
  1. S

    Moving iPhoto Library

    I don't know if this one had been posted already, but I found this on MacOS Hints by bbum. Like others I had the problem that I have partioned my harddrive to several different ones with one bigger partion of them holding my data. It was not possible to move the iPhoto Library to this partion an...
  2. FaRuvius

    I'm moving to canada...

    Apparently the DOJ (Department of Justice, for you non-USA types) has already started monitoring cable-modem internet traffic. Including obtaining IP addresses, usernames, etc. All without a warrant!! -- WIRED Article I don't know about you guys, but this whole "Homeland Security"...
  3. B

    moving temp files?

    Hey there! I just wondered if you could help me out with this problem. Unfortunately I partitioned my HD the wrong way so I have about 300-400 MB free (even after moving the swap-files). So when I want to burn a CD with the built-in burning support I won´t be able to fill the CD since it...
  4. T

    OS X Moving to 64-bit?

    Ok, I read an article on The Register That states Apple may be creating a 64 bit version of OS X that will only run on the yet to be released G5. I was wondering if anyone had info on this or any comments?
  5. ulrik

    Stop Moving!!!

    OK, does anybody know where I can disable the jumping dock icons? Any config file? I haven't found a way to suppress it in the System Prefs...I find it so annoying that I have to click on Entourage everytime a mail arrives just to stop that icon from jumping! You could have make it glow...or...
  6. S

    Moving my whole MacOS X volume

    Hi, I want to copy over my entire MacOS X volume to a larger partition. There are a few problems I can foresee: - Ownership Privileges and Flags - Symbolic Links - Hard Links Is there a safe procedure to do this, without symbolic links getting turned into real directories and hard...
  7. J

    moving user home dir?

    i have a box running os x that is publically available to a small group of individauls and i would like to limit the amount of disk space they can consume. i am sure this is a trivial task on most *nix distributions but exactly how on os x is baffling. i figured that i could create a partition...
  8. T

    Moving Files on the Harddrive

    every time i open my HD on MacOS X and want to move files and folders around that were there already from MacOS 9 i can NOT?! a lil window pops up and tells me that i dont have enough privileges to complete the operation?! Now how can i as the ADMINISTRATOR not have enough privileges for...
  9. N

    moving OSX .mbox format to OE5

    hello. i tried out the OSX, but do not like it. is it possible to convert my mail back to OE5? thanks. nall. PS. i tried just importing the mbox files as "text files", but that was not successful
  10. F

    Moving the Dock, How?

    i type in... su pass: cd /System/Library/CoreServices/ ls -1 pico English.lproj/DockMenus.plist Then i go to line "1013" and change the word "command" with the word "menu" Then i go to line "1014" and change the word "command" with the word "menu...
  11. chemistry_geek

    Scrolling in a window vs. moving the window

    I noticed that clicking on a blue slider bar inside a window and scrolling is painfully slow and staggered on a G3 400MHz, 384MB RAM, ATi Rage 128 video card, however, clicking on the window itself and moving the window very quickly is not a problem with no visible lagging / staggering. Moving...
  12. B

    Moving files using the Toolbar

    I guess this is known for most of you, but still... Dropping a file on a icon (ex. Applications) in the toolbar would result in that file being moved to the applications folder. For me who always dragged between different finder win's this turned out to be real handy.
  13. L

    Moving the Apple Menu

    How do you move the Apple Menu to any where on the Menu Bar? Also how do you move the dock from the bottom to the side or to the top of the screen and how do you move it back again? I AM NOT USING A PUBLIC BETA OF MAC OS X !
  14. P

    Moving OS9 Sys to OSX disk

    I have installed OSX on a 2nd disk in order to check it installed okay. I am now happy with the install and want to move my original OS 9.0.4 system folder to the OSX disk so I can run classic apps frm OSX. Is this as simple as just copying it to a specific location on the OS X disk and...
  15. M

    Moving Applications around

    Trying to organize my OSX HD the other day, I moved some folders around trying to put all my OSX downloads into some sort of order. I moved All the Apple apps into a folder and now 'Command-F' in the Finder gives me a"can't find Sherlock' message. I know that the Unix file system is different...