So this seems to be the place for random stuff ... hello all
AdmiralAK, this might be of interest to you ... I just got a G4 450 chip from OWC for a paltry $239 + shipping (less than 250 all together) and OC'ed it up to 500 MHz, which, if you've been paying attention, is the bare minimum to do real time effects in Final Cut Pro 3
This is a SWEET upgrade for anybody w/ a B&W G3. The price is right and its super easy to install and configure. Similar chips rated at 500 go for around $350 and above, so this is really a great deal. I believe there's a link to it on ... now i just gotta blow $200 on the cards to put my original G3 and 12GB HD into my 8600. *sigh* My poor G3 has been almost completely gutted. But it rocks even harder now
and to keep on topic: YAY! DRUGS!!! I think that mushrooms should be mandatory on everyone's 13th birthday. Sort of like a "this is the way the world can be if we drop the bullshit and love each other" type thing. Sure beats weaning them on violent movies and television
but man, I wish they'd outlaw cigs ... not that it would get me to quit, even though i want to, its just all sorts of weird that cigs and alcohol (the two drugs that do NOTHING for you) are legal, and pot, mushrooms, LSD, ... y'know, the drugs that make you realize how badly you're being SCREWED on a daily basis?, THOSE are the illegal ones. go figure.
and i'm weaning myself off my 12-shots-of-espresso-a-day habit right now ...