Soap... you missed the point on the good vs evil comment...
There is a underlying spiritual warfare going on... "behind the scenes" that we don't see... but we experience on a day to day basis. When Lucifer went to God saying that Job was ONLY a rightous man because he enjoyed riches and things were going well for him, very well off... God allowed Satan to bring horror to Job's surroundings... destory his family, his wealth, everything he had... God did not allow Satan to take his life...
Thus, Satan went after Job... with all the fury he was allowed to muster up... and Job although burned and bruised and left all but dead... he still worshiped his Lord.
I agree, America is a free country, and you can believe whatever you want. I have no disagreement with that, in fact, it is that very thinking that allows me to sit here and voice my thoughts. It is also why you won't see me "banning" you for your beliefs if indeed they are different... as some folks seem to live in fear of. (must be a streak of bad mods and admins around).
On our money it says, "In God We Trust". This country was founded on relgious freedom, but more importantly, freedom for Christians to worship and not be forced to worship in the way the goverment wants us too. Indeed... our founding fathers also recognized that for this to stand... everyone, whatever their belief... must be allowed to worship freely.
Any act that takes away that freedom of worship... removing prayer from school, removing religion from school, or removing the 10 commandments from court rooms... is indeed infrinding on that very freedom this country was founded on.
If you limit my ability to pray in school, if you limit my ability to post the 10 commands, or have a Bible at work... you have no clue about what freedom is. My freedom to worship how I please, doesn't force you to do so.
The problem with thinking in this country from non-believers is that they think that any "worship" is against the foundation of this country and violation of seperation... when indeed it's not... it's people going about their business the way the choose to do so. If you choose not to worship, that is your choice. If during a moment of silence... you pick your nose and think about which girl is the cutest... that is your choice. No one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. If you feel guilty... then you need to evaluate why you feel that way, and consider that something greater may be working in your life... and that someone might actually be tugging at your heart and care for you, but your heart is too hardened to listen or acknowledge.