Search results

  1. D

    Migration an existing MacOS 10.4.11 installation to a larger hard drive

    Dear MacOS X users There's a iMac G4 with a fairly full HD (there's a 10 GB ATA drive from Quantum in it). I'd like to replace this drive to a larger one but migrate the whole MacOS X installation so I'm looking for a utility like PowerQuest's Partition Magic (and its "brother tool"...
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    Drive Image backup

    Dear MacOS X users I have running a Mac mini as a webserver with a fairly complex PHP/MySQL and system configuration. For an efficient disaster recovery (hard drive damage or a hacker which destroys all Web content and OS installation), I'm looking for a tool like PowerQuest's DriveImage from...
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    What's your Internet connection ? How much ? Worth it ?

    Nice to hear something from other Swiss users... :-) At my home, I'm living in a rural site where there's no ADSL (too long distance to the phone central and an overhead cable) and where there's also no TV cable (except I dig my own cable of a lenght of 1,5 km for $67'000). So I decided me to a...
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    MacOS X as a NIS (YP) client with NFS mounted /home file system

    Dear MacOS X users I recently have become a proud owner of Apple's new "table lamp". ;-) I'm using MacOS X in a heterogenous environment where a SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional box (standard i386 box) runs as my file server for all systems. I have stored all my productive data on it and...
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    What is your favorite UNIX shell?

    The ksh (Korn Shell) was forgotten - I set my vote to it... :-)
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    Economizing screen on i-Mac by saving power

    Dear MacOS X users I setup an i-Mac (that nice :-) compact device with built-in screen and transparent housing as shown in with MacOS X as a Telnet and Web server, so I'd like to run it non-stop. At the console, only the login prompt appears most time because...
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    VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

    Due the lack of X11 support to get a remote desktop over the network (remote administration of a Mac), I'd like to use VNC. See for details. There's Mac port of it which succesfully works on MacOS 8.1 and MacOS 9 but I can't get running this app in MacOS...
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    X11 support in geral

    When I do a "netstat -an|grep 6000" I'm missing a running X11 service to display a "xterm -ls &" started on a Linux box on my local Apple screen. And the opposite, do a <dreael@i386linuxbox>:/home/dreael>telnet darvin Trying Connected to darvin.intranet.loc Escape character...
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    GCC and C compiler general

    Dear MacOS X testers The great UNIX base with Telnet and command line shell capability invites me to use well known GNU packages like "Lynx", "Pine" and so on. Unfortunately, a "cc -o helloWorld helloWorld.c" command (three code line app) does not work :-( but a "man cc" shows NAME...
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    PowerBook 5300cs

    Only short question: Is there a chance to get Mac OS X running on a PowerBook 5300cs (has 540 MB disk and 32 MB RAM at the moment; bought in February 1996) or should I better forget such old hardware? Pheripherals: "Dayna Communicard E" LAN Adapter and external generic SCSI CD-ROM drive...