Eh... Apple hyped to much!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by serpicolugnut
You're from Canada?

No wonder you're such an a**hole!

A peesee troll is a peesee troll, be it American, Canadian, British, whatever,
just as a jerk is a jerk, be it American, Canadian, Chineze, whatever.

Don't be so self-absorbed.;)
I'm a twenty plus year veteran of the computer industry, working on everything from Apple ]['s to IBM 3090 mainframes. I now own a TiBook and an iMac (old strawberry) and just bought my significant other an iBook for Christmas. I can honestly say that this TiBook beats the pants off any PC I've ever used. I'm lucky enough to be high enough up the food chain at work that I have the freedom to use my Mac for daily use, the other engineers in the building are often envious.

I'm not anti-pc, I just like things to work when the are supposed to. I have never had to reset this OSX Powered TiBook EVER.

I was watching the MWSF webcast this morning and noticed one of my AOL pals disappeared and then reappeared several minutes later... his first message was "Sorry 'bout that dude, PC crashed."

I rest my case.
It may be some people's OPINION that the original iMac wasn't so great, but that's like saying the VW wasn't so great of a car. It was a cool car, it did what was asked of it and people loved them.

I have my G4 at work for doing my real production work, but at home I've got my iMac. It is my favorite all-time computer. Not because it is the most powerful (it's not), but simply because of the joy it brings me as it sits there in near total silence and does all I ask of it without complaint.

This new iMac is defintely in the love it or hate category as far as looks. But we all had these exact same arguments with the first one. Without question, the original Mac went on to influence every conceivable aspect of consumer design from George Foreman grills to calculators. This new iMac willd o the same. I guaran-damn-tee you that in six months you'll start seeing a whole buttload of things with articulated arms and/or hemispherical bases.

Another point. As much as it irks me, this little bugger (the new iMac) is as good or better than all but the very high end PowerMac line. I can only assume this means sometime (sooner than later I hope) the pro end will get some kind of boost. Apple can't possibly believe that the pro end (myself) will buy this new iMac for production work. Not because it's not fast enough, but it's still not expandable enough. I need multiple monitors for one thing.

Finally. Without dispute the original iMac was a smash hit. This is not arguable by any reasonable degree of sanity. You can dislike it all you want, but 6 million boxes from a single supplier is astonishing, especially given its controversial design. I remember when it first came out, I was like, crap, I'm forced to live with its monitor, and no floppy and no SCSI, etc. I haven't used a floppy since the iMacs arrived, they really are useless nowadays. The monitor is respectable, if smallish, OK for office type work. I phased out my SCSI stuff. iMac wins. No w with this new one, we'll finally be able to play some of the more demanding games even. Nice.
i've got a PC with TONS of room for expandibility... but all i've ever done was add RAM...

and you wouldn't have to buy a new mac each year... they are more efficient and last longer than PC's... a mac won't go obsolete for a long time...

my friend with an original bondi-blue 333 MHz iMac runs all current apps perfectly!

my friend that has a Gateway 400 MHz can barely run Windows XP... 384 MB of RAM (max for his computer)... he had to take it off because it was so slow...

wow, your friend can run Mac OS X on that 333mhz so wonderfully eh? must be a magic IMAC.

I am running XP as a server with a cel 300mhz @ 450mhz with 514MBs ram

super stable, I guess your friend is a screw up, if that friend exists in the first place
yes.. he does exist... he just bought a new Dell Dimension 4100s @ 1.4 GHz with XP Pro and 256 MB of RAM... I helped him with his purchase...

and i didn't try to get him to buy a mac... he only uses his computer to play a game called Ultima Online ( which is only on the PC platform... and if it was for mac, his parents wouldn't get it because they have no experience in it and they don't like anything different (this is the main reason they haven't bought a new TV since 1993... getting them to buy a new computer was a 3 month process of begging and persuation)
Step 1, find the Caps Lock key and turn it off.

Step 2, reduce the crack you are smoking and come to realize that both Macs and PC's have their advantages.

Step 3, stop talking about Apple like you are on a peer to peer basis with them until you too have sold 6 million of something.

I'm not saying that Apple or the iMac is perfect, but there's no reason to come in here and share your ass with everyone. Try looking at and showing the bright side. Like this...

Apple is on the bleeding edge of design. Everyone benefits from Apple's design, most other companies benefit from Apple's design without having to spend a dollar on R&D. If it weren't for Apple, PC's would still look like DOS. And even less innovation would be made in case design. Everyone's keyboard would still be PS2, there'd be way fewer USB things sold, and if you think USB 2 is cool, that never would have come to fruition without having to compete with Firewire. If you don't like the all in one design, don't buy one. I too have not bought one largely for this reason At the same time, it's a sweet design for certain uses, and we'll see how much that outweighs it's lack of internal expansion.

PC users crack me up, they always yell about how macs aren,t expandable, and then can't wrap their heads around my external scsi drive that I use with my laptop(s) and desktops since 1997, or how I could have had 2 mice attached at the same time in 1996, or how I drag and drop things between mac and PC environments on my two monitors.

Everone is a hypocrite, and everyone is either on one side of the mac fence or the other, and everyone has THE best computer they could get. (Try convincing them otherwise) In the end, there's nothing but good that comes out of this experiment whether it succeeds or fails. The point is to have tried. So you too should try.

It occurs to me ever so clearly now that one cannot ask certain people to self moderate. The resultantly glaring omission of a feature in vBulletin which runs these boards is the inability to just ignore posts from certain usernames. We are given certain freedoms on the assumption that we will self moderate. After failure to do so, there needs to be a mechanism for enforcing moderation.

And now in a futile attempt to return to topic, yeah, I think Apple poured on the hype a little thick if this is the extent of the announcements from them for this event. They could have at least qualified their statement of "Going where no PC has gone before" with the answer of "Your living room." Because really, that's where I see this computer belonging. wireless keyboard and pointing device seem almost mandatory for how I envision its use.
Not all Canadians are "a**holes". Some good examples are... The rock group, Barenaked Ladies. Sarah McLaughlan. Jim Carrey... and I believe there are many Saturday Night Live graduates that are canadian...
a round of applause follows theeds post.

but theed, you can choose to ignore anyone you want by clicking on their profile, scroll to bottom and clicking on 'add soandso to your ignore list'

poof. they should disappear from your world.

but that would be a shame somehow. give some credit where credit is due. manicpcman has just inspired you to write that wonderful reply that all your true peers will find entertaining and inspiring. He brought that out of you.
now what he brought out of blingbling was not so pretty. but it was still real. perhaps it will make blingbling more self aware and aid in his maturing more rapidly. i have a funny feeling blingbling is going to be quite an adult someday.

and folks, if you don't understand how inflation and the value of the dollar works, take a course in economics. it is too complicated to go into here but simplified it boils down to the fact that canada has a higher rate of inflation. the exchange rate balances this. in the end, the same relative value should be payed in either country. with canada it is somewhat of a different situation than europe where mac prices seem to reflect a true higher price.
Originally posted by ManicDVLN

which is presumably why everyone stopped buying new cars and tvs.

What false way of thinkin, TVs and cars don't need to be changed EACH YEAR.

Cars last for many many years, so do TVs, they don't need to be upgraded cause performance and SOFTWARE changes ARE NOT ESSENTIELS FOR THESE PRODUCTS!

A computer needs to be updated ALOT, as we move into the future, apps, games and OSes needs more and more power to work properly.

The computer industry walks at a very very fast pace, next year your new IMAC won't be worth squat.

I wonder what the resale value of a G4 cube is...

Now be quiet
manic, i'm guessing that more and more will be quiet in response to your posts. but i will reply to this last one because it was your original thoughts with no slandering remarks.

1st - some people do replace cars every year. others every other year. more every three years. and folks like me drive 'em into the ground first.
2nd - people are also buying new tv's and vcr's more often thanthey used to. the technology is starting to move forward at faster rates than ever before - mostly because of the rate of progression in the computer industry. people buy new tv's and computers when they want one that will do things they want that their old one did not. or the old one breaks. my mom is till using the same tv from when i was 25. she has been thru 3 vcr's in that time. she and my stepdad are considering tivo or ultimate tv but it would not work on her old hookup. so now they are the decision making crossroad. what they decide will be the result of their figuring out what they want more. familiarity and no cash outlay, or advanced features. this has always been the reasoning that people use when buying or upgrading their computers.

so the analogies are very close, not absurd as you suggest.:cool:
I don't buy that, most people sell their cars every 4-6 years, if you sell your car each year, glad you can afford it, but not the average joe.

The only reason TVs are being sold faster currently is because we are in a transition periode of DVDs and HDTV capabilities.

In 1990s and 1980s TVs were pretty much the same each year, so there was no need to change anything.

At the end, apple machines like the new IMAC is not a long term solution for a cost effective price. I gurantee you next year IMAC, same people who are now chanting for the IMAC will want the new product.

But this is terrible, not everyone can change at this fast rate.

It's like changing Game console every year (buy new perhiperals, Software, addons)

Next year, New game console, you start again.

Even the console industry is steady, every 4-5 years new consoles from each console manufacturer.

PS2 is winning currently, because it released its console 1 year faster than nintendo, microsoft and sega. (Btw, i'ma nintendo fan)

Yeah some people will buy a new console, some people just cant afford another one.

We're not talking about much moeny here, consoles caust a few 100$.

A new IMAC is costing from 1300$ to 1800$ It's crazy. It's more of a luxury item than an essential machine.

I see the new IMAC like a gaming console cause its so similar.

I hope Steve Jobs will stick with this NEW MODEL for a long time and not "revolutionize" next year with something else.

Why fix it when it ain't broke? Well in the G4 cube's case .... :P
you know i agree with every thing you just said!!
except that i still say this is happening just as fast in the pc world. my stepdad's custom built pc is only 4 yrs old. it was kick ass when he got it. now it can barely run any new software. for him this is probably going to be fine for a few more years at least. maybe forever since he is retired and doesn't really 'need' the computer to do much more.
but most people are needing to replace those 4 yo machines right now to do what they want. and so they should. because they can get more now for less than they payed back then. same with macs. and in another 4-6 years, we will all go thru it again. you like cheaper, i like macs. it's ok. really it is.
Not really, since with PCs you can just replace the hardware part that you need to run whatever that is required for you to continue. That;s so good about PCs.

I have an old celeron 300mhz@ 450mhz and a Motherboard.

As i upgraded my other computer, I used the parts of my second computer to make a new computer of the celeron.

Now it has 512MBs of SDRAM, a TNT 2 Ultra, Sound Blaster AWE 64, a 40 GIG HD, and my old Flat monitor.

I use it as a SERVER running XP.

Works great.

You can't do that with a MAC, you just have to buy a new one to run new apps.

And frankly Macs seem to be at change OVERALL quickly than PCS.

Mac OS X is more power hungry than most PC oses.

Mac OS X is stable sure, thats great, cause its apples own damn OS.

XP is also amazingly stable, and it runs on almost all PCs, OLD or NEW (constituting all parts being current or old). It's faster than Win2k and it has more support and features than OS X and its easer to use than OS X overall.

PCs are like legos, you can build whatever you want, the variations are limitless. It's a good feeling when you have built your own PC, and say I made this PC. It's like being a Doctor. If something goes wrong, you pretty much know what, since you know what kind of stuff is in your box.

You don't like the case or the color, something aesthetically not comfortable with you? Fine, change the case, mod it, do anyhting you want.

Macs you cant do any of these things. YOu just have to buy a new one.

You see why I say Macs are like gamjing consoles? They cannot be changed, you pay for what you get, even though what you pay for is not much. There just too expensive.
if we're happy with our macs, we're happy people! we don't need to change anything one bit. our macs last us long enough so that we don't have to upgrade every time "the next best thing" comes out.

if we feel that our mac has done it's worth, we have the right to buy new computers... whether it be MAC or PC platform, but people that really enjoy their Mac experience usually go back to what makes them happy, just like PC users that are happy with their PC experience, usually go back to the PC platform.

i on the other hand have hated my PC experience. frequent crashes and unstable hardware/software have made it hell on earth (and yes, i've had XP, and right now i'm using Win2000, so don't tell me that it will help because frankly, it really hasn't.) That is why I purchased the new iMac on Monday. It is the real digital hub... where else can doing things like that be so easy (and don't even say XP... it's video editing program sucks, has no native DVD burning support, it's Photo program wasn't very good, and Windows Media Player is good for those who have the time to sort through that unorganized media list, i didn't...)

so really, it all boils down to the consumer. if they feel that they need expandibility, they can either get a PowerMac or go for the PC platform. if they don't, the iMac is a perfect choice! although FireWire and USB is good for expandibility in my opinion...
I am using a Pmac 8500/120 running Mac OS X Server v1.2 with the most recent apache. CPU is from ~1995 and the OS is roughly 1999. It's a great server. I did have a third party G3 CPU upgrade in it putting at 340MHz, but took that out and employed it elsewhere because web serving just doesn't require that much processor power. Admittedly that machine was meant to be expandable, but it's in very much it's original config right now with a larger faster HD instead of its original, and more RAM. I could do the same with an iMac or a cube.

As for the resale price of a cube, last time I checked on eBay they were reselling for about the same price as they were new because the demand is so great compared to the supply.

PC66 is not PC100 is not 133 is not DDR is not RamBus.
Processors are not simply processors, clock multipliers are limited, pinouts change, ramdom hardware conflicts occur,
DB% is not PS2 is not USB is not serial
power supply and cooling requirements change.

Really, if you consider the time you put into changing the parts and how much your time is worth per hour, all in one boxes begin to make a lot of sense. Just like paying for an OS that works may make more sense than hacking one together that doesn't yet work for you, or writing one yourself.

I find that one of the primary yet undiscussed differences between Mac and PC users is what kind of dollar value they each put on their time.

My mom's rev a iMac now has 512 Meg of Ram, runs X.1, and serves her needs better than it did when it originally shipped. I don't remember if I gave her a new HD.