Forget the iWalk, this is what Apple is releasing (with proof)

Let's all guess the slogans that Apple will put on it's website to hype for MacWorld at T-4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 days! :)

T-4 days: "You won't believe your eyes. You'll do a double-take."
hmmm, i wonder where all the windows' people are tonite? could it be they are afraid to jump in without a "we've already got one of those and ours is bigger than yours" comment. or maybe a "macs are for kids" rant. could it be they don't know how to handle all this enthusiasm?

I haven't seen a single post by any of them all night.:p
After watching all three of those movies I am now as giddy as a schoolgirl just like everyone else!!!!!
Ok, I've watched all the videos and scrutinized the photos. It's the real deal Holyfield, and I'm willing to put up the cold hard cash. Who wants to bet me? Proceeds going to Press3...??? Any takers?
Originally posted by simX
Let's all guess the slogans that Apple will put on it's website to hype for MacWorld at T-4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 days! :)

T-4 days: "You won't believe your eyes. You'll do a double-take."

T-5 = Beyond the rumor sites. Way beyond.
T-4 = Dammit dammit dammit. Nevermind, just go to the rumor sites.
I have enough pocket space for ONE more gadget. When I replace my aging Palm III, I want a PDA that also does music... I don't want 2 gadgets. I want one ubergadget.

The iPod is great. Would love to have one. Won't buy one though.

The iWalk, if real (have serious doubts, check the sayhello movie and look carefully at the screen, it looks like a fake because of how the image shifts), will be unbearably cool BUT if it doesn't have a few gig of storage and iPod-like audio capabilites I am not interested.

(why might the iWalk be real? Big screen, not pocket-sized, looks expensive...! many of the Newton mistakes repeated. THAT really sounds like Apple to me. Apple couldn't make a $200 PDA in a zillion years, and I think that is an important target to hit if they want a runaway hit. But I digress.)

Again, I have the space and budget for ONE gadget. Not two.

Put one of those tiny 5GB drives in the iWalk, give it music capabilities and charge more for it... Then I would be happy. (well, charging less would be OK too but with the iPod at $400, it's not gonna happen. the iWalk will be at least $600 if it has good storage, maybe $500 otherwise.)

(yeah, I said Apple should put out a $200 PDA and I contradicted myself saying what I wanted would be more expensive... indulge me.)

And as cool as the iWalk would be I have serious concerns about how much software there would be for it. There is a LOT of good software for the PalmOS, much of it free. The Apple world doesn't have the same committment to freeware, and that is important to me. There are also just not as many developers. Now, if the iWalk had a PalmOS emulator... that would be outstanding!

OK, enough idle speculation... back to counting the minutes until Macworld. I may sound like a grinch but I still love Apple and look forward to every new product.
4 Days Left...

It's Like a Backstage Pass to the Future

So.......... this means that lots of stuff will be announced... but will not be available.
vegemite: Ever heard of cargo pants? :D Use THOSE to store all of your upcoming Apple digital hub devices. :)

Seriously, though, if you think about it, Apple could release an iWalk for $399 and have it be reasonable and still not compete with the iPod. First: the iPod is geared toward the audiophile. And it has plenty of space, a fast connection, and a simple interface. As far as I can tell, it's a hit.

Now if you had a PDA that also had the iPod music capabilities, it wouldn't make sense, even if it WAS priced at $700 or so (which would definitely be a mistake). No, Apple wouldn't do this. What Apple would do is introduce a $399 PDA that works in tandem with the iPod and your Mac. It would probably have much less storage space, but have all the cool wireless connection and firewire transfer gadgetry added into it as well as Mac OS X 2Go (Heh, I stole that from some other site. Sosumi.) . And this is a perfect strategy.

I agree the videos make it look big, but that might not necessarily be a bad thing. Since it supposedly, from those videos, can make it so the screen can be either used vertically or horizontally, it would be easy to handle even if it is big. I still think it might fit into a pocket... and even if it couldn't you could still stash it in your briefcase or your purse, and it wouldn't lose any capabilities. It might not be as convenient, but if it does have a web browser and some kick-ass software pre-installed on it, I'm sure it could fly just like the iPod is.

Furthermore, Apple doesn't NEED to market these devices to Windows users. Apple has survived with a market share of 5% for a LONG time, even if it has had its share of bumpy rides. These are designed to be used by Mac users, for Mac users. Windows people? Tough luck. You want to reap the benefits of all the Mac-only digital hub devices? Then you've got to get a Mac. There are MILLIONS of Mac users out there, and if Apple sells the iWalk or the iPod to a small fraction of them, Apple will make money. The point of these devices is to lure the Windows people over to the Mac, since it's obviously better anyway! :D

Any thoughts?

So let's see:

T-7: "This one is big. Even by our standards."
T-6: "Count the days. Count the minutes. Count on being blown away."
T-5: "Beyond the rumor sites. Way beyond."
T-4: "It's like a backstage pass to the future."

I've memorized them so far!
Gee, some of the replies to the iWalk over at Macslash are getting a bit stropy. The posts are going along the line of "This better not be real!! because if it Steve Jobs needs to be sacked".. and "How is this 'big' - it's nothing".

Well.. i don't know. What do people want!?!? I think releasing a PDA (If it's true) is huge!! That's much better than I was expecting. GO APPLE!!!

gee hopes it's true...
OMG I can't believe no one thought of this before!

You know what would be huge, and would appease anyone? Apple includes wireless, 2 button with a scroll wheel, optical mice with all new Macs. The new Apple Pro^3 (pronounced: pro cubed) mouse.

Hell no, wireless mice are a pain in the arse, forever changing batteries :( Maybe if they came with a spare rechargeable battery and recharger. It'd be nice to see a two button apple mouse though, was just about to buy an intellieye.
Man, think about it, of course they will be powered over USB or Firewire.


:D :D

sorry, couldn't resist....what was that about a sarcasm miley???
Okay, I think I clearly have a proof that the iWalk video is a fake.

Open the "" video.

Go to the point where they turn this apple-wheel-thing. The finger comes close, TOUCHES the wheel but at the same time, is kinda "under" the wheel, the wheel itself is NOT moving, allthough the finger clearly touches. The finger also doesn't cast a shadow or a reflection or anything on the wheel, and then, the very next frame, the finger is OVER the wheel, the wheel spun 45° degress and the finger casts a doesn't look real....

here are the two frames, next to each other in the timeline. Where is the finger on the first frame under? There has to be a gap between the scroll thing and the case...but there is none on the other shots
(give me two minutes to upload ;)
Is this something or what... ???

I was surfing the Mac webpage.(when u click the Macworld logo at the beginning).

a window pops up and says this is a must see even bla bla bla... i close it. then i browse the link : Show Attractions. This brings me to another site. I scroll down and click "Sponsors & Supporters" (hoping to find some evidence on what they are bringing.

a list pops up.... "Flagship Sponsors". I scroll down and find a link : "Pen Computing" i click it and a site comes up...!!!!

visit it!!!!!! :) ;) :) I think they are presenting a Palm or something like that....

See 4 ur self!!!
T-minus 4 days and counting...
It's like a backstage pass to the future.

now... something huge and revolutionary is coming... it's definite...
This damn thing is a fake.
I can't believe how many people are falling for it.
The handwriting movie is the clincher.
As mentioned before the movie moves but the text doesn't.
got caught up in the posts and forgot what this thread was for.
I think the picture is not a newton and has some promise.