Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

lol :p
I did teh walking part too Ed -- before the driving part :p
The walking part was to see spiffy dressed ones the driving was to see the ones excercising lol.

Man -- it's sunday -- I cant believe it .... hey racer can you invert something to freeze time? I dont want it to be monday yet :p
well racer X, I will operate under the assumption you will not be having some sort of an unforeseen event happening every weekend. Sooner or later you will be expected to pull your weight around here:D
Real life excuses will only go so far;)

and as for you Tolya, am glad you did such a thorough job of girl watching. You never told us if there were any that really caught your eye. Are there any you could still describe today? Next time I want a full report. :p

So Phil, did you have a good weekend? It is your turn to give a full report. How were the snow bunnies? Did you wear your elf hat it to impress them?:D

All the major cleaning got done at my house this weekend. All I have to do tomorrow is run the vacuum cleaner. That is a job (but don't buy dope- it just typed that on its own:p ) I don't mind.

There was one that caught my eye while I was browsing through computer books in Border's...nice black haired mediterranean looking girl. I would go as far to say that she was either italian or of italian descent ;-)

schweeeet looking girl:D

too bad you aren't at my house tonight. I have three good looking aussie's spending the night. one is married but her sister and cousin are single. one is in 1st year at "uni" and the other just graduated. we all went out for fish and chips for dinner and talked until just recently. We occassionally have to translate english to english but that can be fun too. I would guess they would be quite interested in an international man of mystery like yourself:D
i expect we are going thru a couple of pots of coffee in the morning.:p

i guess i will keep this short. i don't want phil and racerx pulling a muscle trying to catch up with current;)
send over the siter and the cousin :p
I will decide upon arrival which one suits me best :p

Man I am so tired... thank God that today I dont have classes till 9:00 at night...

I just had an intro to the biggest a$$hole professor there could ever be...but more of that in the Admiral and Ed show...(keeping it simple for the readers ;-) )
well, the aussie lassie's are gone back to the city (SF). My GF took them to the redwoods and then i took them to the tidepools. it was another exceptionally low tide like the last time i went and took pics and shared them. they had a great time with me showing them seals, starfish, urchins, anenomes and more. they all collected a few rocks to take back down under with them. I was kinda sad to see them go. they were both funny and fun. At least i got hugs from all of them. that made me feel good.
unfortunately my pics of them didn't turn out that well. maybe the ones on film will be better. the only real good shot i got was another one of a big anenome.
so what about you guys, have you ever heard of or listened to the Dead Milkmen? or Frank Zappa?:cool:
hmmm when you get the photos scan and email them to me :p -- maybe a reason to visit the sub continent lol ;)

I have no idea who the dead milkmen are :eek:
(do they still deliver ? :p)
he he:p

they have a very exclusive clientelle - Elvis, John Belushi, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa....:D

we'll see how the pics come out. they're probably not your type anyway. they call it wallpaper:eek:

no, really, they used my gf's mac to check their email and thought it was very cool. one of them was very interested in knowing more about macs. we just didn't have the time to go very far into it. she did want to know where we got that "wallpaper". :p

so here is the pic of the anenome -


  • 129025.49-5.jpg
    90.2 KB · Views: 8 me that looked like a coral reef :eek:
Ed... I think everyone has abandoned us ???
what can we do to spice things up in this thread ?
a competition ? Hmmm.... "help Ed with his a test subject" he he ;-) -- maybe we can get phil as a test subject...find out why he has the elfman as an avatar :p
Oh please! I want to be a mental test subject!

I'm going laugh in all of the beta testers faces when they find out that i was actuallly lucky enough to have a catherter insterted into my brain!

Going back to reality....I think no one's joining in because almost everyone here with the exception of mabey 10 people think that you're the ruling class.

I'm sorry, but its just not possible for me to have that much respect for you.:D

If you really want to know why I wear an elf hat:

I helps me contain my brain apparatus for my testing, so if thought you guys were going to be the first students to tap my brain, I'm sorry....

But there's plenty of real estate left!
Maybe you are part of teh ruling class matrix :p he he -- ever think of that ??? ;)

Heck --- how did two years (well 1.5) go by ???
We've been on for what seems for a looong time :rolleyes:

As for the brain apparatus and testing...dont worry, Ed and I have a few 10 inch stainless steel surgical quality needles, we'll just suction out part of your grey matter and analyze it :p

Never thought about it that way admiral. Does bring back memories of the beginning with me, you, VGS, and the others.....

Ed's rather new on the scene but he's made up for that quickly. I little too quickly if you ask me....

Admiral, here's the deal! Ed only wants your IMF agents as a type of gestapo for the community once he performs his coup!

Join with me and we will be able to continue this community as it was ment to be! He may be rapidly approaching your post #, but if we combine our powers we might be able to hold out and think of a new strategy!

I'm depending on you!:eek:
you mentioned frank zappa!!! now you are even cooler in my book.

Have u seen project/object? its an FZ cover project, but it features Ike Willis and Napolen Murphy Brock, so its really authentic. I saw them in NYC for new years, and I'm seeing them again on Feb. 16 here in Baltimore. When I saw them in NYC they also had Don Preston and Bunk Gardener (i believe from the original MOI), so it was like 4 out of the 7 people on stage were original FZ band members! Wow! They did a killer Cosmik Debris :) along with some of his more esoteric stuff, it was a nice range.

If they come to your town, SEE THEM! its amazing to see Ike Willis and doing it after all these years ... after they played Peaches en Regalia, he said something to the effect of "20 years later and its still hard as shit to play!"

thedbp - no i hadn't heard of them but i will surely watch. I spent all night partying with Ike Willis many years ago. He is a great guy!! After the Zappa show at the Agora in Columbus, Ohio, some friends and i went to a disco bar down the street (only place happening that night). In walks Ike and I am the only one who recognizes him. So we get to talking and he leaves with us and goes to another friends house with us. After a couple of hours there, we all head back to his motel room where we stayed till after dawn. Zappa had strict rules about not having his band and crew party so we had to put a towel at the bottom of the door and hide everything anytime there was a knock on the door. those knocks never were anybody but roadies who knew that Ike's room was the place to be:p Turned out we had some mutual friends in LA. I am sure he wouldn't remember me today, but that night is one i will always treasure. Did you know that Ike is "Joe"? It was his garage they played in:cool:
I do miss FZ. I am sure even Tipper Gore must have shed a tear when he died:(
My agents and I take our orders for the big giant head...eerr... I mean from someone higher than Ed he he.

Man --- I am so tired...
interesting thing :
Our german teacher assigned us "new identities" which we did not know, so we had to ask others, that knew who "we were" questions to figure out our new IDs.... she gave me the name "osama bin laden" -- I asked a girl "Am I married" -- she laughed and said "yes, to many and you probably have many kids" -- since I was neither american (could not claim to be that mormon with the many wives) or europeans... osama bin lain came to mind :p

Its the beard lol -- and its not even that long :eek:

I would like to know how a guy who works full time and goes to school part time and doesn't even use osx as his default along with a guy on a lowly imac 400dv who doesn't work and lives off govt. loans while procrastinating his disertation get to be known as the ruling class?:confused: especially when most users on this site have mac-chines that really do make ours look like toys.
if we are the aristocrisy, then this site is in real trouble. :p

we have always been very openly inviting to any and all to stop in and join in banter with us. our only stipulation is that you avoid strict techno babble here. plenty of that elsewhere on the site.

i tend to think of us more like the guys in the castle tower - as long as Admiral and Ed are still posting, the kingdom is safe:rolleyes:

I am not even going to touch the big ed, er i mean big head, in command issue:p

but rest assured that the IMF agents are loyal to the cause, not to any individual. They have been specially trained to withstand the worst of tortures. (forced to listen to 72 straight hours of AK's compilations - he he)

keep in mind Phil, one of those 10" needles will go in one ear and out the other - just like your parents' complaints:D
My friend did some studeies with rats in which he inserted needles of that sort. He flooded there brains with amphetamine and methanphetamine, and he actually proved the meth was stronger, even though it wasn't the choice of drug users. This because the high given by meth was more random, and sometimes dissapointed. The rats had a good time, right up until they got to use the guillotine.

I need one promise from you, and your IMF agents. If youre going to use truth serum on me, at least let me take a ride on the guillotine too?
72 hours are for newbies Ed :p
Usually my Ibiza sessions go on for 96 hours lol (lol lots of food and drink while I mix -- they just have to dance non stop and still keep their whits at the end :p)

One small correction, full time Working
full time student (13+ credits :eek: )
full time international man od mystery
part time OS X user

he he :-)

Ed get cranking on your dissertation!

Ed - So we may not be the ruling class after all. One thing in certain though, this site is in trouble.

When you are finished plotting your revenge on my peacekeeping forces, and thinking of some ingenious way to patch into my television system, so that you can contact me with a ransom message, I'll be ready......

Ed, this site may look like it wont put up a fight, and well... that may be true, but me and herve will never quit, the sheer power of our mind boggling messages will crush your mind, at which point i will pick up the tiny pieces and put them in a garbage can. Or is ther a refund on brains in CA?:D

Haha, i just thought of a lot of possibly offending jokes about California, not that any of them are true, in fact, CA is a very beautiful state.

Ah yes, back to the point. You will have a death by sharp, pointy, nasty teeth!
