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  1. Smash

    Adding fonts into OS X

  2. Smash

    Problems Viewing Network Shares

    I'm having this problem with the alias to fix since I'm on 10.4.3 ... all was perfect before but now I can't connect to a specific machine on my network. This is a Win 2000 Server, although I can access to a Win 2003 server and some machines in Various OS (2000, XP, OSX, Debian ...)
  3. Smash

    East european Font

    Bulgarian as well as Russian is displayed correctly. I have problems all the languages that required "CE" fonts in OS 9 : Czech, Polish, Romanian, Latvian, Serbian, Croatian ...
  4. Smash

    East european Font

    Hi, I got a problem in Quark Xpress (6) with my Arial CE font: the print is ok but the display on screen in the Quark document is a disaster. I guess my screen font is bad, but I can't find any to download, or i have to pay for it... which makes me feel bad as I only need the screen font...
  5. Smash

    panther and firmware update

    I'm trying to install Panther on a 500mhz imac that is running on 10.2.8 build 6R73, but instal require me to udate firmware. Well i'd like to ... but I can't find how to know what firmware I'm curently using and I can't find any update to do. All updates have been made with software update...
  6. Smash

    Icons problem

    yup by retsarting with command-s, but was not able to repair anything. :( And to reply to ther post: yes i could back-up and save all my data's although i could not drag and drop files and was forced to use copy and paste with keyboard control. Well i've tried to install panther to fix all...
  7. Smash

    Icons problem

    All my icons have turned to folders or Apllication Icon. I've been on Aplle Support but only post regarding this a post from osx 10.0 saying I should delete files that are no more on Jaguar. Moreover, it wont let me install Panther until I fix this problem. I've tried disk utility but it...
  8. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    So I f I understand clearly: u just have to log in your temrinal as su then type defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat JPEG (if you want it in JPEG) and it's ok ?
  9. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    GREAT !! That was something like that I was searching for :D Now just have to do that and to create new image from clipboard in GraphicConvertor. Result is fine. Thanks a lot !
  10. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    Yeah actually I did ... Even if quality if lil better, but still not enough ... still have the problem of time :s I know you're trying hehe but no that solution's not for me :D Had tried it before posting here ! I'm searching for a solution like snapz ... but not for that much money ! Or...
  11. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    hmm ... I said up in this thread that this solution was not suitable for me. It is too much time consuming and the quality is not good enough.
  12. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    Iris, I'm trying your lil Soft right now. Yeah that's not bad at all ... but one or two things i don't like: Soft must be running to use Key combinaison ! Or I've missed something ;) So you have to first open the soft, then you can use Keys :/. Lil menu in bar is nice but it keeps the Soft...
  13. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    What tool from Apple ? Screenshots made by OSX are in PDf format by default. I f you want to make them pictures, u have to go by Acrobat than export it to image than only you can edit them with GC, that I'm using all the time btw. Problems are the time and the quality: far too long process for...
  14. Smash

    Screen Shots in other format than PDF

    Does some1 know a way to have screen sgots saved in other format than PDF ? Third party softwares does not satisfy me so I'm looking for a way to change it in the system. I tried with Snapz Pro X, works fine but does not really want to pay 50$ for a screen shot :s. There was also this...
  15. Smash

    languages Display ...

    Well here is my problem: I have to work with several different european languages (around 30), means really a lot ! And if I can handle all those languages in Word, with all the proper fonts installed, it is completely impossible to see those languages in Internet Explorer. All languages...
  16. Smash

    Why the new imac will fail

    Yes of course... And you're gonna tell us that Windows XP is far better than any other system... that you like the sound of the fan put on your "suuuuuper" processor, because of it's high power... No my dear it's because thins thing that you call a precessor is as the rest of microbrol windows...
  17. Smash

    OSX Server as only server

    Hi, I have currently a NT4 server for a network of about 20 machines and two printers. Machines are running under: Win 95, 98,Me and 2000; Mac OS 9.1 and X.1.2 and Red Hat linux 7.2. Printers are HP 2200 and Apple laser writer 12/640 ps. We (me and other people in computer dept of...
  18. Smash

    Why the new imac will fail

    Just to say it isn't unfortunatelly just UK !!! example top iMac U.S. 1799 $ Belgium 2554 $ You see what I mean .... ... ... ... With prices like this, you realize that you really have to love macs to pre-order it ! And why only enterprises can afford macs, God bless my boss ;o)
  19. Smash

    Why the new imac will fail

    OK guys... There are things I agree other... completely disagree: 1) Price: No the new iMac is not so expensive. - Just try to have a PC with same features for the same price ... impossible, I've tried ... and I'm selling computers ! - Apple's way of doing is alomst the same: same...
  20. Smash

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Pretty Tool !! Tks a loy.