drop box

  1. M

    Lost Photos! No update - software conflict!

    As with most things Mac - I've had the money issue where I am currently unable to update my Macbook Pro - but also don't have enough free space currently to update the OS. Because of this issue - I have had a conflict between DropBox - whom I use, and of course pay for, storage to mitigate...
  2. JPigford

    How do I only share my drop box?

  3. B

    Other users can't see my drop box

  4. R

    drop box permissions

    How do I setup the drop box permissions so that when an user across the network saves a file in shared->public->dropbox on my computer the files are rw,rw,rw,rw. I was supplied an apple script code that when compiled creates a folder action so that files saved on the host computer are...
  5. D

    Drop Box Permissions

    I'm running an iMac G5, OSX 10.3.9, with 2 user accounts and it seems there's no way of sharing files between them. I've tried using the drop box and the "shared" folder and result is always the same when I switch user : "you have insufficient access privileges". I've checked that both users...
  6. J

    Folders Transferred to Drop Box Unable to Be Opened

    I'm using Mac OSX 10.4.2. I'm having a problem where another user from my office is transferring files (from OS 9.2.2) via Appletalk to my Drop Box. When a single file is transferred to me there are no problems, however when a file folder is transferred to me, I get a message when I try to...
  7. A

    I can delete my files in someone elses drop box

    Dop boxes are folders in which users have write-only access and the owner of the drop box has read+write. Some time ago I wrote in this forum how it was possible to modify the contents of a file that you had placed in someone elses drop box. I have now found how to delete a file you have...
  8. JPigford

    How do I only share my drop box?

    Must being having a brain fart, because I can't remember how to only share my Public > Drop Box...right now you can get to pretty much anything on my machine from another computer.
  9. A

    I thought a DROP BOX was write only!

    I was trying out the drop box folders in OSX and stumbled upon this. Is this normal? I understand a drop box is WRITE ONLY for the "generic" user. And OSX actually warns me that if I move a file into this folder I will not be able to recover it. Now for the catch. If, for example in...
  10. thwomp

    Problem deleting full dirs from my sticky drop box...

    Ok, this is a problem I had on a Linux system/network, but I was wondering how to fix it on either Linux or OSX if there is a different (HFS+?) way: I created a drop-box directory, with the sticky bit set (`chmod 1777 .`). I want other users to be able to put files or entire directories...
  11. M

    How TO-give admin user access to other users drop box

    As instructed in the latest MacWorld insert by Robin Williams, I set a up a second user on my Mac G4 in order to enable Windows file sharing. Everything works great, as I am able to login to the second users folders from my PC and copy files to the drop box. The problem I have is that I can't...
  12. B

    Other users can't see my drop box

    I'm sure they used to be able to. I've checked the permissions, and they seem to be able to write, but they can't see my home directory in the chooser. Anyone any ideas?
  13. knighthawk

    Anyone know how to have an HTTP/FTP drop box?

    I am trying to make it simple for my clients to FTP their job files to me. I have an anon FTP setup on my 10.1 box. What I would like to do is either have an HTML picture (like an icon), or a page that the client can drag and drop their file on to upload to my FTP server. The web server for...
  14. E

    File permissions and the drop box.

    I've encountered one of those annoying things in life, kind of like locking your keys in your car with the engine running. I have my system set up so that users have drop boxes, which other users have only write permissions for. The problem arises when a user drops a file into another user's...