Androo's Image Club

ye ai forgot that it was a lava lamp.... then i looked up at my lava lamp and something in my huge filled to the brim with brain head (my head isnt that big though lol) and i noticed it was it... then i used it as my desktop background!
oh ya, this is the only thread i have time to post in now..... if you wanna see me post, just look in here. I said that i'd leave, but i still wanna post art in here.
>> Inwhat way are you going to colour the eyes?

I have no clue. Honestly. I'm looking at a few manga comics to try and work out what the common practice is, but I really don't know.

And it is good to know that Androo is still with us here in the image club. :)
hmm its been quite a few pages since an art piece has been attached......
I'll find one....hld on....
here... i call this one Flame:


  • fire.jpg
    41.2 KB · Views: 13
Why's it called flame? ;)

Seriously though, did you use the airbrush to do those pics?
naaah i like photography a lot.....
i like it when simple photos are blurred, it gives more... umm .. meaning, and a delicious effect
So then i did it properly :)
i like these photos like that are just for fun to have a slight fakeness or blurr to them.
i have decided to discombobulate you once more.
This may leave your mind oozled and stressed, so make sure you are over the age of 10 before you see this. It is based on a dream my brother had, he walked into a room with a creepy pale women. The room was dark and stained with blood. She put her hand on his shoulder, and the whole room lit up; in the center of the now white room was a creepy looking fountain. She took her hand away, and whispered in his ear. It was like a thousand voices penetrating his skull, echoeing in his head. "Did you see the fountain?"
and she disappeared....
He woke up, completely freaked out.
This was of course the night that he saw the movie "The Ring".
ahhhhhhhhh come on more art!
this page is making its way to the middle of the forum thingy page thing thingy thing!