that affect second hand stations? I know that the graphite ones...
  18. Hypernate

    So true
  19. Hypernate

    Interface Builder

    In the Interface Builder, how do I get a window with tabs to change size according to the size of the tab, like in the System Prefs (I.E I have a tab with very little stuff, and then a tab with LOTS, how tdo i get the window to scale according to the size of the stuff in the tab?