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  1. jomaan

    Login Window Appears

    I upgraded an iMac G4/400 512MBRam into jaguar (10.2.2, last OS was Os X 10.1.5 and both works well), since this update when iMac reboots the login window appears into scene, asking for which users and password. I checked the system preferences pane/accounts/startup session options/ , the...
  2. jomaan

    For the Terminal MASTERS

    Thx to everyone, your advises are very usefull!!! Many thx again jomaan
  3. jomaan

    For the Terminal MASTERS

    How? I'm not skilled user in Terminal procedures. thx
  4. jomaan

    For the Terminal MASTERS

    Anyone knows how can I change the download location when I use the ftp service in terminal? Ftp all the times downloads archives in my user folder… I whana download in a diferent disk… any ideas??? thx:confused:
  5. jomaan

    10.2, CDR drives and toast

    Yes men!!!! I updated my os to 10.2.1 and voila!! toast 5.1.4 and system now can burn cd's That's the solution!!!! see you
  6. jomaan

    10.2, CDR drives and toast

    10.2.1… I hope so!! But I insist if anyone with this kind of problems have a solution, let us know!!! thx
  7. jomaan

    10.2, CDR drives and toast

    Well, again problems with SCSI CDR Drives and toast 5.1.4… Anyone can explain how can I solve the archifamous problem? My system recognizes the SCSI card (Adapatec 2906, also in this card is attached a 4Gb IBM HardDisk and it's working well) and Yamaha 8424 CDR drive, but toast and other...
  8. jomaan

    Sharing Desktop between Hard disks

    Yes… the file has been copied onto the desktop… but in the desktop folder of Primary Hard disk. Remember, My objective is to place files from secondary disk onto desktop, only place on it, I don't wanna do a copy. :( Well I think there's no solution… But I'm open to recive possible ways to...
  9. jomaan

    Sharing Desktop between Hard disks

    Didn't work… I'm not sure if explained ok in my first message… But in my home computer I installed two hard disk and two hard disk have the Desktop folder, working desktop folders, the second hard disk cannot drag files directly in the desktop, but if I put into de DEKTOP folder, the file...
  10. jomaan

    Sharing Desktop between Hard disks

    Recentlly I installed a 4Gb SCSI Hard Disk onto Adaptec SCSI card2906. The hard disk was formatted and mounted without problems, but one thing was wierd, no DESKTOP folder appears on it… and I cannot put antthing on dektop because it's been copied onto Primary Hard disk. I tried to create a...
  11. jomaan

    OS X user in Novell GroupWise email clients

    Anyone knows what I need to Novell Groupwise 5.2 runs in Os X 10.1.5? Now a I can Mount novell volumes, but Groupwise app not starts, simply appears icon in dock and nothing do (first starts classic 9.2.2). This email client at startup searches for mail folder stored in novell volume mounted...
  12. jomaan

    No more FontMenu???

    Hi I have the same problem, I use 10.1.5 and Suitcase 10.1, and Freehand 10. My font families are not in order. Any solutions? thx
  13. jomaan

    Arranging two monitors

    Hi diablo! I tried zapping the PRAM, the result is a total disaster... let me explain… since a I zapped the PRAM the problem about arranging monitors persist, but this is not a problem now... the problem is the monitor attached to ixMicro appears in radioactive green dominant color on the...
  14. jomaan

    Users connected

    Thx I'll try jomaan
  15. jomaan

    Arranging two monitors

    zapping PRAM! wow I forgot to try it, many thx I'll try and I'll say how it works. thx again!
  16. jomaan

    Users connected

    Hi People! Anyone knows how can see in OS X when a LAN user is connected in my computer? and Who is? thx jomaan
  17. jomaan

    Arranging two monitors

    I use a Mac OS X 10.1.5 in a G4/400 576Ram with Two monitors attached on it. The second display card is a IxMicro128 (I know that driver doesn't exist from OsX, I'll see 640x480 res on it) with a AppleDisplay 1710. When I Use system preference pane Monitors, to arraging monitors works very...
  18. jomaan


    ok I'll try with thx anyway :confused:
  19. jomaan


    yes my CD burner is powered and connected when I boot my MAC... any more suggestion??? :confused:
  20. jomaan


    I have a problem with my G4 with Adaptec2930 SCSI card, Yamaha8424 and Toast5.1.1..... My OS is X 10.1.2, and have 512Mb When Toast is ready I notice that toast no detects my Yamaha in SCS chain, what happens? I tried System profiler... and detects Yamaha in scsi Chain! Then I installed...