Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

Well thanks for the compliment.:)

I have seen admirals real name, and I can agree that using "tolya" is a good choice, for simplcity's sake.:D

I'll problably keep calling him admiral since its been like that for about 1+ years.

Did you notice that nutz isn't here but nummi is? Wonder what's going on there....

So on the jazz issue, what are a few of your favorite artists? I've been getting into it lately and would like to get some more exposure to the greats. I've really been expanding my music horizons, and I have to admit that this is for the most part, because of iTunes' streaming stations. Now I'm really into movie scores, even bought a few of em'.

Deviating even farther...

Sometimes I think that I should go into directing or some kind of Audio editing for movies. When I hear songs I always visualize tham and instantly think of exactly what kind of scene I could get it to go with, camra angles included/. I've made two superficially goofy movies for school which have really made me think seriously about it, the only problem is I have neither enough time, nor the motovation to work with the actors from my school who are very clanish, have no respect for other people, and pretend that they are part of their own offbeat hippie type crowd, when all they are really doing is trying to conform to a new standard.

Mabey I should be a music video director, I like the music aspect of film the best, not the dialouge.

Hmm... sorry, I'm bringing this thread away from the loosened inhibitions and lowered vigilance type atmosphere. I guess you'll just have to deal with it.:p
I am not sure if I stressed this in the Congrats to (me) AK thread but Tolya as a nickname was given to me by a friend who has passed away (it's been several years now), and only a select few that know me since 4th grade can call me that. I have given Ed special priviliges (like UNIX :p) to use that. Admiral will do just fine (unless you prefer to use one of my other "nicknames" :p) hehehe :-)

wow--- these two congrats threads, along with HErve's bar and grill and teh Cus thread will go down in history as's staple threads ;-)

well, i am not interested in knowing you at the 'root' level Tolya, but i do feel honored that you allow me to call you that. I suppose it would be something like me being called Eddie.

i think phil and klink should get the other two nicknames. this will add to the confusion of your identity and establish you more as a man of mystery. :D

wow phil, it sounds like you really might be good at directing music vids. sounds worth looking into at any rate. might talk to klink about the idea since he was in the music industry. i know i used to be interested in film when i was younger, but i never experienced it anything like you describe.

as for jazz, i will try to take some time and put together some of my favorite artists for you. i really need to look on the cd's to make sure i get the spellings right on some of them. John Coltrane is very discordant sax and i love it when i am in the right mood. but not really for everyday listening. A group called Fourplay is good. Don't laugh but i like John Tesh and Kenny G. - i have seen both of them in concert. an older sax player that just plays the most hypnotic stuff is John Klemmer. like i said, i will make you a more complete list. :)

yes Tolya, we are legends in our own minds;)
lol agreed Ed....
Henceforth, Phil will call me "Toli"
and Klink will call me "Laki"

as for root permissions, heck no one has those, I just give out a few superuser permissions per years so people can SU msg/ me whenever something bad happens lol :p

Hey has anyone ever listened to acid jazz ?

just what is acid jazz? it sounds like something i should like. who are some good artists i should check out?

will get back later with the list phil. i'm moving slow today.
Someone played me a typical acid jazz cut once. The name fits the description somewhat.
Acid- refers to the ambiance of the song closely associated with the experience of the effects of the drug acid.
Jazz- the song has an underlining Jazz tone. A bit of a stretch I thought but compared to earlier works in that genre, a step up in music complexity.

I could be wrong. I am kind of an old fart when it comes to new music.
Hello everyone, I have received my university books. They have all done in dutch. ;) Ooh I forgot to leave the plastic cover from one.:D Ed Acid sounds good! :)
I hope you are not an acid dropper Herve :p

My X had a CD of acid jazz which I heard. As klink said it the name says it all, its souper up jazz pretty much having "modern" acid music qualities. I haven't done drugs in my life so I don't know what droppin acid feels like lol.

It's ok for a while but gets on your nerves if you listen to too much of it. (kinda like heavy metal :p).

I can;t really stand real jazz because it makes me sleepy :p --- too slow for my tastes :)
Herve - congrats on the books. gotta watch those plastic cover though. Ed Acid. if i were a rock star that would be a good name for me:p

so what is a name of an acid jazz band/artist i should listen to in order to get a good taste? (phil, sorry, still need to make you a list).

I have done my share of drugs, including acid, so i will tell you how suitable the name is after i listen. and i love heavy metal music. of course i also love the kind of jazz that puts Tolya to sleep.

tolya, perhaps you should try listening to some of the 'fusion jazz' that was popular in the 70's and early eighties. bands like 'return to forever' and 'weather report'. not sleep music for sure.:cool:

ah the sun room guy is finally here. gotta go.
I can't remember any names or cuts since I only heard ones CD. I will look into and see if I can find anything good.

As for fusion jazz, recommend some pieces and I will look into them:)
Ed, really can't recommend any acid jazz artists for you. The only reason I have ever heard it is because i saw the catergory at (back when it was cool:p) So what I heard problably wasn't the best that acid jazz has to offer.

No rish on that list, certainly understandable that it takes so long, I wouldn't even have enough time to retrieve any of the arrtists you sent me, at least for right now.:D
Hey mighty, I'm interested. Was that a high school Jazz Band you played in? What did you play?
I played in mine but just in HS senior year. I had to get some school extra curricular activities under my belt. I spent my "schooling" hours at Saint Francis Prep and would take off to Cardozo HS after classes and play with the musicians there. They had a much better music department and would let students play in the pit bands for plays. Ah those were fond memories.
What was yours like?
Jazz Band? Well let me think. Ninth grade, so awhile ago. The best time of band, I played the vibraphones. You know what those are right? We went to a few contests, and had a few concerts for our school and parents. That was the school jazz band. I was also in a out of school jazz band, set up by one of my friends. In that band I played the drum set. I didnt last very long though, we all lost interest in staying after school for two hours to practice. I stopped being a band member in the 11th grade, the teachers became Nazis and it lost my interest. There are some times I wish I was back in band, playing my little drums or what-nots. It was a very good time.

Yes of coarse I know what vibraphones are. I've only played them once myself with a friend of mine (a bit of a lunatic). At the same time! It was a gas. He started playing Changes from Yes on the vibes (he was a drummer to and wanted to impress me), so I snapped up a set of mallets and joined him with the counter melody. It's great when you connect with someone on that level. It's very hard to put something like that into words, but I'm certain you know what I mean. You know, when you're just in a zone with other musicians. It's quite euphoric isn't it?
It's to bad your music teachers spoiled that for you. I cherish my musical youth as I see you did as well.

So what do you do now? School , work, bummin?
vibraphones eh? sounds like something me and the gf should check out:D

actually, what is a vibraphone? is it anything like a xylaphone? we have a couple of wooden versions that we have picked up along the way and they are fun to play. getting lost in the trance of music is a wonderful experience to be sure. it's basically the only reason i pick up my percussion instruments. maybe i will see if anybody wants play tonite while we have so many people here. I have enough drums, rattles, etc. to supply a small tribe of gypsies:p
Lessthanmighty, please correct me if I botch this up.

They're pretty much the same Ed.
The difference is that the bars of the xylophone are made of wood and the vibraphone are made of metal. The vibe has a sustain pedal like a piano and has a motor that turns metal discs, called pulsators, found under the bars at the openings of the tubes (resonators). The rotation of the pulsators produces a vibrato sound.
Here's a pict I found.


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