Apple sightings on TV and movies?

verizon commercial

didnt see the computer, but there was a apple studio display, apple
keyboard and pro mouse in an office.
The Rules of Attraction has an iBook in one shot and a flate screen display in another.

The book is far better than the movie by the way.

This time though is a french movie which is a VERY nice comedy starring:
Gerard Depardieu
Daniel Auteuil
Michele Laroque

It is called:
Le Placard

A really good movie! (It couldn't be bad because it has apples in it :D )
on the discovery channel just a little bit ago I saw a documentary about Hitler's underground bunker. They created a 3d model on an iBook and some other mac, all I saw was a beige monitor, not sure what it was but they were both running OS X. After the movie was rendered you could see them playing it in QT 6 with the stoplight buttons in the left corner.
On MTV's Diary of Kelly Clarkston you can see a small glimpse of an iBook. Kelly is in the limo with various assistants and what not, and right in front to the camera on the lap of one of the other people is a beautiful little iBook!

On the movie, 'The Ring' with Naomi Watts, she uses a Mac (and I saw a Powerbook on that too). Pretty scary film.
I rarely watch tv, but somehow, this morning, I landed on the cartoon network. There was a robot, speaking in a familiar voice. Anybody heard of Robot Jones? Well, he sounds just like one of the voices in Apple's Text-To-Speech feature.... Junior, I think. "My favorite food, is pizza." Hmm, I just played the voice in 10.2.1... has it changed much from mac os 9? It seems to have...
Yeah, I think they used a Mac for Robot Jones's voice because either a.) They couldn't find fitting voice talent, or couldn't afford it, or b.) to be different.
I just saw a The Ring (Good Movie!!) and spotted a TiBook & QuickSilver G4

Chandler on Friends was using a TiBook a couple episodes ago.

Tommy Lee uses a TiBook in his Behind the music/diary thingy

Dont forget the Cinema Display on TRL every day... I think its hooked up to a Cube.
Legally Blonde...

Somewhat interesting movie but the best part is this:
Inside a law class, FULL of IBM ThinkPads, an orange iBook shines!
TV show - The Agency

the head of homeland security at the CIA has a new imac on his desk. tonite's episode was the first time i've noticed it.
In the BBC1 (UK) sitcom My Family, the dad brought home an indigo iMac this week to which ungrateful geeky son says "the G3 is already outdated". Dad counters with "But it's blue" and clearly misinformed son replies, "I wanted a green one". A slower one, then?! Looked quite spangly anyway and had a pro keybard.
Sopranos - season 4, episode 10... the russian girl taking care of Uncle Jr. was using a new iBook to make her web site.