Congrats to RacerX

you were having fun? what? is there a troll i don't know about?:D

yes NL baseball is better but DH rules are pretty cool too because you typically get to see some great old player who is extending his career bat instead of the pitcher. But i will admit the twins are hard to get too excited about (have been since Harmon Killebrew retired i think:p )

the giants have just tied things up against the padres in top of the 8th. this is a good game i have on behind me. i can't really say i am watching it since the tv is over my shoulder. but i can hear it all and turn around and watch when it sounds exciting.
well the Giants ended up losing that night. but they are still winning in general.

now what about those lakes and loons?:D

or what about the Chargers drafts? I think they did a pretty good job so far this year. I am so glad that Beathard is gone. Getting an offensive tackle from Nebraska is always a good move. they grow them boys BIG out there.:p
Do you want to know how loonie this place is!

Wednesday we hit 91 degrees here, today it is snowing. :confused:


I need to get back to California!

Bobby Beathard gone? He was the reason Bobby Ross left. Maybe I'll have to start watch football again. :D
doesn't the computer on your car engine just love that rapid fluctuation in weather and temp?:p

watching Chargers Football is one way to help keep your sanity in the Midwest. i also suggest old 'Simon and Simon' reruns:D
Originally posted by RacerX
Do you want to know how loonie this place is!

Wednesday we hit 91 degrees here, today it is snowing. :confused:


I need to get back to California!

Bobby Beathard gone? He was the reason Bobby Ross left. Maybe I'll have to start watch football again. :D

lol that happened here yesterday :p
4 days ago we had 80+ degrees, and yesterday it was snowing, lightly :p ... damn new england weatehr! :p
We had another nice warm day today, and they are talking about snow again later in the week. I am in the wrong state!


(it sure seems like a state of confusion to me :D)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
no, it is La Nina. Everyone knows it is always a woman's fault:D :rolleyes:

La Nina? Is that Mother Nature's real name? :confused:

Anyway, I was setting up a server today and had some time to kill while formatting a couple 80 GB drives, so I set up my PowerBook to access the Internet via their T1. It was really cool (I couldn't do this with my ThinkPad because I didn't have an ethernet connection for it and Rhapsody doesn't work with modems).

This was a great upgrade from the ThinkPad, I can now play Quake II on my PowerBook and I'll most likely install Quake III soon (Omni didn't make versions of them for the Intel version of Rhapsody). To much fun!


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you haven't heard of La Nina? the year after El Nino, we had La Nina. La Nina is much dryer weather than usual with more extremes in temps. the water is colder than normal i believe. basically it was the opposite of el nino in whcih the ocean was warmer, it rained constantly but temps were relatively mild and consistent, and calif. practically shut down because no one can drive when it rains.:D

neither was a whole lot of fun but both were certainly interesting to have lived thru.

glad you are having fun with your new toy. I guess you are finally a big boy now:p

so what do you think, has our buddy matt gotten his balls above his head again or what?:rolleyes:
He really is young, and really does live in a small world. It is funny (sad) that people like that can't let others believe anything different from themselves without it seeming like an attack on their faith.

I have known a lot of people who are that insecure, at first I was always mad at them, then I started to see what a scary world they must live in. To have that much fear is a hard think to imagine. To be so afraid that your beliefs can exist without (or more importantly in spite of) actual facts is so sad.

I really need to send you my copy of Eye in the Sky, it really is a great book.
well, that does shed some insight. being young is a tough thing anyway. being young and fearful is no fun at all. Of course the other extreme, the one i lived, of being young and afraid of almost nothing, is not exactly a smart way to live either. i must say matt's latest revelation about not knowing how moral he would be without the bible was both shocking and enlightening. It is no wonder so many Christians do things that are incongruent with what their religion if they only know their ethics and morals by reading about them.

I am really enjoying ebolag's contributions to the thread and must pay more attention to them. i think sometimes we get so focused on matt that we forget anyone else for a bit. at least i know i have been guilty of that. I made an attempt to correct that tonight.

i don't want to turn this into a little side conversation about others so what about your weather this weekend? it looked very nice, even if just a bit chipper, in the midwest. At least in Cincinatti where the Giants were playing.

I'll bet even a regular footlong burrito would sound good to you about now, eh?
thread inactivity cron job commencing...

Congrats on the new family addition Racer. What's the powerbooks name?

I'm watching and enjoying this resurgence in NeXT/OpenStep in our community. It's wonderful! Kind of like learning about your family tree.
now that's a thread killing post if i ever saw one. nothing but a straight forward reply with a reference to some obscure mathematician.:o :p

so do you get tornados in minn? i understand they have been getting them in the midwest recently.
Nothing wrong with mathematicians Ed...

This John Milnar fellow might be a bit too obscure to really ignite this conversation though. :p

-the valrus