
  1. O

    iTunes Videos Copy Protected

    Say I wanted to make a copy of an episode of "Lost" that I recently bought on the iTMS. Could I (assuming it fits) burn him a CD of it, and have his copy of quicktime or the iTunes play it for him (assuming his machine isnt authorized to play music purchased from my account)? Woah, that...
  2. G

    itunes FREEZES while importing

    Hello everyone, I have a problem with my itunes. Everytime now whenever I try to import songs on to my itunes (through cd's or files on my computer) it will usually import 2-5 before it freezes. When I say freeze, I mean my whole computer freezes, so I have to shut down my computer manually and...
  3. B

    ITunes, mp3, and more

    Okay, I tried to "search" the forums here with no luck (though I'm sure something similar to my question has been asked, so sorry in advance!) I have an mp3 cd that was created on a pc and I want to add its contents to my Itunes library (on my powerbook G4) and my iPod. For some reason...
  4. windsor_richard

    iTunes sharing/ pc not showing up on network

    Afternoon all, I have set up a wireless network of ten computers. Half mac, the other pc. All of the macs plus one of the pc's can share itunes without any issues. Two other pc itunes users can't seee our music or share theirs? I have had a look at the firewalls and security settings and...
  5. Z

    HOW CAN I set iTunes 6 poster frames to be DVD covers

    Is it at all possible to setup iTunes 6 to display DVD covers or even movie posters for the various movies I have? Any ideas?
  6. C

    iTunes on next RAZR! Looks like the next phone to have iTunes compatibility will be the RAZR V3i. I'm getting a little confused with all the names of the new RAZR's, but still this is awesome. Makes the ROKR look completely rediculous! lol...
  7. Mikuro

    Communicating with iTunes?

    What's the best way with Cocoa to display the current track from iTunes? I know there are a lot of apps that do this, but I'm not sure how they go about it. I know I could use AppleScript or raw AppleEvents, and I don't need help with this. The problem with AppleScript is that it necessitates...
  8. B

    iTunes not responding since iPod software update

    I have an iBook G4, 10.3.9 I just ran the latest iPod software update because my iPod wasn't able to receive the latest songs I had purchased from the Music Store. Since I performed the update, my iTunes won't open. I click on the icon, it shows that it's open and not responding, and when I...
  9. mi5moav

    itunes now on ROKR,SLVR V7, RZR V3

    always fun to find it on ebay
  10. A

    Itunes streaming port?

    Does anyone know what port Itunes uses for streaming media? Our company has a T1, but with 100+ users, a busy web server, and lots of email attachments coming in and out, I'm having to trim back on all unnecessary services to free up some bandwidth. Until we upgrade our line, I've got to...
  11. Quicksilver

    Motorola SLVR L7 with iTunes

    Getting better. But still not up to scratch. Also has anyone actually noticed the ugly font the phone is using? it looks like "impact" that's an ugly font for iTunes! .
  12. Lt Major Burns

    Playlists in iTunes

    for all the years i have used itunes, i have lost my playlists, on average, every 3 months or so, though one thing or another. so much so, that now i rarely use this integral feature in iTunes. How can i either a) back them up, b) make it more stable or c) both. i want to keep my playlists!
  13. Chic0

    Importing iTunes library from external to internal hard drive

    This has probably been mentioned before, but I cant find the thread. On my Powerbook G4 12", I had to use an external hard drive to store all my music. I have just bought a new PowerBook 15" with 120gb hard disk, so would like to run all my music directly from the internal hard disk...
  14. P

    Will iTunes output a quadraphonic signal?

    I have an Altec music system connected to my Mac which has a quadraphonic output mode. Does anyone know if iTunes will output the signal correctly. I can't test it yet as I don't have any quad CD's but a friend has posted a quad version of Santana's Abraxas and I'm keen to know whether or not...
  15. Convert

    Doesn't this defeat the purpose of an iTunes prepaid Music Card?

    I brought one for a friend yesterday who has an account, so that is fine. However, I wanted to get one myself, which I plan to do later. But I tried to make an account, and it said that my .mac account meant that I already had one, I just had to set it up. But this is where it required a...
  16. D

    Itunes Music Store

    I have a G4 iBook running 10.3.9, and iTunes 6.0.1 . I haven't made any software changes in the last week or so. For some reason, beginning last night, when I try to log in to the ITMS, I get an error saying "iTunes could not Connect to the Music Store. The requested keychain was...
  17. W


    I am wanting to back up my itunes library to dvd so that i can free up some space on my hard drive, where do i find the files to copy and am i safe to then delete from my HD I am also wanting to do this with Iphoto files and anything else on my mac that i do not need every day can you...
  18. S

    Itunes Isn't Responding

    my itunes continues not to respond yet all other applications are fine...i have taken it off, put it back on, re-updated time and again and nothing. it bounces about as if it is going to open then nothing happens and half the time the spinning beach ball turns up...very bloody has...
  19. Y

    iTunes Database and files

    I have all of my MP3s on an external hard drive. Is it possible to have all the files import into iTunes without having them copy into my home folder? I would like them to only stay on the external hard drive. Thanks- Rob
  20. B

    Itunes, And Keychain Problems

    I though I knew my way around my computer pretty well. But this problem has kept me busy with out any luck for a month or so. In iTunes ((6.1) but this has been happening since 4.7) whenever I try to purchase anything I get the message: iTunes could not connect to music store. The requested...