Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

no need for truth serum phil. listening to Ak's music while i psycho babble will break you in less than an hour.:D

and since when do bill gates' collaborators qualify as peace keepers? you are a radical dissident and you know it. you cannot cover this fact with double talk and disguises. the IMF will do what they have to do to maintain the site. do not underestimate them!!;)

did like the refundable brains joke. that was pretty good. mostly people just let them sit outside and don't use them. you should see the mess this makes.:D

so phil, you have tiny nasty little teeth? you should probably see someone about that:eek:
You come up well on ideas, but you are short on facts, my good man.

What kind of radical am I? A leftist? A rightist?

Or mabey even a middlist!
*Cue surprisingly scary roar of music (austin powers style)

What is my goal? Why am I motovated to become a criminal?

It just doesn't make sense. Ok, Mr. Wizard of Oz, I think its time you come out of your scary booth. The jokes over.

I know what you've been up to!

You've been collecting dell laptops! You know that if you plug them into an AC outlet, you will have no more than 15 minutes to evacuate the area before the laptop bursts into flames, killing all those unfortunate people who we actually attracted to the smooth luxurious curves of an inspiron laptop. A death by battery acid is assuredly a terrible one.

If you're plans go through successfully, we may even see a full scale battery war. Finally, those PC power bricks you have been stockpiling will realize their true function, to be monden-day electronic mace's.

I'm here to give the world full disclosure of your plans. Watch your back Mr. Ed......

So what did everyone have for dinner?:D
mmm. i went to the little taquerrio across the highway and got a chile relleno /rice and dos tamales. Both are things they only make on weekends and i haven't gone on a weekend night in ages. very good meal. i even got to finish off my gf's nachos with guacamole and sour cream. that was almost like having desert. and what did you have for dinner?

btw - the problem with your concocted storyline is that i live in calif. i could never afford the electricity on all those dell laptops. We are spending $150 to $200 a month on electricity at this time of year as it is!! but it was a funny idea and i laughed vigourously at it:D

i would say that since you are in cahoots with Billy the Bad that you are a wrongist:p

look, perhaps we will offer you a chance to be a double agent. if you get herve's computer back by sunday morning into Ak and the IMF's hands, we will let you off and perhaps give you an opportunity to redeem your soul at some time in the future. how you do it is your business. other wise we can take no responsiblity if you end up collateral damage.:cool:

speaking of which - any body looking forward to seeing that movie? looks like one we will probably want to see on direct tv ppv unless we decide to order the Starz package after football is over.
mmmmm, Mexican. When I went to Sanfran I don't remeber seeing that many Mexican resaurants?

"Wrongist": I like it. :p

Mabey that could be the quote of the month?

I remember there being a lot of hype surrounding collateral damage, as though it was going to be a big hit, but after 9/11 they've delayed it, and now there giving it more of a hushed release, and they're not metioning the terrorism plot.

Watched the preview at quicktime, looks cool. I like action movies. Not a huge fan of fantansy.:D
there was a new ad for colateral damage that i saw last night. it was more like a trailer than the usual ad. they really emphasized the terrorist part. i guess wea re ready to see them get their butts kicked now that we have rearranged the afgani countryside:p

i don't live in sf. i am about 25 miles down the coast in a little town with a population of about 500 to 1000 people. we have a gas station, an arab owned market (every neighborhood needs one), a video store, a pizza place/coffee shop, a chiropracter, a sherrifs substation and a post office. oh, and a mormon church. and the mexican 'restaurant'. it is 6 miles to the nearest real grocery store.:cool:

so i guess we will make you chairman of the local 'wrongist' party. :D
The chiropractor goes without saying. There's always one.

One Chiropractor, One Apu, and One Liquor Store

BTW: Kanab is the wrongist center of the world.
well, then i will have to visit Kanab sometime. :p

so would it surprise you to know that i was once an anti-american high schooler as well. I used to read chairman mao's little red book and write quotes on the blackboard before class started. i look back now and think how goofy that was. but i needed to go thru it. now i am pretty pro american, but more pro world. i believe very strongly in the one world/one people idea. i think everyone should either be proud of where they live or work to make it a place to be proud of. and in the process we should all respect each other's rights to interpret that in different ways and not make issues of superiority out of it.

i never made beer but i drank plenty of it. now i am clean & sober without AA and it's no big deal. i think i already drank my share and a couple of other people's anyway. in fact, i just realized that the superbowl is over and the idea of having a beer never even crossed my mind. that's pretty good. normally i at least remember that superbowls and beers have always gone well together.

wow - lots of movie commercials during the game. at least one of them won't even be released til august. is that crazy or what?:confused:
I want to see collateral damage :)
I like that genre of movies :-)
Besides...arnie's the man :D

Hey I saw Bill Gates on TV this past weekend. Bill Gates a philanthropist ?! This is new ;)
nothing new about billy giving money away. in the long run it helps him keep more of it for himself without having to give it to the govt to use against him. if i were him i would do the same thing. The average american who uses form 1040 will just think he's a great guy and why is the DOJ picking on him. Of course they will also mutter how he should give some to them and go right on buying m$ products and pretending macs aren't real computers.

so i guess we have found a movie we could all get together and go to the theatres and see. cool.:D

boy, i should have known better than to get started debating history with a high school debate champ.:rolleyes:
i wouldn't even begin to know where to find the sources to back up my points. of course, i remember researching them when i was that age and i am pretty sure that there hasn't been any new developments in the civil war since then.:p

Happy B-Day Phil !! at least you're too young to be singing:

"another day older and deeper in debt,
St. Peter don't you call me cause i can't go,
I done owe my soul to the company store.."
Happy Bday phil :D
so...where is teh party at ???
where is the food ??
where are the girls ? :p he he

We can all get together at Ed's house and have a big blast....right ed ??? ;)
well, the GF is working tonite, so sure come on over;)

other wise the big party will be at Herve's Bar & Grill. maybe i will see about getting some girls. nice 'kini girls:p
hey phil, glad you had some fun as well on your bday.

i also must say you gave a pretty intelligent reply about smoking back there in the bar. I think you had a typo and meant to say brief exposure can't hurt you, but i understood what you meant.
just a note about smoking - i never thought i would. i didn't start til my late 20's and used to hate the stuff growing up. so whatever you do don't act all smug about smoking. just act smart and don't bother. i hope to quit after i get licensed. one thing about nicotine - it improves your memory. and memory goes to shit when you stop smoking.
Hmm, thats pretty interesting that you started even if you thought you wern't going to. And that was a typo I had back there.

Thanks for the tips.;)
lol :p
My father used to smoke :p
He used to be in the commercial navy (or whatever the heck you call it) so he wanted to play it cool so he has a pipe like popey :p -- then cigarettes -- then cigars -- then cold turkey and he quit lol -- his memory seems fine :) --- Perhpaps its because he's stoped smoking for aboit 10 years now lol.

yea tolya, i should have qualified that better - your short term memory goes to shit for about a year to as long as 5 years with 3 yrs being average. mostly things like remembering where you put your keys and things like that, but recall of less used info will be more difficult as well.
it has to do with "state dependent learning" which is where you remember things better if you are trying to recall them in a similar mental state as when you encoded them. ex. - if you drink a lot of caffiene and study, yoou will do better on the test if you drink caffiene shortly before it. or why you might remember something about the last time you drank vodka when you drink again but forgot it in between.:)

speaking of bad memory - phil how did i get it in my head that you are from ohio? i noticed you are now putting location as NY. but i could have sworn you mentioned being from ohio at some point. sorry if anything i said didn't make sense while operating under this perception:p
Oh, there was a whole period where you were talking about it in the cars/civil war thread, but I knew what was going on. I live slightly closer to civilization than Ohio.;)
hmmm...perhaps I should drink some smirnoff ice this weeked :p -- some funky things happened the last time I drank smirnoff ice :p

My mother drinks a lot of coffee -- she cant function without it lol -- I wonder what would happen if we took it away from her----hmmmm---wirth while experiment Ed...dont you think ? :p

no no no tolya, especially if you are going to be around her. Caffiene is addictive and going cold turkey will cause her physical discomfort. She will also get very irritable and snappy. i advise against this experiment. :p

So phil, why did you let me go on believing that, if you knew i was being all confused? and if you try giving me that 'respect for elders' routine, i will call you a scrawny little butt again:D he he
Well as a proud member of the old farts club, I can now tell you my dark secret.:D

I forgot.

Anyway, I figured you'd get the point when I went "What's up with this Ohio stuff?" or something like that.

So, now that I've informed you, inform me. Can you explain "Tolya"??:confused:
phil, you are the youngest old fart i have ever known. and i have known some pretty young old farts.:p

about Tolya, if you were to go back and read more ot the congrats to AK thread you would get the whole story. but the summary is that Admiral's real name is this long greek thing. tolya and a couple of other variations are the 'short' form or nickname. I chose Tolya because i like it the best. I have only been using it in that thread up until now.

guess being in the bar loosened some of my inhibitions or lowered my vigilance or got me feeling real casual or ....:D

actually i am proud of you for just jumping in the thread without feeling like you had to know everything we ever talked about to fit in. it would be nice if more people would do that in these 'chat' threads;) you are a very welcome addition:)