Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

wow, i didn't know they came with all the power effects. coool. obviously my little wooden ones are nothing near that size and with just wooden bars (one is bamboo). they are fun and the first thing that kids want to play with after a drum. you know - they get tired of ppunding that one spot on the drum head and then look at these and think "i can make lots of sounds with that!!" then when they realize they can't play a real song, they go back to beating on the drum. :p

i love playing drums with kids. they are such raw energy.:)
You hit it right on the mark. Those were some good times alright. You could say I was a little of the a teachers pet. I always got the special solos and what not. I felt special.

What I am doing now. I am going to school for the most part. Having a good time, or trying to.

When I was in the regular school concert band I was in the percussion section. I'll tell you what, everyone of those drummers I was with was a stoner. Geez, they spent most of the time talking about good parties they went to, and got so wasted. They were good drummers, and I usually ended up laughing at them when they got in trouble. Those were the "days of my life". *sigh* good times.

I forgot about you jaunts into the hills for tribal poundings Ed. You should certainly know what being in the zone is then.
Children are fascinating to watch with instruments. If I spend the time and show them how to jam, or at least do something in rhythm with others, they become amazed that they are making music. The looks on their faces are priceless.

Ltmighty you must have been pretty good to get the solos then. Ever clam on one of your solos? btw I was one of the stoners in HS band. Never got stoned in school but did burn a few. I was one of those guys that was to cool to have lunch in the cafeteria and instead was outside smoking cigs with the rest of the degenerates. he hee. And don't worry you didn't hurt my feelings. We probably deserved to be made fun of.

Laci for a second I thought you stepped out of character and was being a rude bastard to our new friend, but I backtracked the cuss thread and was enlightened. Boy that confused the hell outa me. Got a bold spot on my head from scratching it so hard.
i thought tolya was just asleep because we were talking about jazz and musical instruments. which is fine. this is my congrats thread and if he wants to sleep thru part of it let him. poor guy works too hard anyway. ;)

yea kids and instruments are fun. and the priceless expressions is so true. of course this is true of adults who don't believe they can do anything musical as well.:p

i was straight in high school. i didn't start getting stoned till the summer right afterwards. i didn't start smoking cigs until i was about 27 and that was mainly as a placebo for pot at first. drinking i started at about 15 or 16, but only at home or at my friends houses. it was ok with all our parents as long as they could supervise so to speak. But since about 37, cigs are my only remaining vice. not a bad acomplishment really.

ltm - you probably would have laughed at me in HS too, but for entirely different reasons:D
He's a damn hard worker. I can't compliment him enough on how he keeps it up without a crack.
I thought Addy was just poking fun. You know, boooor-riiiiing.

Since we're on the drug talk. 12 or 13 (6th grade) was the first time I yacked from drinking too much Jack Daniel's. To this day, I still can't stand the smell of it. Alcohol was always on the dinner table in my house when I was growing up, especially during the holidays. It was even encouraged by my relatives. Mainly liquors and such. Addy should be very familiar with this European thing, right Admiral?. Smoking cigs happened around the same time but didn't get to become a habit till HS. But wow, when HS came around, I was lushing it every weekend with the gang (we actually had girls in ours which made it all the more fun). Outer city kids had plenty of parks to hang out in and be naughty. What a mob mentality, got us in quite a bit of trouble. That eventually led to some experimentation with marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, LSD, and cocaine later in college when it was in vogue but just stopped short of junk. That scared the shit out of me. Cocaine was a killer. I watched a few friends really get bad with that. Glad I caught myself on that one. Now a days grass and a drink in social settings is all, besides cigs and coffee/tea. The body can't take that kind of abuse any more.
Hats off Ed on kicking the drink without AA. That's quite an accomplishment. I really respect that. Addiction is a nasty, nasty, nasty.
zzzZZzzzZzz eeh ? what ? the jazz talk stopped... *yaaaaawwwnnn* wow that was a good nap ;)

Yes alcohol was always in the table when I was growing up, my grandfather always had a little wine or beer when he ate (depending on the meal). I had tried some wine but did not like it that much, beer I just hate :p such a bad taste :p lol.

I havent really smoked because I had always been around smokers (especially in greece) so I didn't have the curiocity incentive to try it out.

I tried alcohol for the first time in my life when I was 18 and out partying with friends. Had a bottle of Serkova x99 (an alcopop, 5% alchocol if I am correct, beer bottle size -- yuum yum -- spicy!)

I think the US is so puritanical about these things, its childish :p

Who said the jazz talk was over?
No, I never did screw up. I was so cool. All the pasty female band geeks wanted to hang with me.
*The crowd stares in awe as he aproaches the vibraphones. A calm silence comes over everyone in the room as they all know that now, he will procede to play the sweetest music you shall ever here.* (I can hardly type this, im laughing to hard) *As he finishes the solo the audience stands up and claps. They are so struck with amazement that the concert is stopped for 10 whole minutes as they congratulate him on a stellar performance* Good times. Good times. ;) :D

Well that enough of that nonsense.

Someone mentioned beer? Personally I can't stand beer. Mixed drinks and such are alright. Just keep that beer away from me.:)
I love beer and i love tequila and i love jack daniels and jim beam. but they don't love me. everytime i drink i get a really bad reaction - shakes and chills and nausean and... well, as you might guess, drinking doesn't appeal to me anyomre. But i do miss a good amber beer or hard alcohol on the rocks. you guys are giving me the jones just talking about it.

maybe i will just eat some of my valentines m&m's.:p

btw LTm, nice air vibraphone performance. i've never seen one of those before:D

and klink - about the FZ quotes. remember the link to the FZ lyric collection that i posted back in that thread where FZ 1st came up? well, i just cut 'em and paste 'em. the fun is in finding ones that seem to fit what's going on;)
hey guys a few things that come to mind
who the heck is zappa ? (OT :P)

(steering away from jazz lol)

I just visited this page:

I knew about teh MAD player and the iTunes plug in but I NEVER imagined this :eek: trully amazing!

Now if they could make some color screen modz and a hackedup OS to go with it it would be kewl ;)

So this seems to be the place for random stuff ... hello all :)

AdmiralAK, this might be of interest to you ... I just got a G4 450 chip from OWC for a paltry $239 + shipping (less than 250 all together) and OC'ed it up to 500 MHz, which, if you've been paying attention, is the bare minimum to do real time effects in Final Cut Pro 3 :) :)

This is a SWEET upgrade for anybody w/ a B&W G3. The price is right and its super easy to install and configure. Similar chips rated at 500 go for around $350 and above, so this is really a great deal. I believe there's a link to it on ... now i just gotta blow $200 on the cards to put my original G3 and 12GB HD into my 8600. *sigh* My poor G3 has been almost completely gutted. But it rocks even harder now :)

and to keep on topic: YAY! DRUGS!!! I think that mushrooms should be mandatory on everyone's 13th birthday. Sort of like a "this is the way the world can be if we drop the bullshit and love each other" type thing. Sure beats weaning them on violent movies and television ;)

but man, I wish they'd outlaw cigs ... not that it would get me to quit, even though i want to, its just all sorts of weird that cigs and alcohol (the two drugs that do NOTHING for you) are legal, and pot, mushrooms, LSD, ... y'know, the drugs that make you realize how badly you're being SCREWED on a daily basis?, THOSE are the illegal ones. go figure.

and i'm weaning myself off my 12-shots-of-espresso-a-day habit right now ...
I think that rational thinking would be a better decision than drugs, as far as world prosperity goes, but both would be a step forward...
lol what the heck is OWC ? :p
I am unaware of that acronym ;)

As for putting an implant in my G3....sounds interesting. I might do so next fiscal year when I get a budget again :D -- -this year I blew it all. No more money (even though I have money in the bank) -- need to do some saving :)
Just one thing about drugs and I'll be done with the topic. With any of the drugs I experimented with, used or am using, I went into them understanding the street composition (chemically), effects on the body, effects on the mind, its dependency factor, dosage levels, and the source of acquisition. I believe you should know what your messing with before you mess with it. I'm also aware of the 'unknown' factor, where you might be lied to of it's actual composition and that some chemical/body interactions are not fully tested or studied.
As for their moral usage, I would say that's debatable. Choose your sides as you like, Timothy Leary or Tipper Gore.

Addy that links reminds me of this newton 110 I have gathering dust in my drawer. Poor thing is a mess. Could never get the umph to actually use it (it was given as a gift from a client a couple of years ago). Just way too big. How I wish Apple would make a new PDA. You know they would kick ass.

Ed lets not talk about alcohol any more if we're gonna make you jones.
I'm trying to remember what thread that was (FZ link) but I'm drawing a blank right now. This past 2 weeks have gone by like a hurricane. Good company I guess.
Yeah I do see the fun in the quoting, and you surprised the shit out of me last night. I think you know what I'm talking about. Didn't think you could be fooled. I had a big smile on my face and said that fucker just put 2 and 2 together.
Just one thing. Don't worry about me eating my vegies. I've tasted them before and prefer the sustenance of flesh.
HA HA - Phil's new avatar. It is like watching one of those music videos where they change scnes way too fast to actually see anything. I am sure there must be some subliminal message in there somewhere. Probably something like "I am right, these people are wrong";)

either that or he is very confused about who he wants to be when he grows up:p

maybe we should all join together and sue him for avatar copyright infringements. I am telling you Phil is really Bill Gates. :D

as for drugs, i absolutely do not reccomend them to anyone under age 18. i have discussed the potential developmental problems involved in this elsewhere. After that i would be hard pressed to either recommend them or say you shouldn't. they can be a wonderful experience. they can also destroy your life. moderation is key. I can think of a lot of other things like this as well. like driving a car. :cool:
Yeah, Ed, noticed the speed of that too, made me sick. Slowed it down to the max 1 sec transition. Color appears to be a little messed up though.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
lol what the heck is OWC ? :p
I am unaware of that acronym ;)

OWC = Other World Computing, makers and resellers of fine Macintosh products since, well, i dunno, ask them ;)

I've got it running real stable at 500, might try 550 later this week. HUUUUUGE improvement :)
Klink - that would be this classic thread where we first started swapping lyric quotes. I would also agree about everything you just said about drugs. knowing what you are doing before you do them is a wise thing. I did this myself with about 80% of the drugs i used or tried. and you guys can talk about booze all you want. it doesn't really bother me. Also if you choose drugs then you have to choose between the Timothy Leary school and the Ken Kesey school.

one of my favorite bumber stickers - " I did not claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat salads":D

Phil - thanks for slowing that down. of course the colors are off. When you steal other people's intellectual property you are bound to screw it up when you put it to your own use. but then i can't think of any real world examples of that, can you?:p :p

i love the way klink's comes up and just covers my hair instead of replacing my whole icon. nice effect!! But it is weird when i am scrolling and the animation stops and sometimes i see my avatar on your post:p
we started quoting songs :eek: ???
and I am out of the loop ??? :eek:
ok ok to make up here are the lyrics to
"Moi lolita" by alizee

Artist: Alizee - Titel: Moi lolita
Id: 26
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Lo ou bien Lola
Du pareil au mme
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Quand je rve aux loups
C'est Lola qui saigne
Quand fourche ma langue
J'ai lˆ un fou rire
Aussi fou qu'un phŽnomne
Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes

C'est pas ma faute
Et quand je donne ma langue au chat
Je vois les autres
Tout prts ˆ se jeter sur moi
C'est pas ma faute ˆ moi
Si j'entends tout autour de moi
Hello, helli, t'es A (L.O.L.I.T.A.)
Moi Lolita

Moi je m'appelle Lolita
CollŽgienne aux bas
Bleus de mŽthylne
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
ColŽreuse et pas
Mi-coton, mi-laine
Motus et bouche qui n'dit pas
A maman que je
Suis un phŽnomne
Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes

{Refrain, x2}

LO-LI-TA {x8}

{Refrain, x3}

lol :p -- nice looking girl, she graces the start screen of my iPaq ;-) Nice enchantig voice as well lol.


I will look into OWC in a few days once I get all my homework and gaming sraightened out. Those implants require some sort of software driver though, right? How is OS X coverage ?

well i don't know what all the french means but i know what a lolita is so i assume this is a dirty love song. I'm too old for little girls anyway. but to be honest, total and complete songs should be posted to the thread i linked to back there. i wouldn't mind dragging that one back out again for awhile.

Phil - looks like you got the color almost perfect, the speed right and you got klink out of my hair (not an easy task:D )

so thedp and klink, you guys want to go outside and smoke a cigarette? I don't want to annoy Tolya with the smoke while he is singing:cool: