BlueFusion's Idea Cafe

Originally posted by Bluefusion
I think they should change the way that OS X ejects CDs with drives that don't have manual-eject (like on my iMac)... when I push the keyboard eject key, my external drive opens as well as the internal, occasionally INSTEAD of the internal. This gets annoying. :)
I thought that the point was to suggest ways to do what you want to change, too.

For example, I think that the government should change the way welfare works, but I don't have a better solution so I'm not going to suggest it.

I think that people who have mansions with more rooms than they can use should be required to house homeless people, either continually or only once in a while, so they don't forget where they could be in life and become arrogant. Heck, I think people with incomes of more than six figures should be required to live on the streets for a six month period of time unless they donate some significant portion of their income towards housing homeless people.

I think lawyers should be required to wear clown costumes (with full makeup) at least once a week, and be required to continue their normal business practices on that day. :D
I think welfare should be abolished. If you give a hobo a fish you feed him for a day. If you give him a fishing rod, you feed him for a lifetime. Also, I think The government should pay teachers more. They get paid horribly low incomes for what they do. After all, they educate the future.
Yeah, nkuvu, you're right.

No posting an idea unless you have a way to fix it.

I think they should fix the eject problem by simply having only drives with no eject (which would mean only the internal drives) open with the Eject key; all other external drives open with the manual eject button (like in Windows) or by doing Command E on the disc, or dragging it to the trash. Sound good?
Originally posted by xaqintosh
I think welfare should be abolished. If you give a hobo a fish you feed him for a day. If you give him a fishing rod, you feed him for a lifetime.
Yeah, this fishing rod idea works great in Tucson. ;) :rolleyes:

I also don't see a problem with welfare for temporary unemployment. Not everyone on welfare is a hobo. For example, if I lost my job tomorrow I could get paid a portion of my salary through welfare while I look for a job. Would you force me to become a hobo if I lose my job unexpectedly and can't pay the rent?
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Sound good?
Sounds good to me.

I think that everyone who uses a PC should be given a Mac for a month or two as a loaner so they can see what they're missing. :)
The PC users won't. They just won't. I don't know why, but they won't. :D

Why doesn't Bill get on TV and declares that he will use a Mac for 2 months? Yeah, that's a real idea. :D
Yeah, this fishing rod idea works great in Tucson.

I also don't see a problem with welfare for temporary unemployment. Not everyone on welfare is a hobo. For example, if I lost my job tomorrow I could get paid a portion of my salary through welfare while I look for a job. Would you force me to become a hobo if I lose my job unexpectedly and can't pay the rent?

First, the fishing rod thing is a Republican/conservative Metaphor (or something)

Also, Welfare is fine for if people lost their job or something, but I think they should get paid for 2 months and then that's it. If the people have no intention of getting a job they shouldn't live off the country's tax dollars. Rather than welfare, the government should, after the 2 months, give the person a job until the person can find another one, unless the person likes the job, in which case the person can keep it
"always good to invent things. it helps keep your mind flexible; bendy-like" - BlueFusion on AIM

I think Israel and Palestine need to get over the fact the suicide-bombings and terrorist purges will continue. Each one lets these get in the way of any kind of meaningful negotiations. Instead, they ***** at each other, giving each other terms that need to be met before negotiations, even though neither side is in the postion of ording the other side around.

To some extent, I do find some parts of the Palestinian aditude disturbing (and parts of the Israeli also). I know that both sides have solid claims, but the continuing zeal over issues thaat happened generations ago is rediculous (sp?). Same thing with china-taiwan, and the slightly more recent Kashmir dispute.

If the muslims in Kashmir want to be under Islamic rule so badly, why don't they move?

Any comments?
No comments, just have an idea.


This is a file format called the enhanced gif. What does it enhance? The number of colors. :D

How about it? :p
Also, politicians should be legally bound to only having one income, from being a politician.

And, a non-advertising week (A WHOLE WEEK without ads being on tv, radio, in magazines, newspaper, and all papered over in the streets!)
It's about time Apple implemented Flash into the Desktop Background image, a natural progression from this would be 3d desktop space.:eek: