Yes, I fully understand that there is software available for Windows that is not available for Macintosh.
Yes, I fully understand that y'all's "excitement" is simply excitement for Apple, and not because you can now run a horrible operating system on your Macintosh.
Yes, I fully understand that, in order to maintain compatibility with the morons that haven't switched to FireFox or something better on their Windows box, that this may help
slightly. I mean, you were testing just fine before this happened -- now, you must actually
reboot your computer and wait for it to boot Windows before you can test... then another reboot to get back into Mac OS X. How is that
better than having a PC sitting next to you for testing purposes, fully booted, ready-to-go? Or VirtualPC, booted and running IE? Now, to test your sites on a PC, you actually have to spend
more time, since you have to reboot the computer... twice. That's wonderful -- something to get really excited about.
I just expected this kind of reaction from a Windows-person who was thinking of switching but wasn't sure. Not from people who use Macintosh computers day-in and day-out and whose main operating system is NOT Windows.
Kind of like getting excited about that new 8-track player you got installed in your Porsche.
It's interesting, and it will help "switchers," but damn people, curb your enthusiasm a little. It's
Windows, for crying out loud. Whoopee! Now you don't have to have an ugly beige testing box sitting next to your Mac... let's all go ballistic over it! It's the best thing since sliced bread!