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  1. B

    Insert image into email signature in OS X Mail

    just drop the image into the signature box in prefs.
  2. B

    Sorry-I'm new. How do you search this forum?

    and you'll ahve to keep up your posts to search!
  3. B

    Rendezvous printing drivers?

    im trying to hook up an Epson 7600 DYE printer to my airport express, via usb. The printer shows up in rendezvous just as Epson 7600 DYE, giving me no option to select a driver, ie. roll paper or sheet feed, so i can only print onto roll paper. any ideas? where do the drivers read from? can i...
  4. B

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    have you all seen this?
  5. B

    help me find this app!

    it was probably tinkertool, but that function is now defunct in the 10.2 version.
  6. B

    Jaguar Observations...

    i think apple are looking to put the 'cycle through windows' option into the finder via the apple+tilde shortcut, GoTo is now apple+shift+G, no sign of tilde. i hope so.
  7. B

    OS "EX" or OS "Ten"?

    i shall be calling it tex from now on....;)
  8. B

    OS "EX" or OS "Ten"?

    so is it oss, or Oh Ess? i hear PC users saying oss, as in dos. do we mac users say O-S or Oss?
  9. B

    Portfolio site...

    CV stands for Curriculum Vitae, its just another way of saying resumé. you can get a detect plugin here. if you're pretty up with Flash, you make a complete flash site, thats definately a way to show off your talent and creativity.
  10. B

    Portfolio site...

    oK, its seems i have offended you, i didn't mean to, i appreciate tha this is your hard work, im just trying to offer constructive criticism. you could embed the music or stream it, you could then use the image, say it was a pulsating gif, by that i mean a throbbing image rather than a...
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    Portfolio site...

    i like it, a few points i would pick up on though- there are no apparent links to the sites you have designed the on/off it too much of a distraction, and it doesn't need to be flash, its gonna look really weird if the viewwer doesnt have the plugin and wonders what that tiny little flash...
  12. B

    Pro speakers and powerbook?

    does anyone know if te pro speakers work with the powerbook G4's? applestore say its a different size jack but im not so sure, its a minijack and as far as i know a minijacks a minijack. anybody know?
  13. B

    FTP multi login accounts

    no its a little further than that thankyou, i have it worked out, it was to do with the gid.thanks though
  14. B

    What's wrong with this pic?

  15. B

    What do you know about Flash 6?

    so now macromedia have comfirmation we know how to disable their serialiser, excellent.:rolleyes:
  16. B

    FTP multi login accounts

    i've been trying to set up multiple logins for ftp, but for some reason when i set up a new account in netinfo, the old ftp login user is denied access, im not trying to open both connections at the same time. can anyone help? i essentially want different ftp accounts with different home...
  17. B

    What was that about a new PowerMac G4?

    well, we must all listen to you eh? America's doing so well with its 'Combatent prisoners' in Cuba isn't it. do you think as you type?
  18. B

    Broken glass sound at startup?

    re sit your RAM, take it out and put it back in. the sound your hear should sound like a car crash, this means serious attention, if it ain't the ram, its back to the depo. hope its the ram:(
  19. B

    HELP OUT fellow MACUSERS -- please read!

    signed, whats that last entry field? i presumed it was country, heck, i don't know, its all greek to me:eek: