There's a difference between nit-picking and addressing specific points of a post. You nit-picked (pointing out my board rule violations), while I addressed specific points (game demo time limits, addressing the developers over fair pricing, etc.).
The short and skinny of this thread is that there is no blanket way to reset a game demo, as the time limits imposed by game developers on their demo software is controlled by them. What works for one game may not work for another, even if those titles come from the same developer. There is also the ethical question (whether or not it's law-abiding or legal) of continued use of something that you're not entitled to use beyond a certain amount of time... this gets into a gray area where some people think it's ok to continue to use demo software in violation of the EULA of the software, while others think it isn't ok, and it's high time to pony up to the developer and pay them for their hard work.
The short and skinny of this "disagreement" overall is that you "wasted" one account here (LeoTheLion89 -- funny how his posts stopped once ComputerDude showed up, right?) by starting off on the wrong foot and blatantly disregarding the board rules all the while posting thinly-veiled questions that, while not 100% "piracy-related," toe the line close enough that they are suspect, at
the least. Then you sign on under a completely different account (since the old one has so much bad rep, I assume), type in the same, exact manner as LeoTheLion89 (lack of capitalization and punctuation), ask questions that are extremely similar to LeoTheLion89, and admit to owning computers that are (surprise, surprise),
exact clones of the computers that LeoTheLion89 uses (eMacs and iBooks ring any bells?). I don't recommend a life of crime for you, as you may not be very good at it. Some people "get away with murder" all the time, because they're smart, cunning, forward-thinking, and know how to cover their tracks very well. I have my doubts that you'd make it through the first.
My point is that you're fooling none of us here (I hope -- at least not me). We're an Apple-loving bunch of people here who have no problem paying for the equipment and software we use, legally, and who offer help to those in need -- completely free and in a timely manner. If we can't afford something, we save our monies, come here, and talk about it until we've saved enough to get whatever that happens to be -- then, we return again to discuss how we like it and ask others of their opinions on the products, services, and hardware/software. You, on the other hand, are trying to exploit this free help and this lovely forum to figure out how to circumvent copy protection and obtain software for free (as if Linux and everything you can get for Linux isn't free enough for you already). As said before, there are literally a crap-ton of sites on the internet that are completely devoted to this crappy kind of "entitlement" mindset -- quit trying to turn this forum into one of those places.
I'm not arguing with you, but your repeated attempts at getting us to help you circumvent game demo times, pirated software (which is blatantly obvious, even though you don't outright say it), and your justification for pirating software ("the price is too high!" "the game isn't worth it anyway!" "anyone know of a torrent for this software?") aren't making much headway. This isn't a court of law -- we don't need to "prove" anything beyond a reasonable doubt with hard-and-fast evidence. This is a forum, and the rules of the board are not laws -- they're rules, and they can change, and they're fuzzy, and you can get "close enough" to a violation of a rule without actually violating it and get slapped on the wrist... as opposed to a law, where you can get REALLY close to breaking it but they can't "get you" until you actually break it. And sometimes, our oldest and best forum members (MisterMe, fryke, chevy, Cheryl, Giaguara, DeltaMac, and countless others) can sometimes cross a line and be let off the hook... because overall, they're contributing, law-abiding members. You have to prove yourself first over time and with help and obeying the rules and walking on eggshells, and you're doing a horrible job at that.
Edit: Strange, both LeoTheLion89 and ComputerDude are 22 years old. The plot thickens, and we are inching ever so close to "court of law" evidence!