Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

yea i stayed in the boyscouts till i was about 17 so that i could go on the camping trips, summer camp at catalina, canoeing down the colorado river, etc. i never made it past 1st class in rank though. no where close to being an eagle scout. :)

i also played soccer. i was on the jv team at the private school i went to in tennessee. very few people knew about soccer in 1969 in the south. i continued playing ayso in calif till i was as old as they allow. i also plyed little league baseball. i played football for 3 years before soccer as well as basketball. i think basketball is my favorite to play, but not to watch. too bad i was never that good at it.

bordertowns like we were discussing are terrible places to vacation unless you are underage and want to go drinking and whoring. not a very good idea even then. they are good places to go for the day and be home by dark or shortly afterwards. of course once you get below them things are nice and the people warm. not really vacation places unless you go all the way to the tip of baja where but i've heard even that can get boring quickly.
i went to mexico city and acapulco with my church group when i was 13. that was a long time ago but i would still bet they are both nice vacation spots to this day. the pyramids around mexico city still stand out in my mind. as do the cliff divers in acapulco.

oh, and none of my clients have ever threatened me in any way. they were all wonderful people who were more scared than threatening. i miss them.
So spain it is then....well Ibiza that is..... AdmiralAK does Ibiza, with samatha fox,
Special coverage reporting by Ed -- reporter ;-)

Whoring isnt my thing, drinking -- beh--over rated unless you are with friends, or a nice looking girl (thats actually with yu for reasons other than payment :p)

In high school I spent all my summers doing Tae Kwon Do. I really liked it, did it in the winter too. The problem was that as I grew older I had more responsabilities (especially in high school, somehow it seems that I was running the whole senior class :P) so I gave it up, just a tad shy from my black belt...*sigh*

actually I would say that drinking is overrated when you are with a good-looking girl. Those are the ones you want to be able to remember!! :cool:
yes, be honest. When is the last time you only had one shot when you were with a good-looking woman? :D
I dont know if it was a was more like vodka on the rocks, the same amount they put with whiskey oin the rocks, it was in a whiskey glass...

is that a shot or more ? :p
It was last summer actually ;)

you make it sound like you have only been with one good looking girl:p

better not let the other ones get wind of this:D
ed ed ed :p
take a look at your question ;-)

When is the last time you only had one shot when you were with a
good-looking woman?

I took the liberty of highlighting teh important word :p

Last time was indeed last summer (nice looking girl) but considering that since I came back my main concern was school + work with almost no time to go out plus the fact that I could not get served cause till december I was "under age" --- mathmatically teh chances were slim :P (racer can you vouch for that ? lol :P)

calling racerx ......calling racerx......calling racerx......calling racerx

can you hear me racerx, can you hear me?
this is ground control to racerx....

news flash - "racerx was reporting missing today in what many believe to be an alien abduction. in related news a man in minnesota claiming to be from san diego was found half frozen to death wearing nothing but swim trunks and mumbling "fish taco. more at eleven."
And that was our reported, Ed, from the scene of this outlandish abduction fish taco story.

Now in local news resident genius and filanthropist, Herv? Kinnikens donated part of his billion dollar fortune to charities around the globe. The interview at 11.
Just a little preoccupied (my wife’s grandmother died), though the second story is entirely possible. I was just taking with one of her relatives from San Diego who came out for the funeral who said she saw one in Denver (maybe they’ll have one here in a couple years, though I don’t think I can want that long).

RacerX (member of Team Pesky)
yes, very sorry to hear about this. my thoughts and healing energies go out to you and your family. there are rarely enough words to properly convey feelings at times like these. sometimes simply being there for each other is the best way to express empathy and understanding. we will certainly understand if you are less present for a while.

if you feel a need to talk about it in a less public atmosphere, feel free to pm or email me.

on the other hand, we obviously missed you. we're glad that the aliens didn't get you again and that it was someone else in the swim suit:)
It is always nice to know that you have people pulling for you. Who said you can't find great friends online!

Mrs. RacerX also wants to say thank you for your understanding. She was very touch by seeing what you guys posted.

Thanks for everything, and it is nice to be missed.
speaking of nice, it was a nice surprize to see your mark in my guestbook!! you are the only one from here to sign it and i really appreciated it. i also appreciated the positive comment.
I followed your link and checked out your site. very nice looking. you have got a real ambitious project going there!! i think you are a little behind in your osx releases but then not a lot of it has changed that i could see. it was the first time i had seen anything other than written words about next.
i notice you have a lot of buttons that don't have links yet. you are certainly better at organizing towards your perceived future than i am:p i found out just how much work putting a site together can be just with my simple site. the flip side is that i found out how simple some things can be and now i get really pissed off with these companies that can't even put their software updates on their site in a timely manner, if at all. you know the ones - well we don't have mac software available on the web yet but it is being shipped with ur latest product. BS!!
well, enough ranting, you guys both know how i am when i get going and we are supposed to be talking about more friendly things here.

and i agree, it is possible to find good friends online. ussually when you least expect it. (or when you are silly enough to start a congrats thread
:p )
quickly, I just want to let you guys know that we have a thread in the chatroom forum started by sithius. it is called

herve, admiral, ed, racer, everyone

:p we are all famous. Of course herve gets top billing!:D

:cool: :rolleyes: :eek: :confused:
The four musketeers
(smilie order and name order do not necessarily correspond)
well, actually smilies may bear no resemblence to names whatsoeverbut i took a wiild shot at being clever and....

"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude"
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with a shadow on the wall.