10.3.5 (Complete Thread)

Link, Chevy? I don't see anything like that on macbidouille.com currently, and my ADC source says 'no' so far. :)
Ah, found it. They don't say 'ADC', so either they mean internally, or MacBidouille's just wrong.
I feel bad for people who have to pay full price for Apple stuff, especially OS X. My school sold Panther for 30 bucks when it was first released, they're going to be selling Tiger for the same price.
I don't feel sorry for those who have to pay full price for Mac Software -- they had their chance to get discounts when they were in college/high school (or will get the chance to in the future), and if they didn't go to either of those, then it's their loss. One day I'll have to pay full price, and instead of being envious of those who get discounts because they're still in school, I'll be glad that I'm not in school anymore and can afford to pay full price.

And yeah, that was way off topic and I guess just helped this thread stray a little more... :p

At any rate, I've revised my bets: I'm betting than 10.3.7 is the final 10.3.x release, and that there will be six security updates between now and the release of 10.4. ;)
I don't feel sorry for people who have to pay full price either, since OS X is pretty much the only hope for Apple, it is great that they are always striving to improve it. I do however think that after Tiger apple will most likely wait till after Longhorn (if it doesn't take too long :p) to see how it compares to OS X in terms of features, stability, etc. So I think Apple might take extra care with 10.5 and it *could* possibly be a major upgrade compared to other 10.x ones. Knowing Apple though this is highly unlikely, we'll probably see 10.5 before Longhorn :)
Or MacOS 11 ?

I mean the background technology with UNIX shall remain, but the interface (aqua and metal) is becoming old and boring.
I'd like to see Apple "condense" their GUI in future releases. When I first booted into the OS X Public Beta after installing it, I was shocked to see at how... hmm... big it was. Things that took up a fraction of my desktop in OS 9 at the same resolution were now filling most of my screen.

1024x768 was a comfortable resolution to work with under OS 9. I now have my monitors set to 1280x960 (same monitors I used with OS 8/9), and I still don't feel like I have the same amount of desktop space... even with Finder icons set to 32x32 and the font size set to 10 pt.
I'd like to see Apple revive some long-overdue technologies from OS/2's GUI (like drag and drop fonts and colors - something I've yet to find in any other OS but which made working in OS/2 fantasically easy and powerful all at the same time). Windows "kind of" has it with their Display > Properties > Appearance settings, but you cannot, for instance, set individual apps/windows to use different fonts the way you could in OS/2. Heck, I'd be happy just being able to change the default fonts (for menus and toolbars, dialog/sheet text, etc) in OS X. The zooming capability is handy, but I don't necessarily want to pan-and-scan my desktop just to have fonts show up bigger.

Useful improvements to the system such as these would certainly make it worthwhile to pay full price for the upgrade. New versions of existing web browsers and chat clients are not (for me) sufficient reason to pay full price for an upgrade.
Back on topic: Apple has seeded a first 10.3.5 build to developers yesterday. The size (~40 MB) is probably the combined installer's size, not the size of the 10.3.5 update only...
Safari seems a bit unstable according to my sources. A few app crashes. Will probably take a few weeks before release.
will be released around the time the new g5s start shippin :)

10.3.5 comes with the new dual 2.5 G5s... so expect 10.3.5 by the end of this month :)
Sounds reasonable. Btw., I couldn't 'reproduce' the crashiness my sources had with Safari 1.3 in 10.3.5 7M18... My system is still very stable with these builds of 10.3.5 and Safari 1.3.

However: Apple could choose to ship those G5s with a prerelease build of 10.3.5, issuing the combined updater for everyone later...