Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

racerx - sounds like someone i know who worked for ibm in theoretical development but was constantly under stress because his supervisors were always pushing on him to come up with something useful!! He has a masters in computer science but could care less about computers. He just wants to work on abstract mathematical theories that even he has no idea what purpose they might serve. He assumes somebody else will eventually figure that out:p He doesn't even own a computer. He does it all in his head. He owns a piano instead.

sounds like you had an ideal gig while it lasted!!

Admiral - when i eventually finish my PhD, it will stand for PASSED HIS DEGREE!!!! (or else post hysteria dementia :p )

be careful playing with those electrodes. they are supposed to be used for gathering data, not administering pain. we have review boards these days to make sure the current flows the right direction:D

the days of psychological experimentation being torture are gone. even mental torture is not allowed. however they cannot stop me from torturing all of you with my incessint babbling and talking about feelings:eek: (i know all you T types just cringe when you see that word - he he)

btw - i notice you are avoiding herve's wanting to marry a Tolya. I tried to tell him, but i think you are the one who should break it to him gently:cool:
lol :p
Hey Ed... when you get your PhD we will all have a huge party (at your house and at your expense of course :p) he he he :)

As for electrodes...hmmm.... Admiral + multiple languages + electrodes = ??? one killer CIA agent...dont you think ??? lol --- perhpaps I can give the CIA some class so that we (yanks) can compete with them (brits) for who's got the cooler agents lol (Admiral vs 007 he he he)

As for the herve - tolya deal....hmmm.... well...quite personally I think that
tolya - nadja has a better ring to it :P --- Herve if you want some russian chick for yourself... I know a natascha that I can introduce you to :P

when I get my degree, I would be thrilled to party with all of you! all you would need to pay for is your transportation. Of course you might have to rough it by camping by the beach or in the middle of a redwood forest. I am sure these are sacrifices you would make for me:p

I would like to have had electrodes hooked up to a certain someone while they were saying " developers, developers, developers, developers...":D

I think Herve and Helga sounds like a great name for a couple! what do you think Herve? Kent Gent ( there it goes again typing by itself. I wonder who Kent Gent is? )
Helga ?
heck no! thats an ugly name :p
We should give herve someone with a nice name like greta ;)

As for teh travel expenses.. I dont mind... I hear that SF has A LOT of single women (source of info:soapvox) so I think I would have a great time pre and post (and during) party :p he he he

so Phil, is that you in your avatar or is that the guy from the Dell commercials?

Herve and Veronica. Well at least they would have a V in common:p

Greta? You should end up with a Greta just for suggesting it:D
I knew a Natasha in junior high and high school. I had huge crushes on her at different times. she even lived in my neighborhood. I saw her at the last reunion and she still looked good.

ssshhh - Everyone be quiet! I think I hear trolls coming....

No, it is just racer X tromping around in the bushes looking for them:D Racer, come on in out of the cold and talk a while. The trolls will get here when they get here:p
Unfortunately I am not cool enough to wear an elf hat. My avatar is of everyone's favorite salesman, Stephen, the dell kid who tells you what kind of computer you ARE going to buy.:rolleyes:
Matrix that Dell kid is SO annoying that I want to punch him silly :p

As for greta...naaahh--- I prefer nataschas...but prefer even more emmanuelas, marias and elenas lol (mediterranean thing :p)

I used to know several veronicas...but none of them was particularly superattractive (the drop dead gorgeous type)....maybe the name doesnt have a charisma to all its bearers lol

we are really sinking low fast. We are talking about girls names. What is wrong with us? How did we come to this?:eek:

Kaufman ( that was a cough - he he)

well racer, I saw that you knew what I was up to right away. I couldn't fool you. I knew you weren't just another pretty face:D but maybe vanguard will play for a day or two, that seems to be about his attention span for those kinds of threads. I can only say I tried. Not to mention the article was pretty interesting. It was pretty balanced and that is unusual coming from either side. I assumed all the work you have been doing on those PCs is part of why you have not had time to reply here. That and need to be there for your wife just a little bit more than normal. so please drop back in, you can see where the level of this conversation is going without you:p

Phil, I am looking forward to seeing you in an elf hat. I think you're cool enough to wear one. If I can wear a wizard's hat and robe, you can wear the elf hat for us.

Admiral Ak - maybe you should be looking forward to the new movie birthday girl. I saw an ad for it on TV and it has a girl named Nadia who isn't really named Nadia. It also seems to be about spies and international mysterious people:D just your kind of stuff-he he
I'll be more into the conversation come this week end. This has just been one of those week (sorta like last week... but different :confused: ). I only got 8 calls today, I think my clients think there are more than one of me. At least I get to work on Macs today! And yesterday a friend of mine (crarko) let me help him install Mac OS X Server 10.1. Yepper, no more Windows until Monday. I'm happy! :D
I will take a look at it on monday when I get on my T1 lol.

Can you believe i was on for an hour before I wrote those 2 lines in my previous post ? lol -- it was seriously ONE HECTIC DAY...thanks god that is done :p

But I did have fun (not the work aspect) -- I, out of the blue) SMSed one of my friends in greece (was just thinking about her) and found out her bday was today so I called her up to suprise her he he :-)

It was good to actually *talk* to her again :-)

On the bad aspect I spent $225 on 3 text books but hey -- it was a cool day :D

well I take it Phil is going skiing. let's hope he has a good enough time for all of us!

Ouch! $225 for books sounds painful. But also about par for the course. and since they are almost always necessary to pass the class, it is not really a choice of whether to spend the money or not. and usually not even worth the effort to try and find used. I remember my first quarter in graduate school, I spent almost $700 on books. Many of them were books I would need throughout. In fact many I still use. But the shock of spending that much money on books was mind blowing at the time!

Wow, it sounds really great that you talked to your friend all that time. What a wonderful coincidence. It is good to hear someone's voice every now and then. Sounds like a great way to end the week!

So when are you going to go out and have some fun? Enough of this intellectual Entertainment already! Every so often you should get out and do what young men do. Get out of the House so a girl could actually meet you. Your good looks and charm are being wasted on us:p
Phil is out skiing (dont break a leg man :eek: )

As for me, I am drinking my coffee, taking it easy for the moment, getting my muscle coordination in order so that I can walk out of the house lol (too much sleep) and then off to downtown :-) --- I need an espresso lol

As for texts, I have all (well almost all) my texts. The good thing is that for languages you buy a text, its good for a year lol. CS texts are different but they are good as references. I have used my calculus book as a reference a few times :-)

One more year till my BA !!!!!
good for you - you are leaving the house!!:p

do not forget to girl watch while drinking coffee. also the biggest secret to meeting girls is just talking to them - initiate the conversation. within reasonable limits it is less important what you say than to simply be saying something, anything, at all. say it with a smile and you increase your chances considerably.:cool:

today is another clean the house day.:mad: we are having overnight guests from australia on monday night.:) and tuesday we will go hiking in the redwoods again.
Back temporarily :p
I managed to write to a few friends while out (my french is degrading...looking for french girl to practice my french :p -- notice posted lol).
Coffee was good :p While out I also bought a few DVDs (kiss of the dragon and the fast & the furious). and of course I could not resist the temptation to go for a car drive (girly watching :p) -- and I went and picked up an optiocal 5 button kensington mouse. This is is coool!!!!!!

Need to go out and do some grocery shopping, almost nothing in the fridge :eek: --

Later :-)

PS : happy cleaning...DONT sweep stuff under teh rugs! :p
there is no such thing as happy cleaning:rolleyes:

Boy, a five finger mouse. How much did you pay for that?

Next time I would strongly recommend that you walk around girl watching. It is hard to meet them while you are driving. Plus I would not want you to get in an accident while twisting your head around. :D

so what is the deal with racer X? He said he would join in more this weekend, but all he has done is type replies in the troll thread I started. He's too busy playing to talk with his friends:(

I wonder what Phil is up to about now. Is he worn out and sound asleep, or is he scoping out the babes?

So, are there any wild and crazy norske reading this tonight? if so, please identify yourself and say something norskian.:p

Maybe we should start a thread and see what everybody's favorite coffee drink is:D
Sorry, in the middle of the day yesterday I got a call that a PowerBook had flat-lined. I rushed over for emergency surgery... and was asked to stay for dinner. :D

(not to mention the fact that I had both of my PowerBook Duos apart yesterday, but I was posting while doing that)