Originally posted by solrac
My opinions:
1) It is well known that Adobe supports piracy. Of course, they publicly say that pirating is bad (as everyone should say), but c'mon. Obviously Adobe has made it SO EASY to pirate photoshop so that so MANY MILLIONS of people have it, that it actually increases their Photoshop sales. If Adobe didn't want Photoshop pirated, they would make it more difficult to pirate. I personally know 3 people who bought photoshop after having a pirated copy for a few years. (They finally had enough money to buy it.) They would have NEVER bought Photoshop if they couldn't have played with a pirated version for so long. Adobe knows this. Pirating helps Adobe. It's a hard concept to grasp, but it's true. I too plan on buying Photoshop pretty soon, as soon as I can drop the $600.