
  1. Mr Limpidity

    Stuck email in the mail app

    I have an email in my mailbox that I can't open. Every time that I click on the message mail locks up (ie the spinning wheel of death) Any suggestions on how to purge that particular email since I know what it says already???
  2. M

    Battery Meter on Toolbar Stuck on Calculating

    This is on a Powerbook G3 500 (Pismo) with 384 megs of ram. After installing 10.2 (upgrade install from 10.1) The battery meter never shows as plugged in, just like it's charging and it always says "(Calculating...)" next to it. If i have the machine hooked up to an CRT monitor, with...
  3. L

    Stuck in 10.1.2 (GeForce2 problem)

    I use a "pc" Geforce2MX400 card on my G4(AGP). Never though it would be a good idea, but it worked great, both in 9.2 and X. So I saved a buck and all was swell. But that dream ended in 10.1.3+ (resolution stuck at 1024x max, with only 75hz available). I have heard about others with the same...
  4. Androo

    :'0(cd Stuck In My Imac!!!

    OK, i burnt a cd using toast. My computer froze. Then i pressed the restart button at the side of my 500 mhz Blue Dalmation iMac. Then it couldn't read the system folder, and the cd is stuck now. I try pressing eject, i try holding down option to load one of my system folders. It can't read my...
  5. Androo

    CD Stuck in my imac!!!

    OK, i burnt a cd using toast. My computer froze. Then i pressed the restart button at the side of my 500 mhz Blue Dalmation iMac. Then it couldn't read the system folder, and the cd is stuck now. I try pressing eject, i try holding down option to load one of my system folders. It can't read my...
  6. H

    stuck at 10.1, installer update 1.0 won't work!

    Hey, I'm new to the board...looks like alot of fun stuff for me to learn, but right now I have a specific question for you guys: I want to continue upgrading from 10.1, but to do that I need to have Installer Update 1.0 installed, and that is where I am stuck. When its time to select a...
  7. M

    Stuck on Tomcat

    I'm trying to move a JSP-based web site from NT/IIS to OS X/Apache. I've installed Tomcat 4.0.3 with Apache on OS X 10.1.3. I can run the Tomcat examples via Tomcat's web server (localhost:8080) and via Apache (localhost). I put my JSP code in /webapps/mydir/, configure Tomcat's server.xml...
  8. homer

    what are the stuck processes?

    I was wondering how to determine (using the top command) what processes are stuck, that I may kill them? Is there any indication about stuck processes that I've overlooked? Any help?
  9. E

    Stuck in 9.2 (Classic?) Can't get back to OS X!

    Hi! Can anyone help please? I am a new Mac user - recently converted from 15 years of Windows (I know, I know...!) Anyway - I have upgraded from 9.2 to OSX with the software provided and everything was running fine... Until I tried to install a USB Flash Card Holder - which took me off...
  10. W

    Stuck in military time!

    One day about a month ago I turned on my computer and it had military time on the menubar clock. I got kinda used to it, but now I just want my normal clock back. How do i change it?
  11. Y

    Stuck CD in Titanium

    Any tricks on getting it out? I did some searches here but not much came up. Maybe I'm using the wrong words...?? -Y
  12. A

    Stuck At Blue Screen!!

    Thank goodness there's an OS 9 under there! I haven't been able to get past the blue startup screen on a G4 400. It loads up just like normal, shows the desktop for a moment, then goes to the plain blue screen with the rainbow disk spinning. I have left it running for an hour and never got...
  13. D

    stuck apache

    I have a new OSX at work, and in many ways for a long time PC guy it's like trying to push-start an automatic. One of the many things that have happened, which I have found no cure for, is that after altering the apache httpd_conf file with a desire to enable php it is necessary to shut...
  14. G

    Keys stuck in Classic?

    I've been using OS X for a while now and this new problem has suddenly come up. What happens is that when I switch to a classic app, the letter 'l' is being typed repeatedly. Launching classic Key Caps, shows the letters 'e' and 'l' depressed. Pressing 'l' stops the typing in the classic app...
  15. M

    Stuck At 640x480

    I can't change my monitor out of 640x480. It is annoying because some things in X require a larger screen. I am using a PowerMac 7500 with a G3 upgrade card. Is it because my machine is not supported and doesn't have the appropriate drivers for my graphics chips? If so, does anyone have drivers...
  16. B

    Changed my startup panel, now its stuck!

    Hello, I installed PB on a dual 450 G4, everything went fine, till I wanted to use my firewire burner. It wouldn't show up, so looking around I opened the startup control panel and saw I could select OS9 or OSX (which are on the same HD). I choose 9 and restarted. Now the machine will only boot...