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  1. jmmistrot

    Home Network/Firewall

    Here is the thing see.... I would like to use my Mac to split up my cable connection to my other systems here at home. How would I go about doing this? Anyone...? Jmmistrot
  2. jmmistrot

    Installing New Libraries/Frameworks

    I am trying to add a new library to my system. I am really not to sure how to do this under OSX. I went in and looked at the directory structure and it is quite different than the Irix system i usually work on. My question is this: How do I install a new framework/library? Thanks, Love...
  3. jmmistrot

    unix newbie question

    Thanks jimr.. I guess I have some reading to do..
  4. jmmistrot

    unix newbie question

    I had a general newbie kinda question to ask; okay if I am gonna be compiling some GL stuff from the command line where should I place my GL libraries? Would I throw them into usr/local/lib/? or maybe usr/lib/ ? I know where they are for PB but when I compile from commandline of course...
  5. jmmistrot

    GL libraries...for commandline compiling

    I had a general newbie kinda question to ask; okay if I am gonna be compiling some GL stuff from the command line where should I place my libraries? Would I throw them into usr/local/lib/? or maybe usr/lib/ ? I know where they are for PB but when I compile from commandline of course...
  6. jmmistrot

    Command line executables..?

    Thanks for your help..That did it.. I am used to being able to just source and run.. Thanks again..:D
  7. jmmistrot

    Command line executables..?

    I finally got !0.1 an installed it with the new dev tools. I was hoping that this was gonna solve somme of my problems but... I still can't run stuff from the command line. I can compile just fine using cc and c++ but when I type in te name of the object file I get a 'command not found'...
  8. jmmistrot

    including headers

    I just place em in the source folder with everything else.. These are little headers I write not frameworks or anything...I am assuming that is what your speaking of..:D
  9. jmmistrot

    Passing multiple arguments

    Okay here is another one... I am writing a little PPM(old graphic format) viewer in C++ and I have run into the following problem. First of all let me say that I just recently started using the IDE because I was unable to run any of the code I compiled at the command line from the command...
  10. jmmistrot

    Say it ain't so..(C++ vs. Obj. C)

    jdog, If you look in the Developer/Examples/GLUTexamples/particle/ folder you will find the code I am speaking of... In any event I shouldn't be having such awful resluts with my dinky liottle particle system especially since I am running it on a G4 733 with 1.1GB RAM ...I mean the...
  11. jmmistrot

    Say it ain't so..(C++ vs. Obj. C)

    Okay I am at a loss... I programmed a little Particle system using C++ on the Iris platform and it ran fine. I got my new G4 with OsX and I noticed in the DEv tools there was a GLUT example in C(objective C I think) of a prticle system. I ran it and it kicked butt, running more than 5000...
  12. jmmistrot

    OKAY SO I AM STUPID BUT....(X11&Gnome)

    OK sounds good.. would love to get gnome up and running.. Can I do it without Fink? One other dumb question..I know that if I am running Linux and a windows manager like Gnome then I am able to compile and run GL stuff..I also thought that Linux uses Xfree86 as its base windowing...
  13. jmmistrot

    OKAY SO I AM STUPID BUT....(X11&Gnome)

    Help... This is drivin me nuts.. I am trying to get a windows manager up and running over my X11 install., and am having a really hard time. I have tried everything I even tried installing via fink. My biggest problem I would say going the FInk route is that I am connected to a 56k modem and...
  14. jmmistrot

    Enlightenment (Fink Install)

    I have been tryin to get a windows manager over X11 for das now..this is the problem I am currently having..I am a bit of a newbie when itcomes to instslling binaries so bear with me.. When I go to install enlightenment I get the following error: *** Could not run IMLIB test program...
  15. jmmistrot

    GCC or CC

    Okay here is a real dumb one..I just got Xfree86 running along side aqua and now I am trying to install a windows manaer Enlightenment to be exact.. When i go to compile the source with the installer It doesn't seem to find a compiler in my PATH..I have looked around on the system for a...