I thought that the point was to suggest ways to do what you want to change, too.Originally posted by Bluefusion
I think they should change the way that OS X ejects CDs with drives that don't have manual-eject (like on my iMac)... when I push the keyboard eject key, my external drive opens as well as the internal, occasionally INSTEAD of the internal. This gets annoying.
For example, I think that the government should change the way welfare works, but I don't have a better solution so I'm not going to suggest it.
I think that people who have mansions with more rooms than they can use should be required to house homeless people, either continually or only once in a while, so they don't forget where they could be in life and become arrogant. Heck, I think people with incomes of more than six figures should be required to live on the streets for a six month period of time unless they donate some significant portion of their income towards housing homeless people.
I think lawyers should be required to wear clown costumes (with full makeup) at least once a week, and be required to continue their normal business practices on that day.